East China Sea, unnamed Immortal Island.

Ao Ling and the Qingyi Fairy were stunned.

There are many magical techniques in the flood and wilderness, especially the forces that have been passed down for a long time, and there are strong people who can deduce the ins and outs of things through cause and effect.

They guessed that the person who came may have some origin, otherwise, they would not be afraid of cause and effect, and did not hesitate to kill the ink-clothed youth with the support of the Terran race.

But they never imagined that the Daoist in front of them was actually a sect immortal or a god of heaven and earth!

Especially Ao Ling was even more stunned!

Unlike the Qingyi female fairy who is only a scattered immortal, she is from the East Sea Dragon Clan, with deep heritage, broad knowledge, and knows many existences in heaven and earth, and Vesta God Sujili is one of them.

He was a disciple of Immortal Luoxuan in the Flame of the Truncated Sect.

He is the first disciple of the three generations of the Truncated Sect.

It is the Divine Monarch of the Heavenly Court Five Pins Commanding Stove Mansion.

He is a culinary ancestor recognized by the Renzu Flintstones.

It was even valued by the Sect Saint Tongtian Sect Lord, and successively gave several innate spiritual treasures.

Because of this, this sect master disciple frequently appeared in his father’s mouth, and he was afraid that these dragon sons and grandchildren would inadvertently offend him.

The next moment, Ao Ling immediately pulled the Qingyi fairy to salute.

“I don’t know if it is the god of Vesta who comes, and I hope that God will forgive sins.”

With a wave of his sleeve, he shot a mana to lift the two women up, and Su Jili’s gaze fell on the Qingyi fairy again.

The Qingyi Fairy is a subordinate Heavenly Spirit Root Qingli Salt Skin Tree in the form of a scattered immortal, helpless, and now has the opportunity to join the Vesta God, and is involved with the Sect in disguise, she can’t ask for it.

“Qingli is willing to join the Vesta God Heavenly Palace and follow the God Monarch, and she will do her best to live up to the expectations of the God Monarch.”

Seeing the god representing saltiness in place, Sujili suddenly smiled.

Only then did he have the mind to inquire about the ins and outs of what happened just now and satisfy his curiosity.

As Ao Ling narrated and Qingli added, Sujili gradually understood what happened.

It turned out that the ink-clothed young man was the illegitimate son of an elder of the East Sea Dragon Palace, because his mother was a black snake, so his bloodline was not pure, and he was just an ink jiao when he was born, and he was not allowed to be valued by his biological father, and he was left to fend for himself.

Because of this, the ink-clothed young man has been inferior and sensitive since he was a child, and even more so when he grew up, he later left the Dragon Palace and disappeared, and did not return to the Dragon Palace until a hundred years ago, and did not communicate with people, and his personality was still withdrawn.

I thought that as before, I couldn’t imagine that he secretly defected to the Outer Sea Dragon Clan, and this time he returned to go undercover, capture a dragon princess and go back to the prince of the Scorpion to reproduce heirs, and give birth to a powerful Scorpion with a true dragon bloodline, so as to further optimize the descendants of the Scorpion.

And Ao Ling was unlucky and sneaked out to play, only to be targeted by the ink-clothed youth.

Qingli is Ao Ling’s friend, and they have known each other for thousands of years.

As for the Heavenly Spirit Treasure used by the ink-clothed youth, it was left behind after his mother’s fall.

All the puzzles are solved, and Sujili leaves with Qingli.

And Ao Ling had sent a message to the East Sea Dragon Palace as early as the end of the battle, and now the people of the Dragon Palace were almost here.

Since he had no fear of his life, he naturally did not escort.


After bidding farewell to Ao Ling.

Sujili returns to Fire Dragon Island with the five flavored gods.

Thirty years later, Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East Sea, personally brought Ao Ling to the door to thank him and send a generous gift.

In addition to a large number of heavenly materials and earth treasures, there is also a congenital Spirit Root and an innate Spirit Treasure.

“The little girl is stubborn, she left the palace privately, accidentally encountered the scum of the dragon clan, and was almost fierce, and the sheep fell into the mouth of the tiger and fell into the hands of thieves.”

“Thanks to Vesta’s mercy and rescue, she survived.”

“Ao Guang is here to thank the god of Vesta for saving his life.”

“These thin gifts are the wishes of the old dragon, and I hope that the god of Vesta can accept them.”

Looking at the generous gift in front of him, and then at Ao Guang, whose posture was lowered, Su Jili couldn’t help but admire that this East Sea Dragon King did indeed have two brushes.

Putting aside the strength of the peak of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, the ability to communicate alone should not be underestimated.

Not only is his mind exquisite, he can flex and stretch, his tongue is bright and lotus, and he is willing to give up, and his long-sleeved dancing skills are not inferior to Taibai Jinxing.

These two innate things are proof of this, and they were sent to Sujili’s heart.

The lower grade innate spirit root is called Nine Zhuan Zulong Pepper.

It sounds similar to the Nine-Leaf Dragon Pepper, but in fact, there is indeed a connection between the two spirit roots.

The nine-leaf dragon pepper evolved by chance after the red pepper spirit root was contaminated with the blood of the five-clawed golden dragon’s heart, and the same is true of the nine-turn ancestral dragon pepper, the difference is that the latter is the first pepper tree in heaven and earth that was inadvertently contaminated with the blood of the ancestral dragon’s heart.

It blooms for a thousand years, bears fruit in a thousand years, matures for a thousand years, and can only be picked for three thousand years, and the fruit is extremely spicy, as strong as the Taiyi Golden Immortal are a little unbearable, and may get rid of the cold poison in the world.

And the top-grade innate spirit treasure is called the Eight Desolate Xuan Fire Seal, which contains endless heavenly dragon true fire, and can release eight fire dragon assists, powerful and terrifying, this treasure was originally held by a Da Luo Golden Immortal of the Dragon Clan in ancient times, but the other party has long fallen in the war of the three races, and has been stored in the Dragon Clan Treasury since then, and was only taken out by Ao Guang today.

“The Dragon King is too humble, but this generous gift is a poor way to take advantage.”

For these two innate things, Sujili could not refuse at all and accepted them generously.

He has completed the Golden Immortal and wants to prepare for the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Since it was decided to base on the five flavors, it was imperative to create the method of condensing the five qi of the Kitchen Dao and collect the innate five flavors.

This Nine Turns Ancestral Dragon Pepper came at the right time, which could help him collect the spiciness of the innate five flavors and help him condense the first five qi.

As for the Eight Desolate Xuanhuo Seal, Su Jili does not need it for the time being, but Master Luo Xuan needs it, this time to meet the master’s karma has greatly decreased, and there is a little more Zhongzheng and pure qi in the breath, and he has the true appearance of a Dao Immortal

After listening to the sermon this time, the master has gained a lot, and it is estimated that he will soon prepare for the impact of the Da Luo Golden Immortal, and if he has the help of this innate spirit treasure, it will make his old man more confident.

Of course!

Ao Guang prepared such a generous gift, not only to thank him, but also to make good friends, especially for the purpose of investing in him.

Whether it is Ao Guang or Sujili, they are well aware of this and know it tacitly.

I thought that this matter would end here, but I didn’t expect that Ao Guang would speak again.

“Little girls have always loved food and love cooking.”

“The fact that the god king can save the little girl shows that you have a fate.”

“The old dragon has a reluctant request, hoping that the god king can accept the little girl, let her enter the Vesta God Heavenly Palace, and make a god for the god king.”

“If she can achieve something in the method of spiritual cooking, it is also her creation.”


Ao Guang bowed and saluted.

Su Jili naturally couldn’t make Ao Guang worship.

Not to mention that Ao Guangxiu is higher than him and is a Taiyi Golden Immortal, let’s say that in the status of the Heavenly Court, the other party is also a prince.

Ao Ling’s qualifications are good.

The dragons are also rich.

Plus Sujili just received a heavy gift, it’s really hard to refuse.

What’s more, the dragons give too much.

In the name of learning art, he gave another innate Lingbao, and it was an innate kitchenware.

This is a special move!

In the end, Su Jili naturally accepted Ao Ling.


ps: Thank you to the Devil Lord for the big 100 point reward, and thank God for the big 588 point tip.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)


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