Qingyang Mountain, Barilla Palace.

Sujili did not continue to help the big businessman.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to, but he can’t catch up with everything.

If it is too easy to get help, it will not be cherished by big businessmen, and it will be very cheap, and this kind of thing cannot happen to him.

When the big merchant suffers a loss on other witch gods, he will naturally find a way to solve it, and as a strong person who easily crushes a witch god and has some origins, Sujili will naturally become the first choice, and when the time comes, the contemporary Shang Emperor Wuding will send people to ask for help, and may even visit Qingyang Mountain in person.

At that time, Sujili will take the initiative and can take advantage of the situation to suppress the rebellion, resist foreign enemies, and Zhongxing big businessmen as the conditions to end the cause and effect.

However, he was not idle on Qingyang Mountain, the Wu Clan’s practice method is special, and he practiced the law at the beginning, which is the power that Da Luo Golden Immortal can touch, Su Jili has only heard Master Luo Xuan briefly mention it before, since he has a chance, he naturally has to study it.

During the years on the mountain, he carefully studied Wuxian’s Wood Law, and even drew a little blood from the latter, and in just a few months, he had a better understanding of the Wu Clan’s cultivation method.

The Wu Clan practice method and the Xuanmen practice method have their own advantages and disadvantages.

The former practiced the law at the beginning, which could enable them to more truly understand the truth of heaven and earth, understand the truth of the world, and thus obtain 310 more power, which is why the Wu clan is stronger than the creatures of the same rank.

But everything has advantages and disadvantages, the law is too mysterious and profound, it is difficult to practice, the Wu clan is exposed to such a high-end thing at the beginning, even if there is a unique cultivation system, the speed of cultivation is relatively slow, and the difficulty of breaking the realm will be relatively high, which is one of the reasons why the number of Wu clan witches is scarce.

In addition, they can only practice laws that are in line with the bloodline in their bodies, and unless they possess the Yuan God like witches, they cannot practice other laws at the same time.

For example, the Great Witch Houyi has two ancestral witch bloodlines in his body, the law of space and the law of Xuanbing, and when the ten golden crows are raging in the flood waste, they can use the two laws to bless the ice divine arrow, penetrate the void, eliminate the true fire of the sun, and make the golden crow that rises at speed fall.

The wood of the embrace, born of the end of the milli; The nine-story platform starts from the soil; Great oaks from little acorns grow..

Although the Xuanmen cultivation method can only contact the law when it is the time of the Great Luo Golden Immortal, because of the foundation laid by the previous realms, they have more effective comprehension of the law with half the effort, more refined and more handy in control, the practice in the pre-(CDFG) stage is faster, and the later cultivation is easier to break through than the Great Witch and achieve quasi-sainthood.

In addition, the Xuanmen practice method regardless of race, all living beings with souls can practice, and the universality is strong, even the dragon race who cultivates the way of dragon balls, the phoenix clan who cultivates the heart of nirvana, and the unicorn who cultivates the path of five virtues can also practice the Xuanmen Dafa.

After understanding this, Su Jili particularly admired Hongjun Daozu, because the latter passed down the Xuanmen Dafa through the three thousand guests of the Zixiao Palace, Honghuang was more prosperous, the strong emerged one after another, the demon race would rise, and all the spirits would gradually become stronger, based on the Xuanmen cultivation method, create various methods, and a hundred flowers would bloom.

However, the Xuanmen practice method is not omnipotent, at least useless to the Wu race, because this race is too special, other living beings are composed of three parts: body, soul and true spirit, and the Wu race consists of two parts, the body and the true spirit, this characteristic makes the Wu race have no soul after death, and the physical body is directly transformed into pure energy to feed back heaven and earth.



A few days later, a dragon groan resounded in Jiuxiao, shaking the mountains and forests, and then a nine-thousand-zhang green dragon passed through the clouds, opened its teeth and danced its claws, landed on Qingyang Mountain, and turned into a middle-aged man.

He was wearing a cyan dragon robe, with a burly figure, a kind face, and a kingly aura all over his body, it was Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East Sea.

Su Jili personally came out to greet him, after all, Ao Guang is the master of the East Sea Clan, and there is a peak cultivation of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, he can’t be proud because he has a good temper and is polite to himself, no one in his eyes, this kind of tasteless behavior, Su Jili will not do it, let alone lose the cultivation of the Saint Sect in this kind of thing, making people think that he is rude and frivolous.

After a simple greeting, Su Jili and Ao Guang entered the Baiwei Palace, sat down in the guest of honor, each drinking a cup of tea, neither of them said much stereotypes, nonsense, and soon went straight to the topic, talking about the matter of the well god, Ao Guang talked about the rise, in order to make Su Jili give in on the merit of luck, this East Sea Dragon King showed his true feelings, half-truthfully talking about the difficulties of the dragon clan.

Since the ancient deer chasing war Ying Long led the dragon clan to help the Emperor Xuanyuan, the Terran and the dragon clan formed an alliance, and the dragon clan began to enter the flood barren land water system, and after the dragon clan defected to the heavenly court, it was appointed by the heavenly emperor and officially began to enter the flood barren continent on a large scale, and share the continental water system equally with other water tribe creatures.

It’s just that because some of the ancient demons are entrenched in the major water systems, and the dragon family is rich in karma, the seclusion in the dragon abyss cannot be easily born, so the process of the dragon family’s settlement in the flood barren water system is not smooth, and soon after the beginning, it encountered violent resistance from the water demon race, and a big war broke out between the two sides, killing heads and rivers of blood.

Although the dragon clan won, but also suffered heavy losses, through this incident, the dragon clan saw that the situation of the mainland water system was far more complicated than they thought, did not act blindly, but waited for the opportunity, when Dayu controlled the water, the dragon clan finally found an opportunity, fully helped Dayu, with the power of the two races and the heavenly court, plus the sage sect sometimes helped, this basically eliminated the obstacles, the dragon clan can smoothly enter the master.

Today, the dragon family has occupied most of the territory of the flood desert eastern continent water system, but mainly entrenched in rivers and lakes, ponds and wells and other water systems are subconsciously ignored by them, even if they occasionally think of it, they feel less important, will not be too anxious, both because the rivers and lakes have not all been under control, compared with the rivers and lakes, these micro-water systems are somewhat insignificant, and because there is no right time, or mainly rivers and lakes, until they were reminded by Sujili, they were like a daigo empowerment, and the mouth suddenly opened.

A spark can set fire to the plain.

Although ponds and wells and other water systems are small, seemingly insignificant, many times can not be remembered at all, but can not stand a lot, mountains do not give up dust, so can become its high, these water systems are numerous, accumulate a small amount, luck merit can not be underestimated.

Especially for the dragon clan with deep karma, not a little bit of merit and luck is wasted, it is precious.

Baiwei Palace, Su Jili and Ao Guang quickly agreed on the matter of the well god, and the remaining details were supplemented and improved by the dragon clan, as for the complaints that Ao Guang used to fight for sympathy, Su Jili was indifferent and did not give in on the division of interests.

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