
The sixty-first thunder was terrifying.

Heaven and earth seemed to be raining thunderstorms, each drop of rain was the size of a zhang, and it fell densely towards Luo Xuan, and as a result, they were all blocked by the Heaven and Earth Fire Dragon Array.

Between the operation of one hundred and eight Star Fire Dragon Balls, endless star heavenly fire and thunder collided violently, and a terrifying explosion occurred, and the entire firmament shook.


The sixty-second thunder followed, not giving Luo Xuan the slightest chance to breathe, rushing down like a flood, and the massive thunder gathered into a vast thunder river, washing everything along the way, even the void seemed to be shattered, and many spatial cracks appeared.

Luo Xuan’s whole body was wrapped in dragon balls, at this moment, he was the largest dragon ball, the eye of the formation, the center of heaven and earth, especially after he held the Innate Spirit Treasure Eight Desolate Xuan Fire Seal, it made the power of the large array skyrocket.

All this happened between the electric flint, the sixty-second thunder and the large array suddenly collided together, bursting out of brilliant light, the clicking sound was endless, and each dragon ball began to crack, but in the end, it did not break, carrying this wave of thunder.

The robbery cloud was unprecedentedly thick, so low that it was almost within reach, everything around him became dull, silent as if it were death, and even Luo Xuan’s mood was affected, becoming extremely melancholy and heavy, but this did not affect his response to the thunder calamity.

All the dragon balls are under its control, as if a hundred rivers return to the sea, all poured into Luo Xuan’s body, his strength soared wildly, the coercion became stronger and stronger, as if it turned into a large array itself, and various mysterious patterns appeared on his body, and then, he once again cast three heads and six arms, holding all kinds of extremely high-quality Houtian Lingbao or Innate Lingbao, and took the initiative to rush to the clouds, wanting to turn defense into attack.

Luo Xuan’s action completely angered the clouds, the sixty-third thunder rumbled down, heaven and earth seemed to be only this thunder, seemingly ordinary, nothing special, and the same as the thunder seen in daily life, but only Luo Xuan knew how terrifying this thunder was, with the power of extreme destruction, as if everything was going to be turned into nothingness, and before he appeared, it made him creepy, like falling into an ice cave.

But now, because Luo Xuan retreated, he mobilized his mana and rushed towards the sky with all his strength, and finally collided with sixty-three thunders.

When the thunder light dissipated, Luo Xuan landed on Fire Dragon Island in embarrassment, ragged, unkempt, and covered with color, and he was not lightly injured.

Fortunately, he survived the thunder calamity smoothly!

Looking at the gradually dissipating calamity cloud, Luo Xuan’s face showed a hint of happiness for the rest of his life after the calamity.


Millions of miles away from Fire Dragon Island, above the firmament, seeing Luo Xuan successfully survive the thunder calamity, whether it was Su Jili or the Sect Immortal Sect led by Zhao Gongming, they were relieved.

Although Luo Xuan (Master) only crossed the Seven Nine Thunder Tribulation, in the final analysis, this first level can be regarded as passed!

Yes, the first level!

Su Jili and the other Taiyi Golden Immortal Realm had heard Zhao Gongming talk about the Tribulation of Da Luo.

Da Luo Golden Immortal is the ultimate of immortals, jumping out of the river of fate, the past, present, and future are bound by a line, the only one in the heavens, and can be embodied in thousands of ways.

Because of this, Taiyi Golden Immortal wants to achieve the Great Luo Golden Immortal is far more difficult than the Golden Immortal Tribulation, in addition to the Thunder Tribulation, he also has to go through nine difficulties, which are:

Qi sinking dantian, vitality fusion; Repayment of cause and effect, good and evil retribution; There is no concern, but there is love; Indifferent to fame and wealth, abandon greed; Exorcise adultery, and the heart is like a clear pool; Investigate delusions and uphold the true self; Transcendent and broad-minded; Firm beliefs and self-determination; Don’t forget your original intention.

If you are not careful or take a wrong step, you will lose your achievements, die and die, or even recover from all disasters, among which the danger is not lower than the thunder calamity, but more focused on the life and soul, karma, cause and effect, and the Tao heart.

Luo Xuan has practiced for countless years, and in ancient times he has been polished at the peak of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, with a strong foundation and accumulated horror, the first difficulty is naturally difficult for him, and he has passed without danger, and the magic power of Taiyi began to transform into the magic power of Daluo, which has an additional immortal force.

Originally, with Luo Xuan’s huge karma and complex cause and effect, this second difficulty would be very fatal, but because of Su Jili’s scheme, Luo Xuan obtained many Heavenly Dao merits, plus he diligently performed his duties after becoming the Fire Star Monarch, and killed many people with profound karma, and killed all the enemies who had cause and effect with him, so although this second difficulty was difficult and stumbled, Luo Xuan finally passed smoothly.

The remaining difficulties are not a problem for Luo Xuan, his Taoist heart is firm and has never changed, especially after his apprentice Su Jili fought for anger and raised face for him, the last trace of resentment and unwillingness in Luo Xuan’s heart towards the second generation of his own disciples and Zhao Gongming also dissipated, and fame and fortune were like clouds for him.

Now, he has washed all his lead and knows who he is.

He is him!

It’s a Jiao Immortal!

It is a disciple of the Tongtian Sect Lord!

It’s Sugili!

It’s the Southern Fire De Star Monarch of the Heavenly Court!

It is even more Immortal Luoxuan in the flame!

A hundred years later, on Fire Dragon Island, Luo Xuan, who was sitting motionless, finally opened his eyes, and his body burst with thousands of immortal lights, which was particularly divine, and the spirit and spirit in his body were all rising wildly, and the Da Luo body, mana and Yuan God were all added.

Immediately afterwards, an illusory long river that only the Great Luo Golden Immortal could see appeared in front of his eyes, it was the Long River of Destiny, and Luo Xuan saw the fate of countless living beings in this long river, from the small dust ants to the Taiyi Golden Immortal, all struggling and sinking in this vast river, flowing according to the established fate.

As he struggled hard, the various destinies bound to his body collapsed inch by inch, and he finally got out of the cage, broke the shackles, jumped out of the river of fate, and became a true Daluo Golden Immortal, immortal, from now on fate is my lord, life and death are in me, in theory, even if he dies, he can return again.

On Fire Dragon Island, feeling the great Luo coercive pressure that permeated Luo Xuan’s body, all the sect immortals raised their eyebrows with joy and smiles.

“Congratulations to Junior Brother for achieving Da Luo!”

“Congratulations to Senior Brother for becoming a Dao and successfully promoted to Da Luo Golden Immortal!”

“Congratulations to Master for jumping out of the river of fate, the only one in ten thousand worlds from now on, Da Luo is honored!”

Looking at his sincere congratulations to his friends, fellow disciples and apprentices, Luo Xuan got up and returned the salute, thanking them for coming to protect the Dharma, and said that he would definitely visit the door when he left the customs, and then turned around and went to the retreat.

The opportunity is rare, he must quickly seize the growth period after being promoted to Da Luo, and improve his strength as much as possible, as for the faux pas, I believe they will understand.

At this time, Su Jili took up his responsibilities, politely sent the elders of the division gate away one after another, and repaired the mountain protection array, and then returned to the Spirit Fire Palace for retreat.

Watching Master Luo Xuandu Calamity, he felt a lot, gained a lot, and had a new view of the Heaven and Earth Avenue and the Five Qi Condensation Method.

This time, he wanted to perfect the Kitchen Dao cultivation method and take the opportunity to attack the Taiyi Golden Immortal.


PS: Thank you for the big 588 point tip.

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