Qingyang Mountain is the ancestral land of the Kitchen Dao, and it has absolute appeal to the Chef Dao practitioners, not to mention that the content of the transmission is very important, and the entire Kyushu large and small spirit chef forces have been sensationalized, even if it is a spiritual chef scattered cultivator.

The news that the Chef Dao Ancestor was about to preach again spread in Kyushu at a speed visible to the naked eye, even outside Kyushu.

In this regard, the practitioners of the Kitchen Dao were happy and set off towards Qingyang Mountain one after another, and some well-informed mortal chefs were mixed together, wanting to worship the ancestor and obtain the opportunity at the same time, so as to ascend to the sky in one step, become a spirit chef, and embark on the road of metamorphosis.

Non-Chef Dao practitioners had mixed reactions, and some of the creatures below the Golden Immortal were quite moved and wanted to seize this opportunity; The creatures above the Golden Immortal or from an extraordinary background reacted flatly, in the final analysis, Su Jili cultivated generally, and between them and Bozhong, even if he was a Sect Immortal, he didn’t need them to rush to the scene.

After Da Luo Jinxian learned about this, he either looked on coldly, or scoffed at “seven three zero”, or laughed at it.

For Chef, this is a big deal.

To other beings, it is nothing more than a sermon.

How did the kitchen react, Sujili did not know for the time being, he reorganized the six stars of the South Dipper, and also integrated their original stars into the micro-starry sky, with the smooth return of the South Dipper and Venus, the entire micro-starry sky became more mysterious and brilliant, and even the power of Sujili Yuanshen increased.

Subsequently, he returned to the Vesta Heavenly Palace, practiced and dealt with affairs again and again, and at the same time released the news that he was willing to exchange the innate enlightenment of the Dao tea tree for the same spiritual root that could extract the innate five flavors.

Of course, Sujili knows that it is better to rely on people than to rely on himself, he will not wait for the living beings to come to the door in exchange, it is too passive, and he also ordered the gods under his command to collect relevant spiritual root information.

As the news spread, many living beings were moved, and the fact that Su Jili had a taste of the Dao Tea Tree Spiritual Root also spread, and many Da Luo Jinxian were shocked, and their reactions were different, or envious, or jealous, or flat, or unwilling, or indifferent, that is, some quasi-saints were also sour in their hearts.

But no existence dares to snatch it, after all, Su Jili is highly valued by the Tongtian Sect Lord, if he bullies the small with the big, I am afraid that the ten thousand immortals and saints of the Sect will not stand idly by, and then it will be because of the small and the big.

And Su Jili’s calculation was not in vain, as soon as the news spread, the Heavenly Court was the first to react.

Yaochi Wonderland, built on a congenital spirit lake, covers an area of millions of miles.

The spirit pond is scattered, and the Yao grass is scattered.

The queen mother sat on the head, and when she heard the news brought back by Princess Longji, she tapped her fingers on the case table, a pair of moth eyebrows raised slightly, and Zhu’s lips lightly opened.

“Vesta Tianzun is a good luck.”

“I actually got five innate spirit roots at once.”

“No wonder it is favored by saints.”

For Sujili, Queen Mother Yaochi did not have the slightest jealousy.

She herself is a big spiritual root household, and she has many innate spiritual roots, which can be called the most flooded wilderness.

Thinking that Su Jili’s purpose in exchanging spirit roots was to practice the five qi of Taiyi, Queen Mother Yaochi continued.

“He is clever, does not hide it, and directly reveals it to the flood waste, so that a group of powerful rats do not dare to act rashly, and can only obtain innate tea trees through exchange.”

“This bright and clear Yang Mo style has some similarities with Senior Brother Tongtian.”

Thinking that in the past, when she and Haotian were children in the Zixiao Palace, Senior Brother Shangqing was one of the few who did not look down on their identities, plus there was indeed a missing Enlightenment Tea in the innate spirit root collected by the Golden Mother of Yaochi, and she was good tea, this Yaochi master, the quasi-saint of the Heavenly Court, immediately ordered down, and ordered Princess Longji to personally bring a congenital spiritual root to the Vesta God Heavenly Palace, so it was also regarded as the kindness of Senior Brother Shangqing.


Nine Heavens, Vesta Heavenly Palace.

A fairy with a beautiful figure suddenly fell.

She has ice muscles and jade bones, beautiful appearance, noble temperament, and golden immortal cultivation, which is a rare powerful female fairy in the heavenly court.

This person is the daughter of the Heavenly Emperor and the Queen Mother: Princess Longji!

The arrival of Princess Longji naturally could not be concealed from Sujili, and he immediately ordered the five flavor gods to come to greet him, giving this princess of the Heavenly Court enough face.

As for him, as the first disciple of the three generations of the Sect, his status is only higher than that of Princess Longji, even if he is an errand under her parents, he will not personally greet him with his status.

Above the main hall, Sujili ordered people to send a cup of enlightenment tea, and after Princess Longji took a sip, her eyes suddenly lit up, she closed her eyes and wandered, quietly comprehending it, until she digested it, she opened her eyes and couldn’t help but admire.

“This Dao Spirit Tea is really extraordinary!”

“Long-term drinking will definitely make Xiu twice as effective with half the effort, and the blessing of Vesta God is profound, which makes Ryukichi really envious.”

Princess Longji spoke from the heart, without the slightest politeness, and her words were sincere. [ Read more novels for free on our website: tinyurl.com/2aa54z8b ]

Actually, she thought so.

She has tasted this Spirit Tea just now, and it has a weak effect on the Golden Immortal, not to mention the existence below the Golden Immortal, moreover, the lower Spirit Tea is already like this, and the upper Spirit Tea may have a miraculous effect on the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

“The princess said seriously, this god just picked up a bargain by chance…”

“I wonder why the princess came? But the queen mother has something to explain? ”

Sugili asked curiously.

Nothing goes to the Three Treasures Hall.

He had never dealt with this Heavenly Court Princess before, and there must be something wrong with coming here at this time.

Sujili was straightforward, and Princess Longji didn’t like those dummy things, and after a simple greeting, she was equally blunt.

“It’s not a secret, I came this time on the order of my mother to exchange an innate spirit tea tree with Vesta.”


Princess Longji flicked her sleeves slightly, and the light flashed, and an innate spiritual root that was obviously shrunk by the magic technique appeared.

This spiritual root is green throughout, only the orange and yellow above the canopy of the tree, hanging seventy-two fruits.

“This is the innate Pinling root is a sand tang orange tree, its shape is like a tang, the yellow hua is red, its taste is like plum and no seed, it blooms in a thousand years, bears fruit in a thousand years, matures in a thousand years, and can be picked for three thousand years.”

“Originally grown in the hills of Kunlun, it was obtained by the mother by chance, containing the innate sweetness of the five flavors, and its fruit is the sweetest, and if you eat one of them, you can be proficient in the way of water, swimming freely in the deep sea, even if it is a living suit that practices the avenue of fire, it is also effective, and it is more wonderful to nourish the Yuan God.”

“I wonder if Vesta is willing to exchange?”

After listening to Princess Longji’s introduction, Sujili’s heart was overwhelmed.

I didn’t expect the queen mother to be so powerful, as soon as he released the news, this one sent Princess Longji to the door, worthy of being a rich woman of Linggen.

Linggen took the initiative to send it to the door, Sujili was naturally willing, not only exchanged with Princess Longji on the spot, but also specially cooked it himself, prepared a table of delicious dishes 4.1, let Princess Longji take it back to the queen mother to taste, curry favor with this big guy, in the future, if he needs to ask to go to the door, I hope this big guy can be as generous as ever.

Sujili also prepared a copy for Princess Longji, she often accompanied the queen mother, and it was always right to befriend her.

Princess Longji did not eat less of the meals cooked by Sujili herself, and because of this, the ultimate taste bud enjoyment made her miss it even more.

In the past, she could only rub her father’s and mother’s meals, but now she also has one, and Princess Longji is excited in her heart and has a good impression of Sujili.

Yaochi Wonderland, looking at the delicacies brought back by Princess Longji, the queen mother couldn’t help but laugh and scold.

“This Vesta has a lot of eyes.”

“Compared with his master ancestor, it is a little more sleek, but it is not as good as Senior Brother Shangqing’s heart.”

PS: Thanks to the Demon Lord for the big 100 point reward.

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