Nine Heavens, Vesta Heavenly Palace.

Sugili kept calling the shots.

Not only due to the needs of the time, new rules during the Great Tribulation were formulated, hoping that before the official opening of the Great Tribulation of the Sealing Gods, all major cities in Terran Kyushu had Vesta Gods sitting in towns, and also specially emphasized that it was necessary to focus on Chaoga City and the cities and villages within thousands of miles, build a temple of Stove King, and arrange Stove Jun as much as possible.

Today, the Great Shang Dynasty has successfully moved the capital to Chaoga City, and Sujili can occupy the righteousness in the name of the Heavenly Court, and confidently and boldly arrange the Emperor of the Stove.

In addition, Sujili did not forget Xiqi City and Yizhou City, that is, Sanshan Pass, Chen Tangguan and other places, and did not pull down.

The God Sealing Tribulation is nominally to select gods for the Heavenly Court, even if the Interpretation Sect knows about this, at this critical moment, he does not dare to blatantly uproot many Stove Monarchs, otherwise “seven six zero”, Su Jili will take advantage of the topic to play and take the opportunity to stir up this muddy water, so that the Heavenly Court has to confront the Interpretation Sect.

And in the catastrophe, the heavenly machine is chaotic, unfathomable, even the saint will be temporarily blocked, it is difficult to spy on the heavenly machine, deduce the news, especially after the official opening of the God Sealing Tribulation.

At this time, whoever takes the lead in grasping the intelligence will be able to grasp the initiative, and the importance of the many stove kings under Sujili will be highlighted.

Before the end of the catastrophe, Sujili will also release some resources to supply the gods under his command, especially the five flavor gods and five thousand fire head Dao soldiers to practice, at the same time, the heavenly materials and earth treasures captured by the latter’s conquest can not be handed over for the time being, all of which will be used to improve cultivation and strength.

After giving the various orders, Sujili was in the mood to check the cultivation of the five flavors of the gods and Baijian.

With the complete completion of the innate five-flavor spiritual root, coupled with the increase of the five-flavor divine tree of the middle-grade innate spiritual root and the blessing of two lower-grade innate enlightenment tea trees, in just over a thousand years, the cultivation of the five-flavor gods has reached the middle stage of the Xuanxian, and the five-flavor formation is also more convenient and powerful.

Although Shinto is difficult to practice, thanks to the Vesta God vein deep into the bottom, after ten thousand years of operation, in the flood and desolation spirits, especially the human people, has been deeply rooted, the belief is widespread, Bai Jian also rose to the top, after being canonized as a five-rank god general, he got a lot of incense, plus the Vesta God Tiangong incense resources offered, although it has only been more than a thousand years, but Bai Jian cultivation is not far from the peak of the early Golden Immortal.

Of course, this is inseparable from the fact that Bai Jian was a Golden Immortal peak general before his fall.

For their cultivation, Sujili was quite satisfied, but before the great calamity came, the strength was naturally the stronger the better, thinking of this, he directly preached for him for a hundred years, and answered some cultivation questions, and each taught them some great powers.

The five flavors belong to the gods corresponding to the five flavors and five elements, complement each other, and have been getting along for many years, and have a tacit understanding, Sujili taught them the five elements of Dadu and Rokko Qimen.

The Five Elements Dadun not only contains the superior Five Elements Escape Technique, but also records many Five Element Dao Techniques, which contain the wonderful way of the Five Elements of Life and Change; The Rokko Qi Gate can help them better calculate the number of formations and increase the power of the Five Flavors Great Array.

He also taught Bai Jian the two fighting gods of Dragon and Tiger and Big and Small Ruyi to enhance their combat power as soon as possible.

A hundred years later, after receiving some more orders from Sujili, Wuwei God and Baijian went down separately, and they left in a hurry, not daring to snub Sujili’s words.

Not only because he is the lord of the Vesta God Heavenly Palace, but also because although they have not experienced the catastrophe, they have heard that the horror of the Lich Tribulation, even if they only understand the tip of the iceberg, still makes them feel cold, and now that the catastrophe has come, it is related to their own lives, and they dare not be sloppy.


In the following years, in addition to daily practice, polishing mana and flesh, and increasing his own heritage, Su Jili was immersed in cooking and brewing spirit wine, which is his unique way of enlightenment, every time he cooks is practice, every time he makes wine is refining his heart, during the period, Su Jili also specially went to the Fire Star Monarch’s Mansion to ask Master Luo Xuan to collect some star origins.

As the Fire Star Monarch, Luo Xuan is in charge of a group of fire stars, in addition to thousands of ordinary stars, there are also four important stars, such as the tailed fire tiger, the chamber fire pig, the winged fire snake, and the fire monkey, they are one of the twenty-eight stars.

Since Su Jili wants to study the Chef Dao Daluo method, first condense the flavor flower (divine flower), the power of the Yuanshen is naturally the stronger the better, if you get these star blessings, the Yuanshen micro-starry sky is more perfect, and even the power of the Yuanshen will advance by leaps and bounds.

There are also some auxiliary stars near the South Dipper, as the master of the South Dipper, as long as it does not harm the root of the stars and affect the operation of the stars, Sujili can naturally collect some star origins, not to mention, he will comb through 0 every time…

Su Jili also traded with Taibai Jinxing through part of the upper tasting of Wudao tea, the latter is left and right, long-sleeved and good at dancing, knowing the influence of the Truncated Sect in the Heavenly Court and Sujili’s potential and status, plus the Wudao tea is indeed extraordinary, naturally will not refuse, Sujili successfully obtained some of the star origin under Venus.

When the MSI Sky was more perfect, the operating range and speed increased several times, and the power of the Yuanshen soared, Sujili received an invitation, which was personally sent by Princess Longji.


Vesta Heavenly Palace, inside the main hall.

Eating the dishes cooked by Sujili herself, Princess Longji was in a good mood, compared with the dignified and reserved when she first met, this Heavenly Court Princess was already very open in front of Sujili.

Because of Princess Longji’s good appetite, since Sujili met this Princess of the Heavenly Court, he often sent her some food, so that he also had an acquaintance by the side of the queen mother, in case of emergency, in the future, if something happened, he could also do it conveniently.

After coming and going, the two became acquaintances, and the relationship was quite good, and sometimes, she would also participate in the party of Bian Zhuang, Shen Yulei and Su Jili.

And right now, Princess Longji came because of the Peach Club.

After eating and drinking, she opened her 5.3 lips lightly and explained.

“The last time the Peach Opening Conference was when King Yu successfully cured the water, and now when the Peach Conference is opened, the Father God and the Mother God also want to recruit some more scattered immortals for the Heavenly Court.”

“In the Heavenly Court, only immortal gods above the fourth rank and the lords of the major heavenly palaces are eligible to participate in the Peach Society, in addition, the saints and various forces, as well as well-known scattered immortals, will receive invitations.”

At this point, Princess Longji suddenly changed her voice and said.

“Mother God asked me to remind you that the Vesta God Heavenly Palace will be responsible for the banquet dishes and the jelly, so you must pay attention, the Heavenly Court will fully cooperate, if the Vesta God Heavenly Palace performs well, she will be rewarded.”

After staying in the Vesta Heavenly Palace for a while, Princess Ryuji resigned and left.

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