Because of Sujili, the jade pipa spirit is different from the original, it has long been a fairy in the true fairyland, and he honestly stays in the Dixin harem with the nine-tailed fox and the nine-headed pheasant.

Without her as a name, although Jiang Ziya was accurate, he still did not enter Di Xin’s field of vision, but attracted the attention of Shen Gongbao.

He was idle, teasing his mind, and specially looking for Jiang Ziya to calculate the trigram, originally thought that it was just an ordinary scattered cultivation that had not yet completed the immortal path, but he couldn’t imagine that the person who calculated the trigram had some real skills, and there was a faint shadow of the authentic Xuanmen.

Because of this, Shen Gongbao accepted the contempt and took the initiative to report the name of the source, and after Jiang Ziya was dumbfounded, he also reacted quickly and also reported his origin.

Then, it was Shen Gongbao’s turn to be stunned.

Both of them are very familiar with their respective names, and even some gritted their teeth.

Specifically, it is not a secret that the two sects each have a son of great calamity, who is in charge of the Heavenly God List and the Earth Immortal List respectively, whether it is the disciples of the two religions or the saints of the two religions, they have never thought of hiding this matter, and even at the beginning of their worship, they point out each other’s existence, hoping to give the disciples a certain pressure and encouragement.

Since then, the two have begun a decades-long invisible confrontation through the conversation between the saints of the two religions.

In front of Yuan Shi Tianzun, the Tongtian Sect Lord said that Shengong Leopard Immortal Dao cultivation was 383 quickly, and Yuan Shi Tianzun said that Jiang Ziya was very talented in Wen Tao martial arts.

In front of his apprentices, the Tongtian Sect Master praised Jiang Ziya’s unique insights in studying the art of war, and Yuan Shi Tianzun said that Shengong Leopard’s Dao Method was talented.

For decades, Jiang Ziya and Shen Gongbao have been compared like this, and although they have never met, they are both impressed by each other, and even grit their teeth.

Unfortunately, the two of them had no knowledge of the operation of the saints of the two religions, let alone that they were all pitted by their respective masters, and without knowing it, they became the children of other people’s families.

Coupled with the fact that the two were born not to deal with each other, and they were affected by the bad atmosphere of the two religions, and now their status is very different, Shengong Leopard and Jiang Ziya are even more disgusted with each other, and they are not happy and disperse.

After leaving, the pair of old enemies had diametrically opposed moods.

Shen Gongbao saw that Jiang Ziya Immortal Dao had not yet succeeded, and was still rolling in the city, he had become a true immortal and ranked as a national teacher, and he was naturally happy.

Jiang Ziya saw that he was not comparable to Shen Gong Leopard, whether it was his identity, status, cultivation, and magical powers, plus the comparison over the past few decades, he was ashamed, even if his heart was good, he was not angry in his heart for the first time:

Why is it that Shengong Leopard, who is also a person who is a god of heaven, can become an immortal, but he himself has not achieved the immortal path?

Why is it that he is also a person who is appointed by Heaven and God, Shengong Leopard’s glory and wealth are within reach, but he is embarrassed and his life is expanded?

Although this kind of resentment passed in a flash, it was quickly suppressed by Jiang Ziya, but it was like a seed planted in his heart, and sooner or later it would blossom and bear fruit.


Su Jili did not know about Jiang Ziya’s psychological changes for the time being, and after integrating the news from his subordinate Stove Jun, he was most concerned about two things:

The first is Zhenguo Wucheng Wang Huang Feihu.

This martial general, whether in the Great Shang or the Great Zhou, is in a high position.

The Terrans have evolved to this day, and in addition to other schools of cultivation led by the Golden Dan Dao, they have also created their own cultivation methods, that is, martial arts.

This is the Dao that sprouted when the demon race slaughtered the Terrans countless years ago, created by the bottom Terrans, with vigorous qi and blood to resist the evil spirits, and later after the evolution of countless Terrans’ predecessors and servants, a system was gradually formed, and the realm was divided into dark energy, bright energy, chemical energy, dan energy, gang energy, and seeing God is not bad from low to high.

Martial Dao is one of the physical cultivation methods, but unfortunately the drawbacks are greater, even if the strong people who see that the gods are not bad can fight with the heavenly immortals, their life expectancy is extremely short, and they still can’t jump the century-old limit of old age, illness and death, and the old body decays and blood declines.

And Huang Feihu not only has a profound martial arts realm, martial arts attainments are at the pinnacle, can compete with the heavenly immortals, but also has deep luck and blessings, and after the death of the family, eight people are consecrated gods, and Huang Feihu is even in a high position, as the emperor of Dongyue Taishan Mountain, and Huang Tianhua is also the god of the three mountains.

Although it is somewhat unreasonable for this family to ascend to a high position as a mortal or junior, even if the canonization of the earth immortal is not as particular as the canonization of the heavenly gods, after all, there are bottom lines and rules, but it can still be seen that this family (ahdb) can endure a lot, after all, if you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight, if you do not meet the minimum requirements, you will not sit on the throne.

Because of this, Su Jili was quite pleased to see that Huang Feihu did not defect to Xiqi, but continued to stay in Chaoga City.

For Di Xin did not deal with Huang Feihu, he could guess the reason, all because this King Wucheng of Zhenguo and Di Xin had studied art under Wen Zhongmen for a period of time, and there was a bit of friendship with young people, plus King Wucheng had been Di Xin’s supporters from beginning to end, and in the case that Daji did not deliberately trap him, he naturally faced King Wucheng safely in the Great Shang Dynasty.

Thinking of Huang Feihu’s eldest son Huang Tianhua practicing under the sect of the Pure Void True Monarch, if Huang Feihu had not defected to the Great Zhou in the future, it would be particularly interesting for father and son to fight each other on the battlefield. [ Read more novels for free on our website: ]

As for the consecration of the gods of King Wucheng’s family, although Su Jili still intends to canonize them as earth immortals, the position will not be so high, but it will be reused in the key position, since it is a sect and a god, it cannot be done as you like, everything must be considered comprehensively, cultivation, merit, luck, virtue, etc. are indispensable.

The second is the preferential treatment of Ji Chang’s father and son by the Great Shang Dynasty.

No matter how absurd Di Xin is, at least in the eyes of the outside world, he treats Ji Chang’s father and son well, and if Ji Chang’s father and son oppose business, they will definitely attract criticism.

Even if they end up fighting against business in the face of wolf ambition and ungrateful infamy, they will be internally unstable, not as concerted as Sugili remembers.

All because Bo Yi Kao is still alive, he is the righteous eldest son, and the second son Ji Fa is shrewd, and the martial arts skills of Wenzhi are not inferior to Bo Yi Kao, and even more courageous, let alone willing to live under the people for a long time, there are also many supporters behind him, and when Ji Chang dies, even if the Great Zhou is established, there will be many internal contradictions.

Sugili was very pleased with the move.

Although he said that he would not let the three demons participate in the imperial government, it mainly meant that he could not harm Zhongliang, and he could act at the opportunity in other things, and even specially told them later, and now it seems that they have done a good job.

Of course!

Sujili is not trying to help the merchants destroy the week.

Humanity is changeable, and it is destined that no imperial dynasty has always held the position of the lord of Kyushu, if it is said that the consecration of gods is the general trend of heaven and earth, and the merchants of the Zhou Dynasty are the general trend of humanity.

However, the big trend cannot be changed, and the small trend is adjustable.

Big businessmen can withdraw in this showdown, but how to withdraw and how to withdraw is up to him.

Thinking of this, Su Jili’s heart moved, and he shot a transmission in the direction of the song city, and at the same time ordered his subordinates to pay close attention to the changes in Xiqi.

Since the general trend cannot be changed, then after Ji Chang’s father and son go back this time, they will definitely resist the pressure to raise troops and fight businessmen, and then it will be a big drama of the duel between the interpretation of the teachings and the interception of the teachings.

Sugili must know the news so that he can grasp the big picture.

After arranging these things, he retreated again, and he had to seize the time to refine the Nine Dragon Divine Fire Cover.

ps: Thanks for the big 1000 tips for who you are.

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