Tu Shanjun's consciousness came out of the soul flag.

The main hall has gradually begun to take shape under the construction of strong men.

Meng Zhi was sitting cross-legged on a piece of bluestone, meditating under a crooked neck tree, and felt his own thoughts in the sea of ​​consciousness.

He really needs to use visualization methods to stabilize his mind and temper his Yinshen. Otherwise, he will be frightened by the slightest disturbance. How can he withstand the strong winds and waves.

Maybe even the level of refining holy objects can't be accomplished.

"If we want to achieve it quickly within three years, I'm afraid we need to use the 'Hell Transformation' and the 'Tower of Babel.'"

Tu Shanjun made a calculation in his mind.

As Chuiyun said, taking things step by step will definitely not lead to the ideal state.

Even with his protection, it would be difficult to refine the holy object with Meng Zhi's cultivation of golden elixir and Yin Shen, who is not very powerful now.

If you want to improve as quickly as possible, you need external help. Whether it is elixirs, lectures, or other magical powers that hammer the Yin God, use them if you can.

Tu Shanjun flicked his fingers and threw out dozens of tokens. The tokens immediately turned into concrete and turned into a strong man with an upper body with a strong back and a lower body as ethereal as smoke. He laid the foundation of the formation according to Tu Shanjun's ideas.

When the gray-haired old man took out the formation disk and threw it into the sky, the formation completely rose and turned into a crystal turtle shell.

"Guixuan Panhai Formation."


"Third-grade spirit gathering array."



Meng Zhi noticed something strange happening around him and woke up from trance.

I was seeing the main hall being completed in the mountains.

The formation shrouded the entire palace, and the rich spiritual energy surged in like a surging tide. The formation law was like a turtle treading on the sea, raising its head and completely suppressing the rioting spiritual energy from all directions.


Mengzhi was surprised.

He looked at the old man on the wicker chair who was flipping through half a volume of scripture: "What is this?"

The old man glanced sideways.

Then he looked at the scripture in his hand and said, "The Annals of Ancient Hun."

Meng Zhi didn't react for a while until he saw 'The Biography of the Holy Lord' written on the side of the scroll. He immediately said in surprise: "The Biography of the Holy Lord? Holy Lord Guhun."

Now he remembered that what Master Fox was looking at was not anything else, but the Benji of the Holy Lord who was in charge of the ancient city.

This thing is a volume of three spiritual stones, and it is widely published. It is said that it has been approved by the Holy Lord, and the monks are very encouraged to read his spiritual path and legendary stories.

"You are still interested in this."

Meng Zhi said with a smile.

Children around the ancient city have seen this thing since they were three years old.


"This Holy Lord is quite legendary." The gray-haired old man nodded slightly.

He was not interested in the legendary story of the Holy Lord, but was looking for information about the saints of the Ancient Immortal Tower, and at the same time speculated on the distribution of the powerful men of the Ancient Immortal Tower in the Eastern Wilderness.

Maybe it will come in handy later.

The busy red scarf warriors are finishing their work.

The gray-haired old man put away the scroll and said, "From now on, you will stay here for three years."

"How to practice?"

Just as Meng Zhi was about to speak, he saw a black shadow dragging a dragon corpse into the formation.

"Fourth level desolate beast dragon!"

"I will teach you the Whale Swallowing Technique to help you absorb and refine the spiritual energy."


After drinking and eating, Meng Zhi lay on the bluestone and began to snore.

Now he had no doubts in his mind.

Three hundred thousand flowers have been spent, and the opportunity of Taoism has been chosen by myself, so what else can I do? Of course, try your best.

Otherwise, how could he still leave alive after knowing such important news?

There is actually nothing wrong with living like this. Every day I either eat or drink or meditate.

Good meat goes into the belly, good wine goes through the intestines.

While eating and drinking, one can see the improvement of one's own cultivation with the naked eye.

Coupled with the help of an unknown medicinal bath and a large number of pills that looked different sizes, Meng Zhi, who was originally as thin as a monkey, was forced into a ball by the power of the medicine.

Naturally, there is no need to say much about his cultivation. After the accumulation in the first half year, he has already entered the middle stage of Golden Core.

Compared to the great geniuses, it is still slightly weaker.

Fifty years old is the threshold for geniuses. It does not mean that all geniuses need to be so advanced to reach such a level of cultivation.

Many outstanding geniuses have reached the second step in ten or twenty years.

If it hadn't been for Tu Shanjun who allowed Jinghong to stabilize his cultivation, he would have stepped into the golden elixir to attack Yuanying very quickly.

Even Jinghong's cultivation is completely within the category of Tianjiao.

The only thing that dissatisfied Mengzhi was that such days were too boring.

It's like there's no pursuit all of a sudden.


Mengzhi was in a trance for a while, and the scene in front of him had completely changed into another scene.

Compared to the panic he once had, Meng Zhi now glanced around calmly and observed the surroundings.

There was a tall tower standing in the distance. He couldn't count how many floors it had, but he could see straight into the clouds.

Meng Zhi looked back, and behind him was an endless land.

There's no end in sight.

The moment he turned around, the tower that should have been in the distance had already appeared in front of him.

"Tower of Babel?"


Meng Zhi went out by voice.

The gray-haired old man stood beside him and also looked at the tower in front of him: "From today on, you need to earn all the resources you need by yourself."


Meng Zhi didn’t know what this meant.

"In the Tower of Babel, all my inheritance is integrated. You will get the rewards you deserve after passing each level of the tower."

The old man looked at Meng Zhi.

He had seen Meng Zhi's laziness.

No matter who it is, they will slack off in such a comfortable environment, even an extremely self-disciplined monk.

All this is because resources are too abundant.

Enough to not need to worry at all.

This is not good.

Suddenly, it was like a bolt from the blue. Meng Zhi suddenly said nervously: "What if I can't pass?"

Mengzhi did not get an answer to his inquiry, or he already had an answer in his mind.

"In the Tower of Babel, if you die, you might die."


Before Meng Zhi could ask more questions, the gray-haired old man beside him had disappeared.

Meng Zhi stared at the huge bronze door in front of him, which was as thick as a mountain. He paused at the door for a long time, neither entering nor retreating. He shouted: "Then how can I go back from here?"

"You can't just leave me alone."

"When you can go back if you want, you can naturally go back."


"What does it mean?"

Meng Zhi sighed, then his eyes lit up and he shouted: "Go back!"

The expected thing did not happen, everything was still the same as before. He raised his palm again and measured his head, thinking that maybe he could just slap himself to death and go back.

After thinking about it, he put his palm down.

He turned to look forward and stretched out his hand to push open the giant bronze door.


When there was a noise at the giant door.

Sitting cross-legged on the other side of the long bridge, holding a long pole and wearing a spiritual robe, the monk moved his wrist slightly, and the surface of the Mirror Lake suddenly rippled.

Chuiyun stared at the lake with an indifferent expression.

The originally calm lake surface had already been turned upside down because of one person's words.

There are schools of fish and shrimps, and turtles dive to the bottom.

The scale claws of the dragon are looming.

It has turned into a magnificent fantasy world.

It's just that that's not what Chuiyun is paying attention to.

He stood still like an old fisherman, as if even the fishing rod in his hand had become one with him.

Meng Zhi pushed open the giant bronze door and stepped into it nervously. What was waiting for him was not a savage beast, but another world.

This place looked like a small town. When he entered the small town, his clothes began to change. As he walked step by step, the robe on his body turned into a Taoist robe.

In just three or two steps, as if he had shrunk to an inch, his figure had already appeared in the small town county government office.


"Who is in the hall?"

Meng Zhi looked at the county magistrate in the high seat, his face immediately turned cold, and his originally chubby body gradually became thinner, and he said lightly: "How brave! Who are you, and dare to interrogate me."

As he spoke, he was about to unleash his golden elixir realm and kill the kid in front of him who was pretending to be the county magistrate.

"what's the situation?"

Meng Zhi was shocked immediately.

The cultivation level that he relied on was gone, and now all that was left for him was the level of Qi training.

"Be bold!"

"Served with fire and water sticks."

Meng Zhi suddenly woke up.

He quickly touched his head.

He let out a sigh of relief.

"Why do you only give me one level of Qi training? I don't have a golden elixir, so you have to give me three levels."

"There are so many people."

"And the county magistrate sitting in court."

"He only has one level of Qi training."

The gray-haired old man said.

"No way? I think he has to be on the third or fourth level at least."

"Monsters are born stronger than humans after receiving the spirit, and this monster is nourished by incense. The fox is the master, the jackal is the messenger, and the tiger is the middle hall."

"It's normal that you are no match for him."

“If you can’t beat it, find a way to win.”

"Why are you crying to me?"

Tu Shanjun waved his hand slightly.

Three days later.

After completely refining his spiritual energy, Meng Zhi, who had gone from fat to thin, jumped up excitedly and shouted: "Old Fox, I passed!"

Only now did he realize that in the Tower of Babel, his cultivation was represented by the strength of his spiritual consciousness. As long as it was condensed enough, he could use his cultivation more, and vice versa, it would become weaker and weaker.

Now he completely understood the meaning of what Mr. Hu said.

After his consciousness was condensed, he really wanted to leave Babel Tower and leave Babel Tower.

Less than two months.

Meng Zhi has climbed to the twelfth floor.

This time he faced a foundation-building monk.

Not far away stood a figure holding a green light sword.

His eyes were calmly staring at Meng Zhi, who was also holding a long sword.

The man did not speak, but raised his hand to offer his sword. The light of the sword shone like a rainbow, like a waterfall of light, illuminating the clouds above.

At this moment, the world seemed to stand still for an instant.

Meng Zhi was not surprised and said helplessly: "Don't you think you want to..."


Meng Zhi frowned.

The sound is wrong.

Not only was the voice wrong, but the tone was also wrong.

Although Mr. Hu looks cold, he actually responds to everything, and his voice is hollow and hoarse, and he is always plain. This voice carries a touch of domineering and the arrogance of an old-timer.


Meng Zhi was confused and looked for the source of the sound.

"You are not Mr. Fox, who are you?"

"Boy, you've been fooled!"

"What's the meaning?"

"What do you mean?"

Mengzhi looked everywhere, but the sound never seemed to appear.

The originally frozen world is also spinning at this moment.

The swordsman holding the sword has already used his sword light.

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