Walked through the small intestine path.

Beyond the deep darkness.

They seemed to have stepped onto a land of the underworld, with dead trees and lonely trees, and a misty sky without sun or moon.

Tu Shanjun looked behind him.

The path gradually turned into an illusion, but it was still like a thin line connecting the inside and the outside.

The soil beneath my feet seemed dead.

This is a high slope, and there is a small house standing on the wasteland on the slope.

The hut was dilapidated and lay there quietly like a corpse, waiting for strangers to discover it so that it could be laid to rest.

Looking at Xu Hongshang who was about to continue walking forward, Tu Shanjun whispered: "Be careful."

Xu Hongshang nodded and took Tu Shanjun's hand.

"This is even my first time here." Pei Luotian said in amazement.

"here it is?"

"A place of death."

"Death place?"

"Dead land is called dead land." Xu Xuan answered.

"Why does the earth die?"

"The sky will die, why won't the earth die?"

"God will die?"

"Haven't you heard of it?"

"If the sky has feelings, the sky will also grow old."

"What happens when we get old?"

Pei Luotian took over the words: "I will become old and immortal."

Sanniang didn't expect that the ancestor had such a humorous side.

It can only be said that these ancestors and parents, despite their unparalleled majesty and unparalleled cultivation, are actually still human beings. No matter they are good or bad, smart or stupid, as long as they are human, they still have joy, anger, sorrow and joy.

Xu Xuan smiled and said: "You will become a spirit if you are old but don't die."

"Look at what I look like."

"You are not old."

Tu Shanjun also felt that Pei Luotian was immortal.

It is estimated that among the saints of Lianxu, Pei Luotian is relatively young.

It's just that their lifespans are too long, so any one who appears is already a legendary figure. After this interruption, Tushanjun did not continue to ask about the place of death.

Since Xu Xuan didn't say anything, there must be a reason.

Tu Shanjun was actually more concerned about another thing, so he asked: "Is there really no way to survive the next life?"


"There are ways."

"The simplest thing is to seize the body, but the sequelae will drag down a great monk alive."

"Similar to Senior?"

Seeing Tu Shanjun's eyes move to Pei Luotian, Xu Xuan said: "Of course the ancestor is a great monk, but he is not old enough."

"The most stable, reincarnated, without any sequelae. If you are lucky, you can even get a Taoist body."

"The most powerful..."

Xu Xuan paused and said, "Live a second life based on yourself."

He said and looked at Tu Shanjun: "When you encounter such a person, stay away from him. Although you are unparalleled in talent and love, your strategy is slightly inferior. This kind of person is ruthless and strong. Once you fall into his trap, it is unlikely that you will be his." opponent."

"As for other miscellaneous magical powers and secret techniques, there is no need to talk about them."

"It's just hanging on and trying to catch the moon in the water."

"He who asks for the moon drowns."

"Not worth mentioning."

While talking, the four of them had already arrived in front of the hut.

Pushing open the door of the hut, there are jade boxes with three different sides enshrined inside.

Wait until the four people enter the house.

Xu Xuan closed the door and walked to the jade box and said, "There are three important treasures inside."

"The first of these is for you, ancestor, and it contains what you want." After saying that, Xu Xuan moved the jade box and pushed it in front of Pei Luotian, and said with a smile: "Please accept it."

The ancestor of the Pei family, Pei Luotian, who had been keeping his sleeves up, his eyes burst out with divine light, and he shouted: "I finally got it."

He immediately put the jade box away.

Like an old monk sitting in meditation.

Standing still.

"This second one is for you."

Xu Xuan pushed the jade box in front of Tu Shanjun, looked at Pei Luotian, and then withdrew his gaze and said: "It's not actually a treasure inside, but it is indeed the real secret to becoming an immortal, because it is a volume of 'immortal scripture' ….”

"Immortal Scripture?!"

Tu Shanjun took a breath of cold air and asked hurriedly: "As far as I know, the Immortal Scriptures are all in different words."

Xu Xuan looked at Tu Shanjun in surprise and nodded: "I didn't expect you to know this."

"That's right."

"But this one is different. This is the golden scroll written by a person who has become an immortal and confirmed the path to immortality...the title page."

"Title page?"

"What's the meaning?"

Tushanjun was stunned for a moment.

"It means that only the general outline of becoming an immortal is recorded here."

Xu Xuan opened the jade box in his hand and found a golden leaf lying quietly inside. He looked at Pei Luotian and invited: "Ancestor, how about you come and watch it together?"


Pei Luotian nodded happily.

Even Sanniang came over.

The four of them watched together.

A golden page contains a general outline and formula.

It is obscure and blunt, making people feel dizzy as soon as they read it.

Just looking at it, it felt like his head was being held by invisible hands, and there was a buzzing sound in his ears, banging, and the doors and windows shook at the same time.

At the same time, there was a wail from the dead land.

Xu Xuan buttoned up the jade box, handed it to Tu Shanjun and said, "You can figure out the general outline of becoming an immortal yourself."

Pei Luotian reluctantly withdrew his gaze, opened his mouth, but finally said nothing.

Only a sigh was left.

I missed this opportunity today, and I don’t know when we will meet again, or we may even never meet again in this life.

But he really couldn't take action.

"In this last jade box, there is a magical power that can protect your life."

Xu Xuan opened the jade box, which contained only a light gray jade slip, and handed it to Xu Hongshang: "Stay alive!"

Xu Hongshang took the jade box.

Sobbed quietly.

She already knew that once this place was opened, Xu Xuan would be as completely dead as this dead land.

The death of a loved one always makes people sad, not to mention that her father didn't deserve to die, just because he wanted to save her, although Xu Xuan told him not to blame himself, because family affection was only part of it, and what he wanted to do more was to resist.

Resist a 'terror'.

"When you leave this world, never mention what I said to anyone."

Xu Xuan warned.

Then he laughed and said: "Whether it succeeds or not, I can only leave it to fate."

All the bold words and ambitions have turned into spring breeze at the last moment.

Listen to the fate of heaven and earth.

Xu Xuan sat at the table in the small room.

The proud Pei Luotian took out a pot of turbid wine.

No one knew where he took it out, just like no one saw where he put the jade box he got.

Tushanjun also sat down.

Pei Luotian poured wine into the four wine bottles in front of him.

The saint pours wine. I'm afraid I've never heard of this kind of treatment.

Tushanjun was not embarrassed, he drank it as soon as he picked it up.

"Aren't you afraid that I'll poison you, little friend?"

Pei Luotian was the first to pick up the wine bottle and take a sip.

He took a deep look at Xu Xuan beside him and said, "I don't care whether something exists or not. At this age, I have long ignored life and death. You have offended someone, and I will help you bear the burden today."

"Let's clear things up!"


Xu Xuan nodded in agreement.

"My little friend, don't forget to promise me what you promised me."

Tu Shanjun nodded and said, "I will never forget it."

One person should do the work and the other should take responsibility. Since he killed the Pei family's venerable, he should naturally agree to the other party's request that was not rude.

This has always been his rule.

Enmity must be avenged, and kindness must be repaid.

Being happy with your grudges makes you a real man!

Facing the initiator, Sanniang's father, Tushanjun couldn't say what he liked or disliked. He just didn't want to deal with such a person anymore.

As for forgiving the other party, it is impossible for him to do such a thing. Sanniang is Sanniang, and Sanniang’s father is Sanniang’s father. This needs to be discussed separately. For Sanniang's sake, he just didn't care.

It is better for people to live simply.

Tu Shanjun thought so.

After thinking about this, I drank all the spiritual wine in the wine bottle.

Then he got up and walked out the door.

Xu Hongshang was kicked out of the hut without waiting to say goodbye to her father.

The winding path lingers behind you.

Tushanjun, who was about to leave, turned around and asked, "Is reincarnation a good destination?"

Xu Xuan in the hut was silent for a long time and said: "The underworld is not peaceful either."

"I see."

Four people arrived.

Return to Yu San.

Pei Luotian still treated each other with courtesy, but after walking out of this death place, Pei Luotian took the lead to leave, saying that it was important to practice and not to be an eyesore here.

If the two of them want to live together, they can live as long as they want.

If they wanted to leave, he would also arrange for someone to send the two of them away.

With Pei Luotian leaving, only Tu Shanjun and Xu Hongshang were left in the ancestral cave.

Xu Hongshang pursed her lips and said, "Brother Tushan, I didn't mean to hide it from you. It's really a matter of great importance and I dare not say anything."

Tushanjun looked at Sanniang.

Said: "Actually, I also had doubts, and I told Brother Yuyan about it."

"As I grow older and more mature, I also find that I don't seem to trust people so easily."

"But I still believe in you."

"Not for any other reason."

"Faith is faith."

“If you don’t believe it, you don’t believe it.”

Tu Shanjun's big hand fell on Sanniang's shoulder and said softly: "I also hope you can live forever."

"We are dependent on each other after all."

He doesn't blame Sanniang. Once some secrets are revealed, even if no one else knows, they will slowly become known by one person, then by two people, and then by three people.

The whole world will know until the end.

It's like, after Tu Shanjun revealed the secret of being a Taoist weapon spirit, the secret seemed to be no longer a secret, and everyone he met seemed to have already understood what he was doing.

Having this kind of thinking and being able to hold back is really a good quality.

Things are accomplished with secrets, and failure is revealed with words!

The more you can hold on, the more likely you are to succeed.

The two of them stayed in Pei's ancestral land.

I have no intention of leaving just yet.

No one disturbed his Qing Cultivation, and Tu Shanjun could study the general outline of becoming an immortal.

Inside the cave.

Tu Shanjun looked at the golden seal in front of him.

I saw that the first half of the golden chapter written by the immortal was a description of his own life.

The second half is the general outline of becoming an immortal.

Tu Shanjun did not observe other people's lives, but looked directly past their lives and looked at the outline of the Golden Scroll.

To become an immortal.

Need immortality!

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