The silver side of the body is like a banished immortal Taoist king, while the other side dominated by black and red evil spirits is like an evil demon king.

The Great Elder Pei Wanming looked solemn.

The Spiritual Officer's Dharma Eyes make his eyes look like two substantial pillars of divine light, carefully exploring the opponent's spiritual aura. Even if it was only the pressure of the middle stage of divine transformation, the monk with the same body as the demon still brought great pressure to him.

Moreover, this person also has a large formation. If he is not defeated, the formation will be impossible to break.

"Taiyi Shengxian Sect?"

Pei Wanming still knows the goods.

After noticing the other person's aura, he had already recognized the heel.

The prestige of a large sect is as loud as thunder, even if it is far away from the territory, let alone a large sect in the Five Heavens Middle Earth.

Donghuang, whose overall strength is inferior to that of Middle-earth, is not secluded from information.

There are often contacts in the five days, but that is for the great monks, and Nascent Soul Lord can only reach the bottom line of crossing the five-day barrier.

If you don't even have the Nascent Soul Lord, you can only travel through various transfers.

For example, use the key to step into the Yuanyang Domain, and then step into other worlds from the Yuanyang Domain. When he first saw Tu Shanjun performing magic skills, he guessed the origin of this person. The Southern Demon Sect seems to be different from this person.

The Great Elder thought that this person came from the Demon Realm or the Netherworld, but he did not expect that this person was actually a pure Xuanmen sect.

"Boy, don't think that just because you come from a rich family, you can be arrogant."

"If I can suppress you once, I can suppress you a second time!" the great elder said solemnly.

"Big Sect?!" Monk Yuan Gun was astonished.

If it was an ordinary sect, the great elder would have pointed it out directly. Now that he said that, the other party's origin must be extraordinary.

"Does he have a great background?"

"have no idea."

"Apparently he has an extraordinary background. Just now I heard the Great Elder say 'Taiyi Shengxian Sect'." Pei Mingru was also a little confused. He seemed to have heard of the name of this great sect, but he couldn't remember the details. Cleared.

"What a loud tone, you dare to name it after Shengxian!"

"Since it has a good origin, he must have life-saving treasures."

In this way, all the venerables were not surprised that Tushanjun came back from the dead.

The mending of the body just now, as if going back in time, also horrified them. However, it is not surprising that the great elders all said that he came from a large family.

Tu Shanjun said: "Hand over the spirit sword and inheritance, Sanniang and I will leave immediately!"


"Kill me, Venerable Pei, and you still expect me to give you what you want with both hands?"

The Great Elder Pei Wanming said in a deep voice: "After all, Sanniang is also a disciple of the Pei family. What does your parents' dispute have to do with you, and in what capacity are you involved in it? I think it is possible that Sanniang was deceived by you."

"Since Taoist friends don't want to make friends."

"Don't blame me for robbing you!"

Tu Shanjun doesn't know how to balance and control this speed. If Senior Brother Taiyi is still around, he should be able to make suggestions for him.

However, at the moment Sanniang nodded, Tushanjun only had the word 'believe' in his mind. However, even if Sanniang's palace is profound, her experience is not enough.

She had never solved such a big thing and didn't know how to measure it.

Now there is no choice but to defeat the great elder of the Pei family and a group of assisting sages!

"Enter my formation..."

Tu Shanjun took off the small flag on his back while chanting the spell words of the array.

As soon as the flag fell, the wind blew.

Two flags and three flags, thunder and fire!

The ghost king of the ten directions appeared on the edge of the formation, holding a small flag and guarding it with thousands of ghosts.

Between the confrontation between the Ten Directions Ghost King Killing Formation and the Void Heaven Locking God Formation, the five sages who were holding their own against the formation suddenly collapsed and escaped under the crushing force of the formation.

The entire formation also shattered, turning into boundless light and being swallowed up by the clouds.

"Duan is so powerful?!" Pei Si's grandfather covered his chest in shock, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

With his cultivation in the middle stage of becoming a god, he could not stop this person from unleashing the power of the great array. If there are powerful magical powers, he would also recognize them. This is a collision of large formations, not a collision of people.

"I guessed wrong, he is not a genius."

"He is Taozi!"

Pei Mingru said solemnly.

Taoist body, magical powers, direct lineage inheritance, and matching treasures... create supreme combat power. He was even able to fight against the Great Elder of the Peak Venerable on his own, and the formation set up by the five of them.

This kind of cultivation strength may not be possible for ordinary Dao disciples.

"The Great Elder's situation is not good."

"Of course it's not good. Saints' magical powers are not so easy to use. At this time, the great elder's magic power must have been reduced by more than half, and such magical powers will also cause huge damage to himself."

"It's okay to use it once, but the side effects of a second time will make the elder lose his ability to fight!"

"If you don't have such great magical powers, how can you suppress him?"

All the venerables looked at each other.

With that person's ability to get stronger as they fight, once they get into a fight, as long as they don't have the ability to decide the outcome in one fight, they may all slowly lose.

Monk Yuan Gun asked: "Will his magic power not be exhausted?"

"Do you think he looks a little exhausted?"



Pei Mingru suddenly remembered what his uncle said. He said this person was very strange.

He didn't notice it at the time, but he actually noticed it later.

Although this person's cultivation and strength are changing, his magic power has a source among thousands of spiritual opportunities, and this source... Pei Mingru used his Dharma Eyes to search for the past.

"is her!"

"But why is this so?"

Pei Mingru didn't know.

He only knew that if he just sat there and waited for death, this formation would kill the five of them sooner or later.

Pei Si's grandfather said: "The top priority is to combine our efforts to defeat this formation!"

"Take action."


The five streams of light returned to the aid of Great Elder Pei Wanming without hesitation.

On this side, Tushanjun, who is holding a ‘machine’, has gradually gained the upper hand with the help of the large formation.

A hammer fell.

It's like the underworld and the world are turning upside down, and all the ghosts and spirits are falling.


While the great elder was contending, he was thinking about whether to use the saint's method again.

It's not that he doesn't want to use it.

Once used, if it fails to achieve success, what awaits him will be powerlessness. If you don't use it and simply use the secret method to increase your own cultivation strength, it seems that you can't completely destroy the formation in front of you.



Tushanjun was also frightened.

He had activated the 'Dao Demon One Body' and used the three banners of the formation to block the yin, yang, yin, yang, and magic power of the great elder Pei Wanming, but he was still fighting so hard.

It should be said that he is indeed the strongest combat power of the big clan. He is indeed powerful. If it weren't for the evil energy accumulated in his banner to reshape his body, he would have been killed by the great elder last time.

This time was different from when he blocked Pei Wanhong.

At that time, he only activated the death-resistant technique.

No mana yet.

Now he has the magical support of two late-stage god-transformation venerables. The formation is fully open. The two venerable Yangshen and the Eight-Path True Lord Yuanying serve as the foundation of the Ghost King of the Ten Directions. Even the peak venerables are no match for him.

If we could add a few more venerable Yangshen, we might be able to have a chance to meet the saint in words.

"Great Elder, don't worry!"

The round monk with a mysterious appearance appeared on the side.

The monk who was half Taoist and half Demonic roared angrily.



The mysterious sky behind the monk Yuan Gun suddenly dimmed a lot.

Monk Yuan Gun felt a wave of heat coming from his forehead.

It turned out that his body-protecting Qi had been torn open at some point. It looks like a hammer piercing through, but it's actually more like a sharp sword slash.

"Bipolar Annihilation!"

The two whips in Pei Mingru's hands turned into a treasure, spinning and hitting the Half-faced Demon Lord.


While a huge blood jade gourd resisted the treasure, a silvery sword light entwined with black and red aura burst out from it.

For a moment.

Like beautiful fireworks blooming.

It's like casting a tree with fireworks, spinning in the sky. The sword light intertwined into a huge net, which directly caught Pei Mingru and smashed him out.

Bang! ! !

A face-to-face meeting.

The two venerables fell directly from the neat formation.

Among them, the black-robed Pei Mingru was trapped by the large net intertwined with sword energy.

If it was just blocked, then the net of swords and light merged with the black and red net at the feet of the Half-faced Demon King as it sank. It would be very difficult to escape at this time.

At this time, Tushanjun was like a humanoid demon spider god weaving a large web, and the large black and red web slowly emerged under his feet.

Five small flags behind him turned into five flags and rotated.






The Yin Shen Ghost King holding the flag stepped into the formation.

Pei Si's grandfather looked intently at the Yang Shen holding the flag in front of him, and said in horror: "Venerable Weihan?!"

The other party, who has the same cultivation level as him, has become the soul in the soul banner. At this time, he also understood why the great elder was so angry. It turned out that this man had killed Venerable Weihan long ago and incorporated him into the soul banner.

Now is not the time to think too much. It's not like he fell into it and became a member of the Yin God.


Tushanjun vomited slightly.

Like an artifact that fell from the sky to the netherworld, the nine shrines stood suddenly, with black and red iron ropes and large nets complementing each other.



The great elder turned around and looked at the shrine behind him, and then at the half-faced devil who controlled the Yin God to command the heavenly soldiers and generals.

He said in a deep voice: "Da Zong Daozi is indeed powerful!"

Despite his words, he showed no fear at all. Instead, he made hand seals and chanted formulas, and the precious light around his body turned into a pillar reaching the sky.


Tushanjun shouted loudly.

Holding the two small flags behind his back with both hands.

These are the last two shots of the Shifang Ghost King's Killing Formation.

Punish and destroy.

When these two small flags are used, it is time to determine the outcome.


A slightly rough palm fell on the shoulder of the great elder Pei Wanming.

The great elder looked back and his pupils couldn't help but shrink.

"Little friend."

"You are indeed very strong."

The old man in robe said with a smile.

Tushanjun's expression changed drastically.

He didn't open the formation at all, which meant that people from outside couldn't get in and people inside couldn't get out. However, this person appeared quietly.

There was only one thought in his mind.


Without any hesitation, he gave up using the last two small flags and grabbed the blood jade gourd behind him.

Nervously, he covered it with his palms.

He said in a deep voice: "Ancestor, the success or failure of this disciple is all bet on this..."

The old man looked at the huge blood jade gourd up and down, and said with a smile: "Little friend, it's better to put your treasure gourd away. I don't want to fight with the ancestor of Taiyi Shengxian Sect in the air."

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