Thirty-three heavens, inside the Lingxiao Treasure Hall.

The Heavenly Emperor sat on his head and looked at the newly promoted Vesta God Tianzun below, with a look of appreciation and curiosity on his face.

Appreciation, because since Sujili was consecrated as a god, he has managed the Vesta God Division well, not only increasing in strength, but also flourishing in the world, quite influential, even the lord of the Great Shang Dynasty will hold a grand sacrifice ceremony before assuming the throne, and even the heavenly court is stained with some prestige.

Moreover, because he was born in the Saint Sect, he was domineering, his eyes were high and low, but he repeatedly made meritorious achievements, and he was even more filial to him and the queen mother many times, his attitude was correct, and his immortal products were valuable, even if he could not be cited as a confidant, the Heavenly Emperor still valued him very much.

Curious, because this Vesta God Tianzun rarely plays correctly, even if he sometimes participates in the thousand-year-old pilgrimage, he does not say a word, and watches coldly, but as long as he plays correctly, it must be a big thing or an important thing.

The Heavenly Emperor was very curious about what he was going to play this time.

“Su Qing’s family, I wonder what you did this time?”

Sujili raised the board, saluted respectfully, and spoke.

“Your Majesty, the lu of the king, the worry of the king, the minister was not only canonized as the Taiyi Yuan Emperor Dingfu Zhushan Great Heavenly Venerable, but also held the position of the lord of the South Dipper, in charge of the life of all souls in the world, blessings and calamities, naturally he must share the worries for His Majesty, for the sake of all the souls under the world, blessings and misfortunes have their own heavenly destiny, but the life span is in the netherworld.”

“Since the reincarnation of the Pingxin Niangniang and the birth of the underworld, some forces of the Wu clan have entered the netherworld, established the ghost capital, and are responsible for the cycle of life and death of all things, although over the years, the ghost capital has expanded several times, attracting living beings, summoning spirits, rewarding good and punishing evil, but the flood and desolation are vast, there are countless creatures, and the ghosts and gods of the ghost capital are limited, and the Wu clan is not good at management, under this and the other, the ghost capital is under deep pressure, I am afraid it is already overwhelmed.”

“Your Majesty has been appointed by the heavens, succeeds the lord of the heavenly court, takes charge of the universe of heaven and earth, assists the operation of the flood and famine, and should share the worries of the peaceful mother-in-law, solve the difficulties for the Yudu, and seek the blessing of all the souls of the flood and famine, the minister earnestly asks His Majesty to consult with the Pingxin Niangniang, and the heavenly court and the ghost capital jointly contribute to the formation of the underground government, the establishment of eighteen layers of hell, and the setting up of Yan Luo and the judge, responsible for the life and death of all souls, good and evil, reincarnation, and the benefit of the flood and famine.”

Inside the Lingxiao Hall, the Heavenly Emperor came to be interested.

You must know that the Netherworld has always been the land reserved by the Wu Clan, and others dare not move, even if the saints are easily not meddling, if the Heavenly Court can take the opportunity to mix and kick, even if it only has part of the Netherworld authority, it will definitely make a big profit, and the Heavenly Court will sit firmly in charge of the position of Heaven and Earth to a certain extent, and its luck will increase greatly.

And he will also rise and go further on the Emperor Avenue, and his cultivation is very likely to reach the peak of the middle stage of the quasi-saint, if the luck is better, it may not be impossible to meddle in the late stage of the quasi-saint, moreover, meddling in the land right is something that the emperor jun has never done in the past.

Thinking of this, although the Heavenly Emperor did not urge on his face, his eyes signaled Su Jili to continue as soon as possible and said the plan.


Within the flood wilderness, you cannot recite the name of the saint at will, and the fair-hearted lady is the spokesperson of the authenticity, and the status is only higher than that of the six saints, and naturally has the same unfathomable power as the saint.

In the Palace of Reincarnation, when Su Jili met the four words of Pingxin Niangniang, she felt it, and a trace of divine power was thrown into the Lingxiao Treasure Hall.

Pingxin Niangniang used to be an ancestral witch, doing things generously, and did not like to cover up, and this time was no exception, she did not hide her divine power at all, and even deliberately let the Heavenly Emperor and Su Jili find out, but did not speak, obviously some interest in what Su Jili mentioned.

Seeing this scene, Sujili was happy in his heart, his face was calm, and he continued to state his plan without hurry.

The Great Emperor of the Capital, the Five Ghost Emperors, the Ten Temples Yan Luo, the Four Great Judges, the Ten Yin Marshals, the Wangxiang Platform, the Naihe Bridge, the Wild Dog Ridge, the Eighteen-Story Hell Setting, the Bliss Township, the Dead City, the Yin Spirit Assessment and Appointment System… [ Read more novels for free on our website: ]

In addition to revealing the mansion that he reviewed based on the memories of his past life, Sujili also blatantly carried private goods in it.

For example, there are many ghosts in the shadows, plus factors such as yin life, good and evil, blessings and misfortunes, etc., it is impossible for all living beings to be reincarnated immediately after death, not to mention all kinds of yin gods and ghosts, just like today’s ghost capital, ghosts are overcrowded.

Therefore, Sujili requested to set up a local chef in the netherworld to cultivate the yin chef, so that the ghosts and gods could taste food in addition to eating incense, turning the netherworld into another world, changing the cold and dark style of the past. In this way, it can not only promote the evolution of heaven and earth, improve the netherworld, but also enshrine incense and heavenly materials and earth treasures as money, mutual benefit, achieve income generation, and complete resource recycling and utilization.

For example, on the incense, Sujili proposed that he was developing incense in the kitchen, once successful, all kinds of incense worshipping the gods and ghosts will have various flavors, and the Vesta God Heavenly Palace will also add an additional incense god division, which is specially responsible for the incense offerings of the gods and ghosts.

For another example, Su Jili proposed to open up a hundred fruit garden, ten thousand vegetable garden, ten thousand beast garden and other places in the heavenly court, the world and the underworld, plant all kinds of spirit fruits and vegetables and other heavenly materials and earth treasures, breed all kinds of rare birds and exotic beasts, and communicate with each other, so that all souls can taste the food from all walks of life, and the Vesta Heavenly Palace will also set up a special transfer department to be responsible for this matter.

At the same time, he also proposed that the Lord of the Southern Dipper should enjoy a certain amount of Nether authority to facilitate the performance of his priesthood.

In the Lingxiao Treasure Hall, the Heavenly Emperor and Pingxin Niangniang listened with relish, many places made them quite moved, their eyes were bright, and they looked at Su Jili’s gaze with a little appreciation, as for Su Jili’s private goods, they didn’t care, if this method could really solve the Nether Dilemma (help the Heavenly Court), it was not impossible to give him some authority, after all, they were heroes, and they also had this kind of courage.

Moreover, a subordinate who has something to ask for, they can rest assured that although they are moved, neither the Heavenly Emperor nor the Pingxin Niangniang immediately expressed their position, but only rewarded some heavenly materials and earth treasures, which was regarded as a reward for Su Jili’s worries for sharing the worries of the Heavenly Court and the Netherworld, and instructed him that this matter should not be leaked at will, and then ordered him to retreat.


When he left the Thirty-Three Heavens, he looked back in the direction of the Lingxiao Treasure Hall, and Su Jili did not have the slightest dissatisfaction in his heart.

The matter of the prefecture is very important, not based on his three words and two words can be filmed, nor can it be decided in a short time, there are too many things involved.

Even if the Heavenly Emperor and Pingxin Niangniang were already moved, they did not immediately express their position, but gave a large amount of heavenly materials and earth treasures as sealing money, which shows that this matter is pulled.

Fortunately, Sujili had already prepared in his heart when he played this matter, and he raised this matter in order to take advantage of the time difference, mix a merit, and get some benefits.

PS: Thanks to Wushuang and Dada 588 points tip.

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