A fiery red light cut through the sky and headed towards the southwestern border of the Great Shang Dynasty.

After receiving the transmission, Su Jili immediately went to the fan, but he did not go to Qingyang Mountain, because the transmission said that Yi Yin was trapped in the southwest battlefield, and his life was in danger, so naturally there was no need to go to the Kitchen Dao Ancestral Land.

What’s more, on the way, Su Jili deliberately deduced it, not only knowing that what the content of the transmission was true, but also knowing that Yi Yin’s trap this time was related to the contemporary Emperor Wuding.

No one is good for a thousand days, no flower is a hundred days of prosperity, and the same is true of the imperial dynasty, sorrow and joy, ups and downs, are all the norm, the rules of heaven and earth, and even more the humanitarian order.

The Great Shang Dynasty has been sitting on the Terran Jiuzhou for thousands of years, and it is impossible to remain prosperous for a long time, in fact, as early as hundreds of years ago, the Great Shang Imperial Dynasty flourished and declined, not only the internal contradictions of the territory “eight ninety-three”, but also the external creatures are about to move.

By the time the previous Shang Emperor came to the throne, the Great Shang Dynasty had weakened to the extreme, its strength in all aspects had declined, and it was already difficult to stabilize the basic plate, most of the descendants of the ancient Wu Race tribes such as Dongyi, Zhurong, Shuofang, and Ba Fang rebelled, and the ancient races of the Flood Barren such as Ghost Fang, Inujung, and Niu Li also took advantage of the fire and robbed and looked at the Terran Kyushu.

Wu Ding rose to the top in internal and external troubles, he was wise and martial, heroic and talented, and wanted to turn the tide, turn the situation around, and make Zhongxing a great businessman.

Therefore, after ascending the throne, Wu Ding exerted himself to govern the country, seeking merit, not only using Fu Shuo and other sages to govern the country, but also resting and recuperating, and when the food and grass were sufficient, he began to reorganize the armament war, exhausted the scattered immortals and the immortals of the sect, and with the help of the power of the Xuanniao Totem, sent 500,000 elite soldiers and strong generals, defeated one by one, and successively suppressed the rebellions of Shuofang and Tufang, so that they resubmitted to the Great Shang Dynasty, and their prestige increased greatly.

Unfortunately, happiness is extremely sad, blessings and misfortunes depend on each other, things cannot be smooth sailing, in the conquest of Bafang encountered accidents, this descendant of witches awakened the blood of wood witches, living between mountains and rivers, good at controlling grass and birds, often summoning giant birds and ancient wood tree spirits on the battlefield to help, the combat power is terrifying, making the big merchant army anxious.

Not to mention, the Wu tribe is good at poison, the Ba side is high and dense, there are many miasma swamps, poisonous insects and fierce beasts, and it makes the big merchants defenseless, even the big merchant immortals can only barely support, however, within a few months of stalemate, the Pakistani side has emerged several earth witches, killed several big business immortals, making the big business army miserable and defeated.

Even if Wu Ding later sent several Xuanxian generals to the frontier, he could only maintain the existing situation in the face of the powerful and weird Pakistani side, and he was helpless and powerless against voodoo.

Spirit Chef can be famous in the Terran race, a large part is that Spirit Food is comparable to a panacea, which can not only increase cultivation, solidify the essence and cultivate the yuan, but also cure diseases and save people, drive away poison and eliminate evil.

Most of the great merchant immortals are not good at the Dan Dao, only the great merchant spirit kitchen can alleviate voodoo, in this case, Wu Ding quickly thought of Yi Yin, personally visited Qingyang Mountain, and took Yi Yin’s relationship with the Great Shang Dynasty as a breakthrough, showing his true feelings, and begging Yi Yin to come out of the mountain and help the great merchant.

Yi Yin is the first prime minister of Dashang, and he assisted Tang to establish the Dashang Dynasty, naturally unwilling to watch Dashang in danger, not to mention, Dashang has been paying homage to the god of Vesta over the years, opening the door to the kitchen road, so reasonably, Yi Yin can’t refuse, must go like this.

As a chef Xuanxian, Yi Yin did have real materials, arrived on the battlefield of the Pakistani side, and with his pure spiritual kitchen attainment, he quickly solved the voodoo plague, and even personally went to the battlefield to suppress several earth witches.

However, the good times did not last long!

The appearance of Yi Yin provoked a witch god in Bafang.

He is the pillar of the Pakistani rebellion against the great merchants, and the strongest of the Pakistani tribe, named Wuxian.

He can not only divine fortune, but also good at pharmaceutical research and poison, because he was born in the Wuren race and had the Yuan God, Wu Xian also supplemented the Kitchen Dao, cultivated the Kitchen Dao True Immortal, and invented the Wu Salt.

Yi Yin’s name, Wu Xian is no stranger, because of this, he will personally take action and want to capture Yi Yin.

Although Yi Yin has not yet fallen into the hands of Wu Xian because of the Heavenly Spirit Treasure Fire Cover, he is also trapped, and the defeat is only early, because of this, the great merchant will ask for help from Qingyang Mountain, hoping to send someone to rescue Yi Yin.

Of course!

There is also the intention of suppressing the Pakistani side with the hand of the Chef Dao.


Above the firmament.

Thinking about the cause and effect of this matter, Sujili was a little faster….

As for the fact that the Great Shang Dynasty wanted to kill people with a knife, although he was dissatisfied, he did not plan to raise a master to answer for the crime.

Over the years, the cooking club has prospered, and the great merchant has also contributed a lot, which is why Sujili does not care about these small details, not to mention, he wishes that the great business was so.

Because at the beginning of the rise of Kitchen Dao, several generations of emperors led by Tang made great efforts, Kitchen Dao therefore owed some cause and effect to the Great Shang Dynasty, if he could pay off this cause and effect before the Great Tribulation came, when the Great Tribulation came, even if Yin Shou personally went to Qingyang Mountain to ask for help, Yi Yin could directly refuse, and even before the start of the Great Tribulation, he summoned some Kitchen Immortals to retreat collectively in Qingyang Mountain, open the mountain protection array, and not leave the world for the time being.

At that time, even if some Kitchen Dao practitioners mixed into the Sealing God Tribulation, it would not hurt and could not damage the foundation of the Kitchen Dao, so that Sujili’s basic plate would be preserved.

And because the Kitchen Dao is regarded as a truncated Taoist system, therefore, even if the Jiutao is as miserable as before, with the Chef Dao, the Truncated Sect will not exist in name only.

This is the new idea that Wu Ding’s request for help brought to Sujili.

As for the involvement and cause and effect between the Truncated Sect and the Great Shang Dynasty, that is another matter, and at present, one can be solved.


The mountains are high and deep, the trees are dense and the grass is abundant, and the peaks are towering for thousands of miles.

This place is where the Bafang tribe is located, hundreds of thousands of witches live, and the Great 2.9 merchant army is stationed thousands of miles away.

At this time, on the battlefield of the two armies, a tree nest cage that stretched for hundreds of miles fell upside down, which was particularly eye-catching, and occasionally sporadic red fires lit up, and they were just lit and destroyed by layers of vines.

This vine cage is Wu Xian’s masterpiece, and the sporadic red light is emitted by the fire cover, and Yi Yin is trapped in the tree prison, relying on the fire cover to support it to this day.

Unfortunately, with his Xuan Immortal cultivation, he could not fully exert the power of the Heavenly Spirit Treasure, and every time he used it, he had to consume a lot of mana, and he consumed it for several days in a row, Yi Yin had already run out of mana, his physical strength was exhausted, and the fire cover was constantly shrinking, and it was in danger.

Compared to Yi Yin’s anxiousness, Wu Xian was diametrically opposite, feeling that his opponent was getting weaker and weaker, and he was in a good mood.

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