Melting seat.


The burly old man listened silently to the red-haired monk in front of him.

He sighed: "It'll be nice to come back."

Venerable Yuyan did not expect that he would encounter a person with great supernatural powers when he went to Pei's.

Compared with Dao Lord, the opponent's cultivation level is only higher but not lower. He is a strong man who can strike across mountains and seas from afar.

Fortunately, people are still alive.

What Yueyan didn't expect was that Pei would let Tu Shanjun come back safe and sound.

The value of spiritual treasures is such that even a saint would be tempted by it.

As far as he knew, there was a saint in the Pei family. Even though he didn't take action, the saint was by no means a weakling. It would be easy to detain Tu Shanjun, the god-transforming master with insufficient magic power.

"It's not me he's afraid of."

Tu Shanjun said.

Of course that person would not be afraid of a Taoist weapon spirit. The only thing that made him afraid was the gourd on the Taoist weapon's waist.

The gourd contains the means to defeat the monks with great supernatural powers. Even if the means are weak, who is really sure that such things will not harm the saint's ability.

Pei Luotian didn't dare to gamble.

When he faced the great supernatural power and did not take action, he had already put a layer of shackles on his heart.

Therefore, he did not dare to gamble when facing the Lord Transformation of God.

He has scruples.

The red-haired monk sat cross-legged in front of the low table, shaking the wine in his glass.

He stood up without stopping and said, "I want to go back to Star Luo."

"Xingluo, Taiyi Sect."

"I heard Jinghong say it."

Venerable Yuyan nodded and then asked, "Don't you want to talk to Jinghong?"

This question made Tushanjun, who stood up, froze.

He was thinking about what he should say to Jinghong. Sometimes it is not good to talk too much when meeting, and it is not good to say nothing at all. It can only be conveyed by Lao Yunyan.

"How should I say goodbye?"

"Once you enter the arena, you can't help yourself."

The red-haired monk went down the mountain.

Board the giant ship in Guxian Tower.

Looking forward to spring.

In the setting sun, ancient trees and grass grow and warblers fly.

In the distant sky, a giant beast roared, and countless white steams were like broken waves, gradually turning into mist and being swallowed up by the surrounding clouds, turning into part of the majestic sea of ​​clouds.

The giant swimming whale and the floating giant are like the walking mountains without wavering at all.


The camel beast opened its mouth and exhaled a long breath, and the saliva turning around in its mouth turned into white foam and stuck to the corners of its beard and mouth.

Large and small boxes of goods made it difficult for him to move his body, and he couldn't use his legs and feet in the small space. Even with a kick, he would kick his companions in front and behind him.

The huge camel beast team is like a bloated Yellow River, with mud and sand mixed together, making it impossible to tell who is who.

With the appearance of monks who step into the sky one by one.

The cold air turns into the warmth of spring breeze.

The deck is lowered.

The team finally started to set off.

A monk in black robes followed the surging flow of people away from the docked giant ship.

"How long does it take to wait for the giant ship heading to Taiyi Sect?"

The official holding the pen raised his head and looked around, and saw an anxious face.

It was a middle-aged man, with a somewhat panicked expression, as well as sincerity and expectation, as if he was begging the official in front of him to give him an answer that met his expectations.

"Three years."

"Don't panic. We will definitely be able to catch up before Taiyi Sect's Immortal Ascension Ceremony. Our Ancient Immortal Tower has always done things in a measured way." The official's words were somewhat arrogant.

But when it comes to Taiyi Sect, some of that arrogance also subsides.

"Very good!"

The middle-aged man sighed: "I took my child a long way, and I thought I wouldn't be able to catch up."

The middle-aged man left with the tickets for the giant ship. The thick pile of tickets did not look like one or two people, but a huge team.

Then, it was the turn of a black-robed monk to take his place.

The official looked at the monk in front of him.

Wearing a black and red smoky cloud robe, edged with gold thread, and always tied up with a hairpin, his red hair looks even more pale as white jade. He looks like a weak and sickly rich man, or he has been hollowed out by wine and sex. The slutty guy who lost his body.

The official then asked: "Where are you going?"

"Taiyi Sect."

"Are you going to Taiyi Sect too?"


"Send your child to attend the Immortal Ascension Ceremony?"


The official paused his writing and said with a smile: "I see that you are a monk and you don't have children. Maybe you want to join the Taiyi Sect. It takes a lot of skills to be a guest of the Taiyi Sect."

"Looking at your pale face, red eyes, and exposed veins, you are probably seriously ill."

The black-robed monk said calmly: "It's not about joining."

"If you don't join, why are you going to Taiyi Sect? Could it be that you are still a disciple of the sect."

"That's right."

As soon as this was said, the official immediately shut up and marked the boat tickets and documents in surprise.

Before he could react, the monk in black robes had already left with his papers and ferry tickets, and in a blink of an eye he had disappeared into the huge crowd behind him, making it difficult for him to follow his eyes.

After the initial surprise, the official shrugged and said nothing.

The number of Taiyi Sect disciples he encountered ranged from less than a thousand to eight hundred, so he wasn't that surprised.

The black-robed monk is Tu Shanjun. As for the appearance and speculations just described by the officials, they are also biased towards the monk. Who said that the pale face is a disease, maybe it is a ghost.

It was just that Tu Shanjun didn't expect Taiyi Sect's influence to be so great.

Even the monks from outside the realm have to rush to send their children to Taiyi Sect.

It seems that in the more than two hundred years since he was absent, Xingluo Sea has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Tushan Jun returned to the inn and bought a chronicle to read through. It is said that more than a hundred years ago, the Xingluo Sea's domain barrier completely disappeared, and the entire Xingluo Sea was connected to the Eastern Wilderness and became a part of the Eastern Wilderness.

At this time, various sects were fighting for territory, and the Luhuang Sect was squeezing their living space, leading to a war. After that, Taiyi Sect relied on three hundred years of accumulation to send troops.

Under the leadership of the Venerable, the remaining forces of Xingluo were wiped out, the Kunpeng Sect was driven away, and the East China Sea Dragon Clan was absorbed.

According to secrets, the Jiaolong Clan originally wanted to leave, but Taiyi Sect repeatedly persuaded them and offered treasures and benefits that the Jiaolong Clan could not refuse, so the East China Sea Jiaolong Clan was completely merged into Taiyi.

Taiyi Sect wiped out Liuhe and unified Xingluo Sea.

From now on, there will no longer be two poles standing side by side, only one great sect will rise.

Of course, the current Taiyi Sect is still too immature compared to the long-established sects in the Eastern Wasteland, but this does not prevent the Taiyi Sect from rising again, with the resources and support of the Shangzong.

The road of Taiyi Sect has not been bumpy.

"Very good."

Tushanjun smiled happily.

Taiyi Sect is not only the hard work of Senior Brother Taiyi, but also his hard work. He does not want Taiyi Sect to become a soft persimmon after leaving.

The development and growth of Taiyi Sect is a good thing, both for those who have followed it and for the situation of the entire Xingluo. With a unified sect, the entire Xingluo can be much more stable.

Tu Shanjun is just a little regretful that he and Senior Brother Taiyi have laid a solid foundation, but they have not completed the great cause of unification.

Speaking of this, the black-robed monk smiled lightly.

"What's up?"

The smile on the black-robed monk's face faded and he looked towards the door.

"Senior Qi, someone wants to see you."

"see me?"

As soon as Tu Shanjun's consciousness swept away, the people outside were already clear.

"Let him in."

He waved his hand and opened the stone door of the quiet room, welcoming the man to step in.

"Disturbing Gao Xiu."

The middle-aged man hurriedly saluted, with a smile on his face, and said, "I am Cui Xi, the fifth eldest in the family."

Tushanjun, who was holding the scroll, looked away.

This person was the one who took the ticket in front of him.

"Say it."

"Highly cultivate your eyesight."

"I would like to ask Gao Xiu how the Grand Ceremony of your noble sect's ascension to immortality is conducted and what preparations should be made."

"Don't worry Gao Xiu, these things will not violate the sect's rules, and I have a small family fortune, so I will definitely be able to give Gao Xiu a satisfactory thank you."

Cui Wulang said while crossing his hands and saluting.

Then he lowered his voice: "If Gao Xiu is willing to help, I will give you a generous gift."

The black-robed monk holding the scroll looked strange.

Buying news to buy the head of the ancestor of the sect?

"The Grand Ceremony of Ascension to Immortality."

Tu Shanjun couldn't help but reminisce.

It was very grand at that time.

Hold the incense, pay homage to the ancestor, open a large system, check the roster, and become a cultivator of immortality.

"What kind of spiritual root does your child have?"

"Double spiritual roots."

"As long as this kind of spiritual root is not really fragile, you can definitely get started." Tu Shanjun waved his hand.

The spiritual root asked him what he was doing.

Unless one is too weak to practice, the Eastern Wilderness Sect will be rushing to recruit young people with this spiritual root, and they will be contacted by monks who are in charge of recruiting disciples.

"Not at ease."

"What's not practical?"

"I don't know if I can become the true king's sect."

Cui Wulang left.

Although he was not completely satisfied, at least he felt confident.

But it's a pity that he didn't ask about the master of the black-robed monk. He wanted to make a smooth connection, but he just made an expression on his own and the other party didn't understand the meaning of his words.

Cui Wulang still believed that this person was a disciple of the sect.

That attitude cannot be faked.

Temperament is a very elusive thing, but when he saw this person, he knew that this person was of extraordinary origin. So composed, so different.

It looks ordinary, but actually it feels profound no matter how you look at it.

"This news is worth buying!"

Cui Wulang nodded firmly.

He bought information from officials just to look for opportunities. Unexpectedly, the first person he visited made him more confident.

In a blink of an eye.

The giant ship from Guxian Tower arrived.

Since meeting him three years ago, the high cultivator has been in seclusion and has not seen anyone else.

He stood on the deck and looked around for a long time, but did not see the figure of the man. It was not until a sparse crowd boarded the giant ship that he saw a Taoist priest in black robes slowly walking towards the deck.

He immediately said with great joy: "Gao Xiu!"

"It's you."

The black-robed Taoist nodded and said, "Why are you here by yourself?"

Cui Wulang said: "When I go out to do things, it's better for me to do it myself. I bring a housekeeper and a large group of servants with me. People will think that I am arrogant."

"So since I set foot here, I have been doing everything myself, and I have left all the care of the children to them."

"The giant ship will arrive at the great city of Fangshi at the gate of Taiyi Sect in two years."

Cui Wulang suppressed his excitement.

The black-robed monk nodded slightly and stepped onto the deck.


The giant ship sets sail.

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