
A fiery red light cut through the sky, and finally fell next to a majestic heavenly palace.

The scenery of this palace is beautiful, splendid and colorful, the pavilions and pavilions are all exquisite and elegant, all kinds of fairy grass and spirit flowers compete with each other, pines and cypresses bloom with life, koi fish swim and frolic in the colorful spirit lake, and the green birds soar and sing.

This is Sanxiao’s residence.

Sujili specially inquired that they were in the palace today~day.

Su Jili’s arrival naturally could not be concealed by Sanxiao, and there were already immortal attendants waiting outside the palace to bring him into the palace.

“Sujili Bai – meet the three senior uncles.”

Sujili and Sanxiao have had a lot of contact, they are familiar with each other, and after a simple greeting, they quickly warmed up.

After seeing that this master and nephew were already in the late stage of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, and a small realm higher than the three generations of the great disciple of the Sect, the Fire Spirit, Sanxiao nodded and smiled.

They are closer to Sujili, and naturally prefer to see the latter firmly in the position of the first person in the three generations of the Jijiao.

When he saw the exquisite pastries brought by Sujili, such as the snow meiniang made by the 10,000-year-old ice and the flower cake made by the innate spirit flower, etc., accompanied by a cup of milk tea made from Wudao tea leaves, Sanxiao was overjoyed.

Although this tea is precious, they don’t value these, after all, Sanxiao is already a Da Luo Golden Immortal, and most of the spiritual objects in the world have little effect on them, they see Su Jili’s intentions through these details, not for the sake of etiquette perfunctory them.

Bixiao’s eyes were even brighter, and she tasted it directly and unceremoniously, seeing that Xiaomei was eating happily, Yunxiao and Qiongxiao were equally moved and began to taste pastries.

I have to say that with the deepening of cultivation, Sujili’s food has become more and more mysterious, and to this day, even Sanxiao is intoxicated with food, the effect is secondary, mainly the taste is outstanding, even they are amazing.

After eating and drinking, for Su Ji’s sake, Sanxiao specially pointed him out, pointing out the points of Taiyi Golden Immortal cultivation, and Bixiao even gave him a 10,000-year-old jade food.

This is an innate spiritual object that is not much compared to the nine-thousand-year-old peach, for the Da Luo Golden Immortal, it is just a kind of spirit fruit that tastes good, but for the existence below the Da Luo Golden Immortal, it is an extremely rare creation, and it is increasing the mana of the living being.

Sugili was surprised and delighted.

I didn’t expect to receive a gift in return!

I didn’t even think that I would get a 10,000-year jade food!

Su Jili did not refuse, not only because the elder did not dare to resign, but also because this spiritual object was indeed of great use to it, and after solemnly saluting, he took the jade food with both hands, and then left.

Subsequently, Su Jili went to the Zhenwu Heavenly Palace and met Wu Yunxian, although the two did not have much contact, but they had a very good impression of each other, and the conversation was quite harmonious, before leaving, Wu Yunxian also sent a gift back, the same is an innate spirit fruit, can increase mana, although not as precious as jade food, but can also make Su Jili increase mana for thousands of years.

In the end, Su Jili went to the Dragon and Tiger Heavenly Palace and saw Zhao Gongming, perhaps because he had communicated with Sanxiao and Wu Yunxian, and they all had the intention to help Su Jili, or maybe he had a few weeks of courtesy and cooked food attentively, which made these elders have a good impression of him, in short, Zhao Gongming also gave a gift in return.

This big disciple of the outer sect is a veritable war immortal, not only strong in force, profound in mana, but also supplemented in “Eight Nine Xuan Gong”, reaching the sixth turn, the same is a flesh body Daluo Golden Immortal, on the achievement of this skill can only be compared with the Interpretation of Yuding real person, so he gave Su Jili a jade Jane, which recorded Zhao Gongming’s practice experience in “Eight Nine Xuan Gong”.

For this, Sujili was overjoyed and full of gratitude.

He did not stand idly by, took precautions, and worked hard to preserve the vitality of the Jijiao in the future catastrophe, not only because Su Jili was a disciple of Luo Xuan and had cause and effect with the Sect, and because although the disciples of the Sect were uneven, there were many scum, but there were also some Immortals who were really good, treated people with sincerity, and were bright and warm.


Nine Heavens, Vesta Heavenly Palace.

After his return, Sugili did not go out again for the time being.

Not only because the white jade salt plum was about to ripen, he had obtained this salty innate spirit root for thousands of years, and he could finally pick it, and because he wanted to refine ten thousand years of jade food in seclusion and increase his mana.

Mana, divine power, flesh, Yuan God, Dao comprehension degree, etc., these are the foundation of a cultivator, the deeper the foundation, the thicker the accumulation, the breakthrough will be smoother, ten thousand years of jade food is rare, can greatly shorten the gap between Sujili and the old Taiyi Golden Immortal, he naturally wants to refine earlier, and have more time to precipitate his own foundation.

Thirty years later, the white jade salt plum was completely ripe, Su Jili personally picked it, and put all seventy-two plums into the Xuanyuan plate, in addition to giving one to the salty god Qingli, and leaving a few more for emergencies, he was ready to use the remaining plums to refine the innate salty qi.

Of course, Su Jili did not favor one over the other, the five flavor gods had reached the peak of true immortals, one step away from Xuan Immortals, in order to help them break through, he also took out one of the spare innate spirit fruits and gave it to them.

Gan Shen Shiso gets a congenital sand begonia orange, Sour God Red Ying gets a congenital sour apricot, Spicy God Dragon Spirit gets a congenital dragon pepper, and as for Bitter God Marigold, it gets a congenital spirit fruit Schisandra.

In addition to Sujili’s temporary lack of bitter spiritual root, it is also because compared with the other five-flavor gods, the marigold has a layer of difference, and the blessing of the five-flavored fruit can make her quickly catch up.

After arranging the affairs in the palace, Su Jili soon retreated again, in the quiet room, he sat cross-kneeled, wrapped the innate plum with mana, and skillfully refined and extracted the innate salty qi, and wisps of breath were inhaled by him into the abdomen, stored in the kidneys, and fused with the innate salty qi refined with the innate schisandra.

A hundred years later, the innate plums were consumed, and Sujili’s kidneys were filled with innate salty qi, and he fused these innate qi with the acquired water qi in the body, incorporated them into the heaven and earth spiritual machine, absorbed the essence of the sun and moon, and gradually transformed into a unique black water qi.

A hundred years later, Sujili’s kidneys are filled with black water qi, he did not transform these water qi into black water Xuanguang, anxious to break the realm, he has only entered the late stage of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, has not yet reached the peak of the late stage, if he is in a hurry to break the realm, it will deplete his own potential, which is not beneficial to the future path, and when he reaches the extreme in this realm, it is not too late to break through, and the longer the black water qi is warmed in the kidneys, the more beneficial it is to him.

In the quiet room, Su Jili did not go out immediately, but tried to adjust his state, and when the spirit spirit reached its peak again, he swallowed the emerald green jade food, like the best innate spirit jade, without distractions, and refined with all his strength.

At the same time, the millennium has arrived. [ Read more novels for free on our website: tinyurl.com/2aa54z8b ]

Jinao Island, Kunlun Mountain, Shouyang Mountain, Mount Meru, Wahuang Palace, the Six Saints went towards Chaos.

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