Nine Heavens, Vesta Heavenly Palace.

Upon his return, Sugili was warmly welcomed.

The gods of the five flavors led the gods of Vesta and the immortal gods to personally worship the main god.

In the main hall, Sujili sat on the head, seeing that his subordinates were full of talents, and he was in a good mood, knowing that the Vesta Division was operating normally under the maintenance of the gods, performing his duties, never making a mistake, incense was flourishing day by day, and his prestige was more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, he was pleased, encouraged the gods, and rewarded him for his merits and deeds, and gave a lot of heavenly materials and earth treasures.

Several times in succession, Su Jili’s net worth has skyrocketed, that is, compared with some wealthy Da Luo Golden Immortals, not to mention, he is the lord of the Heavenly Palace of the Vesta God, not only the Heavenly Court will issue rich fortunes every year, there are all kinds of benefits and oil and water in the open and dark, as well as the Vesta God worship and interception resources, giving the gods some heavenly materials and earth treasures, for him, it is just a drop in the bucket.

After the excitement of the gods receded, Sujili left the five flavors of the gods to learn more about the specific affairs of the Vesta Heavenly Palace, and after their report, he gradually had a good understanding of the development of the Vesta Heavenly Palace and the Kitchen Road in the past three thousand years.

For three thousand years, the way of cooking has blossomed everywhere in the Terran Kyushu, and even extended beyond Kyushu, this is the way of grounding, it is easy to be accepted by the creatures at the bottom, and now the way of cooking has the hope of becoming an immortal, and the natural momentum is very strong.

In addition, after Yi Yin returned from listening to the sermon on Jinao Island, he worked harder to spread the cooking way, and the Vesta God Heavenly Palace also stepped on the right track, occasionally appearing saints in the world, guarding 020 to protect the incense in the world, blessing disasters, and the number of creatures practicing the cooking path increased day by day.

As a result, the number of Vesta Heavenly Palace Kitchen Immortals has doubled, and today, there are more than 6,000, of which most of them are Terrans, but there are also a small number of creatures of other races.

According to Sujili’s orders, the five flavor gods were appointed officials because of their talents, and they were assigned immortal positions according to the different characteristics and abilities of the kitchen immortals.

For example, most of the kitchen immortals who are good at knife skills and fire god skills are canonized as Vesta God Heavenly Soldiers, and enter the Fire Head Dao Soldier Camp, responsible for the internal and external battles of the Vesta God Division and guarding the Vesta God Heavenly Palace.

Another example is that the Kitchen Immortal, who is good at handling chores, was canonized as the Duke of the Ninth Grade Stove, entered the Nether Realm to open up the God Domain, and took charge of a fireworks; The chef immortal who likes to make wine was canonized as a wine immortal and placed in the Vesta God Tiangong under the Wine God Yamen.

Of course!

Although the five flavors of the gods are the seven products, they are Sujili’s close attendants, but they do not have the right to canonize immortals, the immortal gods they register are only acting gods, Sujili ordered them to probe the merits and virtues of the immortal gods under their command, whether there are scum, if there are, they will be dismissed and investigated, if there are no these acting immortal gods can be turned right, they are really ranked in the immortal class.

Strength is fundamental.

For the cultivation of the gods under his command (bieg), Sujili also valued it.

If they grow up, they can share a lot of things for him, and the people who are most valued by them are the Five Flavors God and Ao Ling.

Two thousand years have not seen, the five flavor god cultivation to a higher level, are true immortals, especially the salty god Qingli fairy is among the middle stage of true immortals, and Ao Ling was canonized as the head of the wine immortal Yamen, under the protection of the double luck of the heavenly court qi luck and Sujili, karma has not affected her cultivation, as the daughter of the dragon king and the bloodline advantage of the ancient overlord race is gradually highlighted, to this day, she has the late stage of true immortal cultivation, is the strongest of the Vesta God Heavenly Palace except Sujili.

Su Jili also rewarded the Five Flavor God and Ao Ling, the former each received an innate five-flavor fruit, which could make his cultivation twice as effective; The latter got a dragon ball, Sujili has done many seafood feasts, and has hunted the Golden Immortal Dragon several times, this dragon ball is one of them, although the real dragon is stronger than the dragon bloodline, but Ao Ling is a true immortal, and this dragon ball is of great benefit to her.

After knowing the development and changes of the Vesta God Heavenly Palace over the years, Su Jili waved his hand to retreat the Five Flavors God and Ao Ling, got up and walked towards the side hall.

As soon as I entered, I saw a figure eating happily and enjoying the food, it was Bian Zhuang.

Seeing Sujili come in, his eyes lit up, and he immediately put down his bowl and chopsticks and got up.

“Brother Su, you’re finally back!”

“You’re not in these years, but I’m thinking about it so much!”

“Even my Zhenshui General’s Mansion is not staying, and I have been guarding the Vesta Heavenly Palace waiting for you to return.”

“Because of you, I have suffered a great grievance, I can’t eat well and can’t sleep over the years, and I have lost weight for a whole circle!”

“You have to show your skills a few times this time, so that you can make up for my old Bian.”

Looking at Bian Zhuang, who was dressed as pitiful and sympathetic, and then looked at the more than twenty delicacies on the table, and then thought of the news of the Five Flavors Divine Blessing, the corners of Su Jili’s mouth twitched slightly.

Although he has long known that Bian Zhuang has no lower limit, he did not expect that he would be so faceless for stuttering, you know, he has been eating and drinking in the Vesta God Heavenly Palace for two thousand years, during this time, the kitchen immortals have their own talents, cooking all kinds of delicacies with their hearts, and taking turns to serve Bian Zhuang.

However, this spirit of cooking really made Sujili like and miss, and he did similar things in his previous life to cook rice.

“Brother Dao, I heard that you have had a very easy time during this time, otherwise, you would not have had the peak cultivation of the middle Golden Immortal stage so quickly, and you are only one step away from the later stage.”

Bian Zhuang suddenly laughed awkwardly and continued.

“Or the Su brothers’ craftsmanship is higher.”

“The other Chef Immortals are worse after all, and I have also urged the Daisu brothers in the Vesta God Heavenly Palace all these years, lest they waste what they have learned.”

Sugili laughed and said nothing.

He didn’t dwell much on this topic, in the final analysis, these are trivial things, just this dish, Sujili and Bian Zhuang briefly reminisced.

Knowing that Su Jili had become a Taiyi Golden Immortal, Bian Zhuang’s face was bitter, and his eyes were resentful.

“Brother Su, I’m miserable now!”

“If Master knows that you have become a Taiyi Golden Immortal, I am afraid that my good days will come to an end.”

“If you can’t cultivate to the perfection of the Golden Immortal within a thousand years, I’m afraid you will really be captured by Master and his old man, and forced to retreat for a good life.”

When the words fell, Bian Zhuang suddenly ate bitterly and stuffed the sea, at this moment, only the beautiful scenery can relieve his worries and troubles. [ Read more novels for free on our website: ]

Su Jili laughed loudly, he knew that Bian Zhuang had no malice, just simple nagging and ridiculing, and soon ate and drank with Bian Zhuang.

In the process, Sujili discovered that Bian Zhuang had also repaired the Food Avenue in addition to the Xiaoyao Road.

Big belly can accommodate the world’s food!

Nothing in heaven and earth is delicious, nothing is inedible!

In this regard, he felt that the Dao was suitable for Bian Zhuang.

This path is a branch of the Devouring Dao, and if it is practiced to the extreme, it is also powerful and should not be underestimated.

In the second half of the month, Su Jili personally cooked, got together with Bian Zhuang, Shen Dao, and Yu Lei Haosheng, and had a meal with Taibai Jinxing to connect with each other.

Of course!

In this process, Su Jili did not forget to prepare a copy for the Heavenly Emperor Mother.

And just when he was in the mood to think about other things, the Heavenly Emperor sent a will.

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