As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the audience fell on Luo Xuan’s master and apprentice.

In the past, even if Luo Xuan was in the front, he could sit in the outer hall like them; Now, he has really begun to jump out of this circle and enter the core layer of the Intercept Sect.

This is not only because the position of listening to the Dao has changed, but it also means that his status has changed, and he is put in the heart of the Master Tongtian Sect Leader.

From then on, Luo Xuan’s treatment in the Truncated Sect was really different from theirs.

For a time, this psychological gap made the immortals of the sect have mixed feelings.

Some are envious, some are jealous, some are happy, some are indifferent, some are unwilling ….

All kinds of emotions, and so on.

Thinking that these were all because Luo Xuan accepted a good disciple, it must be that Su Jili was favored by the Tongtian Sect Leader, and he was a disciple ghost, and there was a qualitative difference in treatment, and their gazes looking at Su Jili suddenly became extremely complicated.

“Disciple Luo Xuan (Apprentice Su Jili) thanks Master (Master Zu) for his compassion.”

Ignoring the gazes of the immortals, Luo Xuan’s master and apprentice turned a blind eye, and after excitedly saluting the Lord of Tongtian Sect, he immediately got up and followed the Water and Fire Boy into the inner hall.

The layout of the inner hall is not much different from the outer hall, but there is an additional layer of decoration, and various avenue runes are engraved around it, and the innate aura and holy charm are more abundant and easier to make people realize.

Another point is that the futons in the inner temple are particularly different, they are made of innate spiritual roots and leaves, and each futon is an acquired ultimate spiritual treasure, sitting on it to clear the mind and concentrate on it, blessing understanding, external objects do not disturb, internal evil does not give birth.

After respectfully saluting, Luo Xuan’s master and apprentice sat on the periphery of the immortals in the inner hall, they came late, their seniority was shallow, their cultivation was low, and they naturally understood the rules.

Above the cloud, the Tongtian Sect Leader’s gaze towards Su Jili was full of appreciation, and the high-ranking members of the Sect such as the Duo Bao Daoist also smiled at Luo Xuan’s apprentice.

When the immortals sat down, the Tongtian Sect Lord exhaled and began to preach.

The sage’s sermons are naturally extraordinary, the heavens and the earth have a feeling, the mysterious Taoist sound interprets infinite visions, the golden flowers fall from the sky, the golden lotus surges from the ground, and there are all kinds of divine beasts condensed by the supreme Dao rhyme, dancing their claws, spreading their wings and soaring, and making roars and hisses that reach the heart of the Dao.

A vast avenue long river rushing in the entire Biyou Palace, vast, every drop of water is a trace of the law of the avenue, mysterious and profound, the long river is unpredictable, sometimes condensed into a majestic sacred mountain, sometimes gathered into a thousand zhang divine sword, sometimes gathered into a magnificent starry sky…

Above the futon, all the immortals listened mesmerized.

Everyone wanders in the long river of the avenue to understand the truth of heaven and earth as much as possible, gain insight into the true meaning of the avenue, and control the essence of supernatural powers.

The same goes for Sugili.

He was immersed in the avenue, and the Yuan God desperately comprehended the truth of heaven and earth, and the golden immortal Qingyun appeared above his head, and the golden wheel of merit also emerged, hanging down the mysterious golden light and blessing understanding.

Because of this, his speed and degree of comprehension of the Dao were not under the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

The content of the main sermon of Tongtian Sect covers all aspects, including sword path, formation path, instrument path, dan way, talisman path, creation, stars, five elements, flesh, three talents, yin and yang, etc., which have both great principles and various magical powers.

Su Jili is like a sponge of lack of water and does not refuse to come from all kinds of truths, but he can clearly distinguish the main and secondary, and spend the most effort on the five elements, stars, creation, formation path, dan road, etc., and other truths can comprehend nature is the best, if not, he will not force it.

Unfortunately, his cooking path is too unique, even the saint does not know much, can only rely on his own comprehension, even so, the Five Elements Avenue also makes him see the road ahead of the Stove Avenue more thoroughly, plus other avenues to reason, touch the bypass, Sujili Road traveled thousands of miles, soon stepped through the late Golden Immortal, towards the Golden Immortal Perfection.

At the same time, his body subconsciously absorbed the golden lotus condensed by innate aura, and “Eight Nine Xuangong” also operated unconsciously when listening to the way of the flesh, and when adding the way of the stars, the trajectory of the micro-starry sky inside the Yuan God was more mysterious.

As a result, Sujili’s mana, flesh body and Yuan God rose in the subtle, and his cultivation soon increased to the late Golden Immortal period, and the foundation and realm were extremely stable, and the physical body and Yuan God were gradually strengthened.


Jinao Island, Biyou Palace.

Not only Su Jili is improving, the aura around his body is becoming more and more mysterious, and other Jijiao Immortals have also grown significantly.

Even an existence like Luo Xuan who had already reached the extreme of the Taiyi Golden Immortal had a deeper foundation, a more thorough understanding of the avenue he had cultivated, a wider range of knowledge, and a more handy and freewheeling power.

Five hundred years later, Sujili Dao climbed to the extreme of the Golden Immortal.

Seven hundred years later, Sujili cultivated to the Golden Immortal Perfection.

Since then, like the Taiyi Golden Immortal, he has a deeper foundation, and there is no sign of another breakthrough, obviously his cultivation has fallen into a bottleneck, and his accumulation is insufficient, and it is difficult to achieve the Taiyi Golden Immortal through this sermon.

Even so, Su Jili still completely defeated the third generation of disciples of the Intercept Sect, even if some of the second generation of the Intercept Sect disciples were slightly inferior to him.

What’s more, the east is not lit and the west is bright.

Although it is difficult to make progress in cultivation for the time being, Sugili has made rapid progress in other areas.

“Eight Nine Xuangong” was practiced by him to the fourth turn of perfection, and he could dominate the Golden Wonderland with his physical body alone, and he even figured out a lot of change techniques.

The way of the stars also entered the hall, and the Yuanshen Star Method was slightly effective, although the realm of the Yuanshen was not as good as cultivation, but it also reached the peak of the late Golden Immortal.

The way of the stove is incompatible, and Sujili’s attainments in the way of creation and the dan path are also getting deeper and deeper, barely reaching the realm of Xiaocheng.

The way of formation is increasing day by day, he is already talented in this area, and now he is catching up with some of the second-generation disciples of the Intercept Sect, although it is temporarily not comparable to the Ten Heavenly Monarch of the Intercept Sect, but it should be regarded as the first column under them.

The Tongtian Sect Lord’s lecture this time is a thousand years.

A thousand years later, he stopped preaching, closed his eyes and sat cross-legged, and fugue was too empty.

A hundred years later, the Jiao Immortals woke up one after another.

Su Jili also opened his eyes, and his eyes were full of ups and downs.

He benefited greatly from preaching for thousands of years, saving thousands of years of hard work.

It is not unreasonable for a saint disciple to be ahead of other living beings, to be superior among his peers, and even to catch up with some of the elders’ power, and the benefit of a saint’s sermon alone is enough to crush most of the opportunities in the flood famine.

Next, it was the Tongtian Sect Master who answered the cultivation problems for the disciples of the Sect, and it was still the Duo Bao Dao people who took the lead.

When it was Luo Xuan’s turn, Su Jili ended the act of refining the Spiritual Qi Golden Lotus and began to listen.

He had already completed the Golden Immortal, and the sage answered some questions of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, and he could barely understand some.

Listening carefully will make him less detours in his future path.

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