"Ding dong!"

Light water.

Dark in the moon.

The red-haired ghost raised his blue-gray palm, and the purple-black oval nails formed into buttons at this moment. When they were gathered together, countless black and red steam turned into thin lines and surged, and finally a black droplet appeared on his palm.

The water droplets beat and expand like a heart.

At the same time, the iron-green palm grasped it.

Like pinching a 'heart', in the center of this black darkness, a little purple fire flickered.

Just like a growing flower tree finally bears fruit.

"That is?!"

Chu Kuang looked at the heart-like fruit in the hands of the red-haired ghost cultivator in shock.

"It seems to be a Taoist seed."

The old woman frowned in thought and murmured softly.


"But it's not a simple Tao seed, but the manifestation of this person's Tao body."

Lu Xinhou stared at the red-haired monk in the sky in surprise: "He seems to be stimulating his Tao body."

"His Taoist body...how come I haven't seen it on the Taoist body list?"

Yin Zhaoluo's beautiful eyes were also full of surprise.

At this time, they had no intention of continuing to fight. Not only was this scene too horrifying, but also because as the red-haired monk entered the late stage of divine transformation, the strength he displayed was truly terrifying. Even Lu Xinhou did not want to risk confronting this person for the sake of Tiger Tomb.

The man in green clothes holding the knife suddenly stepped back.

Zhao Wudao had sensed a powerful inspiration from the red-haired monk just now. Fortunately, the opponent was targeting Fei Laijun, so he was able to make a sneak attack.

However, the combination of the two blood shadows has already put a lot of pressure on him, not to mention the overhaul who took Feilai Jun's Yang Shen away and completely revealed his cultivation.


Zhao Wudao didn't think that this person had just broken through to the later stage, but he always thought that the other person was hiding his own cultivation.

Otherwise, how could a monk who relied on secret techniques in the middle stage of divine transformation kill Feilaijun, who was from a prominent sect, with one blow.

Even if there is one, it should be the best among the large number of candidates.

"Why are you so difficult to deal with?"

Zhao Wudao flew forward.

Holding the holy weapon, he killed the two blood shadows.

Instead, he was knocked out of the battlefield by the shock, and his internal organs suffered considerable internal injuries.

On the other hand, Tushanjun, who was at the center of the fight, was looking at the heart fruit refined by the power of Taiyin in his hand.

Miao Ran, who had not taken any action, said: "Tao body is not a rare thing. Whether it is given by heaven or self-cultivation, Tao body is originally used as a training aid. Everything is to break through to a higher realm and obtain more profound knowledge. Taoist practices, even those who do not have a Taoist body, will discover their own constitution as they slowly practice."

"When you reach a high level of cultivation, your physique will become what people call a Taoist body."

"It is a worthwhile trip to be able to witness the completion of the incomplete Taoist body."

What followed was deeper doubt.

Miao Ran stared at the red-haired monk, as if he wanted to imprint the other person's appearance.

Fei Laijun should know, but Fei Laijun is already dead.

"That thing is a big opportunity!"

The big demon stared at the 'Tao Seed' that was like a heart in the red-haired monk's hand.

He seemed to remember a voice in his heart, asking him to seize the seed.

"Of course it's a great opportunity."

The people who stopped had different expressions.

Tushanjun opened his bloody mouth without any hesitation.

The fangs spread out like a fan of knives, tearing open the flesh and blood at the corners of the mouth.


Swallow it in one gulp.

His eyes suddenly opened wide.

A fire burned in his chest.

The jet-black jade bone also showed its inspiration at this moment,

The body's prison clothes emerged.

The immortal corpse and the immortal corpse were originally like two separate magical powers. When the Tao seed entered the belly, they bloomed at the same time. The two magical powers became related and connected.

At this moment, the phantoms transformed by the Yin and Yang gods in the sea of ​​consciousness were soaked in purple-black flames, and they appeared sacred under the burning flames.

"The bones will not turn into pieces,"

"Flesh and blood are immortal."

"Taiyin refining,"

"Forge my soul."


Cast a spell.

Recite the mantra.

The three souls and seven souls combined with the Yin Shen began to transform.

This one seems too long and feels very short at the same time.

I just feel that spirituality, flesh and blood have reached a kind of balance.


At the same time as the red-haired monk uttered one word.


Purple fire bursts out.

It turned into a phantom Taoist robe and draped over Yin Shen's body.

"The soul is like a core."

"My heart will never die."

"The purple fire of Taiyin burns my immortal soul!"

"The 'Three Flowers' gather."

"Tao body is completed!"

Of course, the three flowers in Tushanjun's mouth are not the real three flowers on the path of cultivation, but are based on the analogy of the three flowers, which combine the immortal bones, the immortal corpse, and the immortal soul. The bones, blood, soul, and flesh are completely unified at this moment.

A tall shadow appeared not far behind Tushanjun.

On both sides of the figure are a black-gold blood tiger and a green-faced ghost fox.

Tushanjun, who was sitting cross-legged in the middle, slowly opened his eyes.

Zhao Wudao stared at the tall figure with gloomy eyes. If he allowed the ghost cultivator to completely activate his Tao body at this moment, he would have no chance of winning at all.

Thinking of this, he released the secret technique without hesitation, twisted the seal, and recited the mantra: "The falling star technique will destroy all the swords from the sky."

"Split the mountain!"


The barrier space seemed to be illuminated by starlight, bright and bright.

"That knife?"

"Sacred weapon, Xuanjue Sword."

Chu Kuang said seriously.

He obviously knew the big man in green with the sword on his back. No, it was more about knowing the sword than knowing the big man.

When he saw the sword, a light flashed in his eyes: "It is said that the candidate Daozi of Chixueba Emperor Sect in the Southland was killed, and the Xuanjue sword disappeared. I didn't expect it to be obtained by him."

Miao Ran glanced sideways and said, "Logically speaking, Zhao Wudao shouldn't get this knife!"

"I have to ask Lu Xinhou." Chu Kuang narrowed his eyes.


The black gold blood tiger appeared, and the green-faced fox sitting cross-legged on its forehead opened its mouth and roared loudly.


The huge blood tiger was photographed with one claw.

The cold light was like a tide, colliding with the terrifying sword light, but the sword slash from the holy weapon was still too powerful, and the black gold blood tiger could not resist being passed by the sword light.

Even the green-faced ghost fox who came later was the same.

Only the phantom standing behind the red-haired monk was seen taking action.


The light of the sword was like the Milky Way bursting its banks.

The waterfall of light flows backwards.

The world seemed to have stopped briefly at this moment.

I can't tell whether it's black or white.

The sound faded away, then slowly came closer. The bright light finally opened the eyes, and the consciousness gathered again under the ravages of the storm. The distant sky and the near area were unified to a certain extent, and the aura of inspiration that burst out even made Torazuka stunned. Then it shook.

The barrier space presented an unspeakable silence.

The receding torrent swept everything away.

No matter whether they were creatures near or far or aurora rubble, they all turned into dust and powder under the light of this sword.

That is to say, in the barrier space, otherwise in the outside world, there is no telling how big a disaster this attack would cause.

"do you died?"

Lu Xinhou asked softly.

His eyes fell on Zhao Wudao.

He spent a lot of money to hire this person.

It is said that this person is a genius organized in the Eastern Wasteland, but his identity is mysterious and unknown to outsiders.

Just treat him as the true successor of Dazong.

Zhao Wudao's sword split the mountain, and even he didn't dare to say that he could complete it. It was estimated that the unknown monk would die in that sword.

"Even if he really has the mountain of saints, he will still hate him under my magical power of annihilation."

Zhao Wudao said confidently.

"not necessarily!"

Everyone followed the sound and saw Chu Kuang speaking: "His Taoist body is very different."

As a big blue hand swept the light in front of him like clearing a curtain, a tall figure appeared in front of everyone.

As Tu Shanjun waved his hand, thousands of sword lights and sword energy were like dust, and his body was also covered with a layer of light-colored robes. His spiritual aura did not fade at all, and was even stronger than before.

"What kind of magical power is this?"

"Prison clothes!"

The red-haired monk answered him.

The magical power obtained from the immortal corpse can quickly adapt to the magical powers of others.

Even the thunder tribulations of heaven and earth were assimilated into thunder clothes and worn on his body. At this time, after the Tao body is complete, the power of the prison clothes magical power becomes more powerful.


Zhao Wudao shouted loudly.

The infinite energy envelops the sacred weapon and the divine sword.


The magic sword was embedded in the arm bone of the tall monk, but it was only embedded in it, and it was difficult to make any progress.


Zhao Wudao looked in disbelief at the tall monk who was holding the Xuan Jue Dao in his backhand and leaning close to him.

He never thought that the monk's physique could resist the holy weapon. It was clear that just now he could use the holy weapon to cut open the opponent's flesh and damage the bones, but now he could only inflict such light injuries.

Tu Shanjun shouted angrily:


The iron fist fell suddenly.


Bang bang bang.

Zhao Wudao's body-protecting Qi was squeezed into a flat oval shape under this heavy punch that was like a falling star. Finally, it exploded like a balloon that could no longer be supported, and even the arm that was resisting also exploded. Then it exploded into a bloody mist, and the rich smell of blood suddenly washed over his face.

It wasn't until he felt a stinging pain in his throat that he realized that it wasn't the smell of blood at all, but that it was the reverse flow of blood.

He had no choice but to let go and fly upside down.


It flew down like a shooting star.

Tu Shanjun grabbed the long knife embedded in his wrist, looked it up and down and said, "What a weapon!"

Holding the long knife tightly, he flew in front of Zhao Wudao.

The extremely fast escaping light made everyone feel dazzled.



A large halberd stood in front of the long sword, which also blocked Zhao Wudao's fatal blow.

Tu Shanjun looked at the weapon and saw that the person who took action was none other than Marquis Lu Xin who took the lead.


"Leave a thin line in your life so that we can meet again in the future." Marquis Lu Xin clenched the magic weapon in his hand, feeling the numbness in his palms, and his face became solemn.

He also didn't expect to meet such a monk here. Not only would his plan be ruined, but Zhao Wudao's life would also be lost here.

Of course he could just sit back and watch.

But I’m afraid I won’t get anything good from the organization in the future.

Tu Shanjun sneered.

Marquis Lu Xin had a plan, and so did he.

He couldn't give up this Tiger Tomb to anyone.

His whereabouts have been exposed today, and it is even more impossible to show mercy.

Tu Shanjun took a seal and said:

"It seems it's hard to be kind today!"

"The sky is empty and the earth is different!"


Thousands of ghosts are angry and ten thousand ghosts roar.

The creatures in the barrier space seemed to be roaring loudly at this moment.

The second update is late. I have been very sleepy recently for some reason.

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