Thirty-three heavens.

Sugili left the Moon Palace with a smile on his face.

Riding on the calamity, he headed towards the Nine Heavens.

When he was about to enter the thirty-second heaven, Su Jili turned his head to look in the direction of the Moon Palace, and the smile on his face became even brighter.

Unexpectedly, when he came out this time, he not only saw the Taiyin Xingjun, but also obtained two innate spiritual objects that were of great benefit to his cultivation.

As for the matter of the moon, Sujili was happy to see it.

In his previous life, he had read a lot of flood novels, and many travelers would break through with the Moon Society to gain merit.

Hundreds of years ago, when Sujili first entered the dark capital, he saw that the darkness was dim, rare light, and the sky above was even deeper and darker, empty, and at that time, he had a similar idea.

It’s just that Taiyin Xingjun is not easy to contact.

I thought that after he became a Daluo Golden Immortal in the future, he would have the opportunity to meet this big guy, but unexpectedly, the peak turned around.

He came to the Moon Palace unexpectedly, and happened to meet Taiyin Xingjun at home, and the latter happened to be interested in him and had something to find him.

Under all kinds of coincidences, there is also the plot of the moon.

Su Jili naturally hopes that the Taiyin Xingjun can succeed, not only because the latter is generous, he just came up with an idea, and he got a lot of rewards, if he succeeded, the follow-up thank you gift must be extremely rich, after all, this is a great grace of enlightenment.

Also because the lunar moon is successful, as the person who proposed the idea of the lunar moon, Sujili can also share the cup and get some merit 527, which is similar to the plan of the prefecture.

As for whether the Wu Clan will put aside the past grudges and let the moon hang high above the Netherworld, that is a matter for the Taiyin Star Monarch, he only provides an idea, whether it can be done or not is another matter.

Ten thousand steps back, even if the moon failed, Sujili also got the innate fire mulberry and the innate laurel, no loss!

Moreover, he had room for words, leaving a way back in advance, even the Taiyin Xingjun could not blame him for this.

In addition, Su Jili knew in his heart that Taiyin Xingjun did not specifically seek out his advice, a god like her, who had lived for endless years, was extremely wise, and Su Jili did not believe that the other party did not have other ways to obtain merit.

Just happened to meet, plus he performed well in the past, into the eyes of this great god, even so, Taiyin Xingjun naturally followed this fate, asked a few words by the way, anyway, he will not suffer a loss, hugging the grass and beating the rabbit, what if there is a surprise?


At the same time, inside the Moon Palace.

After the blue-clothed fairy saw off Sujili, she returned to the main hall and looked at the Taiyin Xingjun sitting under the laurel tree, and she wanted to say something several times.

“What are you doing, you can say it!”

Taiyin Xingjun couldn’t stand it and asked directly.

With permission, the blue-clothed fairy did not hesitate and asked.

“Niangniang, the Nether is the territory of the Wu Clan, you really want to plan the merit of the Nether Moon?”

Taiyin Xingjun said indifferently.

“Mountains are impermanent, water is impermanent.”

“Although the two races of the Lich are the same, but the heaven and earth move, the changes of Qiankun, and the exchange of yin and yang, even the Lich is not unable to temporarily abandon the past and cooperate.”

“Although the Nether is controlled by the Wu Clan, it does not belong to the Wu Clan, but belongs to the Flood Desolation All Spirits, and it is the destination of all living beings.”

“If the moon is completed, it will be of great benefit to the Netherworld, and even the Wu Clan will consider it again and again, and dare not refuse at will.”

“What’s more, the Wu clan is not as good as it used to be, it has long been the protagonist of heaven and earth, and they must plan for the future, and they will not give up in the face of the merit sent to the door.”

“Even if they are willing to give up, the lady who has hidden in the six reincarnations will not allow the Wu Clan to do this.”

At this point, Taiyin Xingjun seemed to think of something, and his tone became extremely determined.

“Moreover, there is an existence within the Taiyin Star that is difficult for the Wu Clan to refuse.”

When the blue-clothed fairy heard this, she was immediately relieved, and suddenly remembered something and continued to ask.

“Niangniang, can this lunar moon really attract merit?”

“Although that Vesta God Tianzun is extraordinary, he is only a Taiyi Golden Immortal after all.”

“Didn’t you think of several ways to plan merit? Switching to something else, perhaps more securely. ”

Taiyin Xingjun shook his head, and his tone was a little more appreciative, and explained.

“That Sugili does have something extraordinary.” [ Read more novels for free on our website: ]

“I wanted to just try one (CGCD), but I didn’t expect him to give me a surprise.”

“If this moon is accomplished, the merit obtained is far superior to other methods, not only can I successfully kill the good corpse and advance to the quasi-saint, but I can also touch a little Nether authority.”

“It is of great benefit to the Netherworld, to the Wu Clan, to Sujili, and to Wudu, and it is a lot of benefits in one fell swoop.”

“At present, this moon thing is the most feasible.”

The conversation with Su Jili was very cost-effective in the eyes of Taiyin Xingjun, and compared to the huge merit, the two innate spiritual objects were nothing at all.

She sits on the Taiyin Star, and inherits part of the treasure house of the demon clan and Changxi’s legacy; At the peak of the Lich, as a princess of the demon clan, she accumulated a large number of heavenly materials and earth treasures; Even now, as the Taiyin Star Monarch, he can also get a large number of Heavenly Court, and the most important thing is treasures.

For example, when the innate Fuso divine tree was still controlled by the demon race, she would get several innate fire mulberries every 30,000 years, which were all accumulated by it, and even, she asked her uncle Donghuang Taiyi to cultivate two innate fire mulberry spirit roots with innate Fuso branches.

As for the laurel flower, the Taiyin Star Jun is even more lacking, not to mention the superb innate spirit root on the Taiyin Star, that is, the Xuanyin Laurel tree planted in the Moon Palace behind her is the top-grade innate spirit root carefully cultivated by the mother god Chang Xi.

In the Moon Palace, the blue-clothed fairy heard this, and her eyes lit up.

“Congratulations Niangniang, quasi-sainthood!”

“It seems that my Moon Palace is going to deal with that Vesta God a few more times.”

“Maybe you’ll still need him in the future.”

In this regard, Taiyin Xingjun did not object.

On Su Jili, she saw a bit of the figure of Bai Ze, the wise man of the former demon race, all of them were equally stable and intelligent.

The laurel tree gently flicks and the fragrance is overflowing.

After waiting for the blue-clothed fairy to go down and get busy, Taiyin Xingjun looked up at the bright moon in the starry sky and sighed.

Although the Sun Star Lord and the Taiyin Star Lord are loved by the Heavenly Dao, and the merit and luck are long, as long as they do not die, they can cultivate smoothly to the peak of the Daluo Golden Immortal, but the Heavenly Dao is balanced, there are gains and losses, and if they enjoy the luck of blessings, they must also repay heaven and earth.

If the lords of the two supreme stars wanted to become quasi-saints, it was simply not enough to maintain the merit accumulated by the operation of the stars, and they needed to make a great merit for the flood barren world.

This is the bottleneck of the avenue, and it is also the test of heaven and earth!

In the last era, the father God Dijun and his uncle Donghuang Taiyi established the demon race by integrating all souls, obtained great merit from the family, crossed this threshold, and achieved quasi-sainthood.

The mother goddess Chang Xi and Tianhou Xihe achieved quasi-sainthood through the merit of heavenly marriage.

Now, she wants to obtain great merit through the moon.

Thinking of this, Taiyin Xingjun paid more attention to Su Jili.

Not only because of the great grace of enlightenment, but also because as the blue-clothed fairy said, in case it can be used in the future.

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