Until the water level is completely submerged.

There is no longer any figure of Venerable Chuiyun in the realm of Guixu.

Standing above Jinghu Lake, Tushanjun looked into the distance with a calm expression.

In order to prevent accidents, he had already calculated the cause and effect surrounding Meng Zhi in advance.

He has no father or mother, no worries, no childhood sweethearts, no family ties, and he is not a disciple of a sect, so he does not need to bear too much.

Would such a lonely monk with his heart set on the path to immortality die unexpectedly while holding the Soul Banner?

The most likely possibility is that the Sovereign Soul Banner exposed the secret of how to advance and attracted powerful monks to take action.

However, as long as Tu Shanjun did not tell this secret personally, or even if other monks saw it in person, no one would believe such a fantasy.

Those who pursue treasures are, at best, first-rate candidates.

Meng Zhi sat cross-legged in the lotus platform.

The moment he grasped the Soul Banner, he felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity, as if this treasure was something he had been familiar with for a long time, but now you were unfamiliar with it, and this sense of unfamiliarity also Dissipates quickly.

If we were in a furnace just now, with no vitality blooming, then now that we have the protection of the Soul Flag, it is as if invisible breaths appear around us, melting the original heat all of a sudden, and no longer There is no restraint that seems to come from the bones.

"There is such a gap."

Meng Zhi opened his eyes in surprise and stared at the Zhang Xu banner placed in front of him.

The addition of just one artifact immediately reversed the situation and completely resolved the original fatal situation.

He even felt that as long as he wanted to, he could now concentrate on suppressing the shadow of the tiger demon that broke into the sea of ​​consciousness.


In the sea of ​​consciousness, Meng Zhi pinched the seal.

Take one step.

The huge tiger shadow instantly merged into his Yinshen.

Meng Zhi's eyes suddenly opened wide, and his brown pupils turned into black vertical pupils at this moment.

Countless golden threads grew on the vertical pupil, wrapping the vertical center to form a black gold pupil. The light golden light gradually covered the original white of the eyes.

The dark golden eyes surged.

The whole body is boiling with ideas.

The turbulent aura suddenly pushed Meng Zhi, who was originally a great master in the later period, to the top.

"The idea of ​​​​knotting a baby?"

Mengzhi murmured softly.

His eyes were full of disbelief.

He had gone through countless detours in order to move forward. Unexpectedly, less than three or four years after meeting Master Fox, he had the idea of ​​​​knitting a baby.

However, the moment the idea came to him, he panicked.

If he didn't have the Yingjing Dan and the spiritual objects to protect his body and Yinshen, he might not be able to survive it if he wanted to use his own cultivation base to resist.

Not to mention the thunder catastrophe, even if it were other easier catastrophes, in his current state, he probably wouldn't have much spare time to take care of them.

Looking around.

Just when he saw the tall red-haired monk walking up to the lotus platform, he turned over his hand and took out a dragon-marked elixir, and said with a smile: "I had expected this to be the case. With the blessing of the Taoist body and the soul flag, your Taoism will not stop at Jindan."

Then he handed the elixir to Meng Zhi and continued: "You can refine the Tao body with peace of mind."

"This is?"

Meng Zhi looked at the tall figure in front of him in surprise.

In front of Heijinhu, what he saw was no longer a monk, but a huge, turbulent darkness.

From the darkness, a blue ghost hand stretched out, with a pill suspended in the center of the ghost hand. The pill was like a dove egg, like a young dragon curling up its body.

"hold head high!"

Looking closely, he seemed to see a roaring dragon.

"Dragon Marked Infant Transformation Pill."

Mr. Fox explained without any pretense: "This elixir can guarantee that you will break it and become a baby."

"Take it."

Mengzhi grabbed the pill and swallowed it without hesitation.

As soon as he swallowed it, infinite spiritual energy expanded from his heart.

The meridians were activated at the same time, bursting out with terrifying vitality.

Mengzhi raised his head and roared angrily.

For a moment.

Dragons roar and tigers roar, gathering the wind and clouds.

The two qi swirled, and the transformed dragon and tiger appeared in the sky above Meng Zhi's head.

It's just that there is no fight between the dragon and the tiger as imagined. Instead, the dragon and the tiger are entangled, existing in the form of two qi, until the young dragon spirals straight into the dantian, and the huge tiger shadow gradually becomes silent.

As the tiger's shadow fell, Meng Zhi's original long black hair was covered in dark gold light, and his eyebrows also transformed into dark gold.


The huge lotus platform that was originally sitting on now fully revealed its true appearance, it turned out to be a mighty tiger claw.


Mengzhi roared.

The weekly cycle is completely completed.

With the infinite aura of the Dragon Marked Infant Transformation Pill, the mana consumed in the Dantian can be replenished. Moreover, because the Tiger Tomb is the place where the seniors of the Tiger Clan are buried, the Tiger Demon Saint’s soul benefited from the other party. Therefore, Meng Zhi also benefited from it. Obtaining the inheritance of Taoism, which is said to be inheritance, is actually more like a detailed understanding and use of Taoism.

"Tiger Soul Sacred Heart."


Against the background of the tiger's claws, the soaring spirit turned into a beam of light and flew to the top of the tiger's tomb.

Meng Zhi opened his dark eyes, changed the seals with his hands and chanted the long formula in his mouth, and his consciousness sank into the sea of ​​dantian, watching the changes in dantian.

The golden elixir is like a full moon hanging high in the sky, slowly rising into the sky in the sea of ​​mana.


Give an order.

There were cracks in the Full Moon Golden Pill, and the cracks quickly spread throughout the Golden Pill.

At the same time, wind and clouds gathered in the barrier space, and in just the blink of an eye, they turned into rolling thunderclouds that enveloped the entire Tiger Tomb.

"Thunder Tribulation?"

Outside the Tiger Tomb, Chu Kuang frowned slightly.

There are advantages and disadvantages to surviving the tribulation in the barrier space. However, for monks, the disadvantages outweigh the benefits in the barrier space.

Not only is it because ordinary Yuanying and below cannot walk in the barrier, but also because the spiritual energy in the barrier space is thin and simply not enough to support the golden elixir monks to overcome the tribulation.

"Is this why fellow Taoist asked me to protect the Dharma?" Chu Kuang shook his head slightly, it should not be this.

If it was just a simple Nascent Soul Tribulation, Tushanjun alone would be enough to protect the law. Even if the domain barrier is ups and downs and is dangerous, there is absolutely no possibility that a terrifying existence will come because of a Nascent Soul Thunder Tribulation.

That is to say, it was not at this time that the red-haired monk entrusted him with protecting the law.

"Fellow Taoist, aren't you leaving yet?"

Chu Kuang glanced at Yin Zhaoluo lightly.

Then she looked at the unharmed girl beside her.

Yin Zhaoluo looked at Chu Kuang with a smile and said, "Fellow Taoist is indeed a believer."

She didn't want to rob anything, and she didn't have any plans like Lu Xinhou. She just wanted to let the younger generation get the Tao body. However, her niece did not live up to her expectations and instead retreated from the remains of the Tiger Tomb.

When looking back, Yin Zhaoluo took the girl's hand and asked, "You can't beat him?"

The girl shook her head slightly.

"Why is that?"

"When I saw the sacred object on the huge lotus platform, I knew that if I wanted to refine it, I would be dead." The girl said very seriously and honestly.

She withdrew from it without ever fighting Meng Zhi.

Not only did Yin Zhaoluo not blame him, but he was surprised and said: "Seriously?"

"it is true."

"Very good, this way I can explain to my sister more easily." Yin Zhaoluo nodded with a smile.

It was just a Tiger Tomb Taoist body. It was insignificant to the Heavenly Demon Palace, no, to her. On the contrary, what her niece 'saw' made her even more delighted.

Not everyone can retreat bravely at that moment, and not everyone thinks that having a Taoist body is good.

The Yin family's physique, as long as it is used properly, is not inferior to the Tao physique.


Yin Zhaoluo looked at Hu Zhong who had changed.

"What do you think, kid?"

"Who? Uncle Meng?"

Yin Zhaoluo smiled and nodded.

Of course she couldn't call the red-haired monk a boy.

Even she was very afraid of that man's strength.

The girl said helplessly: "Don't mess around with the mandarin ducks. I think that Uncle Meng's heart towards the Tao is very strong."

"Besides, Uncle Meng's master is not easy to mess with."

"That's true."

Yin Zhaoluo admired.

At first she thought it was just a rotten old man, but she didn't expect that the man's disguise had even fooled her.

Moreover, he generously gave away holy weapons, so much so that even Chu Kuang from Baijia Academy firmly protected him. It was better not to provoke such people, lest he steal the chicken but lose the rice.

"Then let's go."

Yin Zhaoluo put on the veil and took out the spirit boat.

Chu Kuang said in a deep voice: "I finally left."

"You go back to the academy first, I will stay here for a while."

“Students understand.”

The monk bowed his hands and stepped into the outside world while Chu Kuang tore open the barrier space.

He was the only one left standing at the Tiger Tomb ruins that had attracted a lot of attention just now.

Chu Kuang frowned slightly.

With that person's strength, the so-called plan must be no small matter. It is impossible for him to leave students who only have the Golden Core Realm here.

The thunder tribulation did not last long.

Chu Kuang, who was sitting cross-legged in the void, also somewhat forgot about the rotation of time.

I only saw the thunderclouds over Huzhong gradually dissipating, and the heavenly rain fell. It was supposed that the monk who had overcome the tribulation had passed through the Nascent Soul Thunder Tribulation unharmed.

Tu Shanjun looked calm and lifted up Meng Zhi in the middle of the tiger's claws.

Without the suppression and maintenance of the sacred objects, the entire Tiger Tomb had long been blocked by the raging evil energy.

When this situation occurs, even Meng Zhi, who has survived the thunder tribulation, is not happy at all. He can only hope that Mr. Hu can take him away from this place. Otherwise, when the tiger tomb backfires, his little Nascent Soul will not be able to survive at all. Just not enough.

"With your current strength, you will definitely not be able to withstand the disaster."

Tushanjun said calmly.

"Although Chu Kuang has credibility, he is still an outsider."

"Wait until your cultivation level arrives in the next day, then return to Huzhong."

As he said that, the tall red-haired monk sat cross-legged in the center of the lotus platform. The moment he sat down, the boundless evil energy seemed to have found the cardinal, and a huge formation appeared in the entire Tiger Tomb.

"Old Fox, you..."

Meng Zhi looked at the tide of evil energy that was like an ebbing tide.

Tu Shanjun split the barrier space with one palm and said in a deep voice: "Let's go."

Mengzhi looked at the door in front of him.

He raised his hands and said loudly: "I will definitely come back to save you!"

Send Meng Zhi away.

Tu Shanjun's consciousness covered the entire Tiger Tomb, and the entire Tiger Tomb emitted a dazzling light. The scattered tiger claws that originally looked like ruins quickly gathered together, and flickered and disappeared in the barrier.

Chu Kuang, who was sitting in the void, narrowed his pupils.

He shouted: "What's going on?!"

In his eyes, the Temple Tiger Claw in the center of the Tiger Tomb seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.

When he came to his senses, all that was left was ruins and rocks.


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