
"Zhao Wu Dao is dead, and the holy weapon Xuan Jue Dao is also lost."

The monk half-kneeling in the stone hall tremblingly told the information he had learned.

As he spoke, his figure lowered even further, as if he was begging the monk in the high seat above to show mercy.

The monk on the high seat was half-hidden in the shadow with no expression of joy or sadness. His voice was as cold as a sword: "Let Marquis Lu Xin come to see me!"

"Back to the Hall Master, Marquis Lu Xin has long since hid in the Holy Palace."

"Damn it!"

Gao Xiu, who was called the Hall Master, was furious.

The moment the terrifying pressure idea bloomed, the weather was cold and the ground was freezing.

"Who killed Zhao Wudao?"

"Marquis Lu Xin said he was a red-haired monk." The monk then presented a jade slip.

With the injection of mana, the jade slip projected a tall red-haired figure. The man's black and red eyes looked forward calmly, and they happened to be eye-to-eye with the monk on the high seat.

"It's him!"

The voice of the monk in the high seat was full of surprise.

"I see."

The monk waved his hand to indicate that the man could leave.

It wasn't until there was no one in the hall that he took out a jade talisman and said, "The weapon spirit treasure has appeared again. Let's check the situation that day."


Sea Whale Gang.

In a luxurious palace.

White meat piles in waves.

There were strips of white flesh scattered across the carpet.

Under the shadow of the gauze tent, you can still see the slender figures moving around.

"Gang leader, there is a monk challenging you."

The monks across the gate outside the hall bowed and saluted, and called the people in the hall through the sound transmission of the formation.

The movement of the gauze stagnates, and a deep voice comes from it, saying with a bit of anger: "Didn't I tell you not to disturb me when I'm practicing? Do you want to die?!"

Blood immediately flowed from the corner of the monk's mouth outside the door.

He didn't dare to wipe it, but said in a deep voice: "Gang leader, this person is the Great True Lord."

"very young?"

"very young!"


A sneer came from the gauze tent.

With a crash, a slender arm lifted up the gauze curtain, revealing the huge circular formation in the jade bed and the female cultivator trapped in it.

The female cultivator was like a green snake surrounding the man's body. She sighed and said, "Why should the gang leader care about such a young boy? It's better to have another blissful life with the slave family."

Hai Rugui felt the teasing in his ears, and heat suddenly rose in his lower abdomen.

He pinched the white chin of the woman who looked like a green snake, and said in a deep voice: "The secret method of Hehuan Sect is indeed extraordinary. I have reached the peak of my realm and there is actually a trace of looseness."

A few moments.

The naked Hai Rugui stepped off the jade bed.

The maid who had already collapsed quickly got up and changed Hai Rugui's clothes.

Walk out of the hall.

The outer layer is the underground palace.

The monk quickly lowered his head and looked at his feet. He did not dare to look into the hall.

It wasn't until the figure in front of him walked over that the monk raised his head and looked at the gang leader.

This gang leader is very old but there is no sign of old age at all. He is still young and very handsome, with a hot and beating heart under his strong and powerful chest.

He is tall and looks very slender.

Not bloated or old at all.

No more dirty eyes.

His eyes are so bright!

"Where is he?"

Hai Rugui asked with side eyes.

"In the main hall."

"Let's go."

Main hall.

The monk wearing a dark gold tiger pattern robe and a bamboo hat sat quietly at the table, like a clay sculpture that had not moved, but the eyes hidden under the bamboo hat were looking around.

The watchtower is made of jade and is extremely luxurious. The rune-shaped wooden hooks and brackets form the angles of the formation, which are consistent with the entire outer formation.

If it were an ordinary monk, even if it were True Lord Nascent Soul, he would not be able to gain favor by breaking into the hinterland of the Sea Whale Gang.

The monk in the bamboo hat sat calmly.

He even had the mood to put the tea bowl down and look at the five people sitting with him.

These five people came one after another, with different appearances, both men and women. However, the biggest thing they have in common is that they all wear similar robes, which are dark blue shirts with the color of clouds, water and blue sky.

at this time.

All five people stared at the monk in the bamboo hat with burning eyes.

"You are the one who wants to challenge our gang leader!"

The big man stood up and shouted.

The monk in the bamboo hat raised his hand and took out a jade slip and said: "Yes, I would like to send you a message here. I would also like to ask the leader of your gang to meet me."

As he spoke, a light golden inspiration gently pushed away the dark clouds in front of him.

It's like a tiger roaring in your ears, making people unable to help but retreat.

Even though he was also a Nascent Soul, surprise appeared in the big man's eyes.

He heard this person introduce that he was in the late stage of Nascent Soul, but he didn't expect that the spiritual aura was so thick and solid that even he would be at a disadvantage.

The big man suddenly felt a gap, that was the gap between ordinary monks and geniuses. This surprised him very much, because Tianjiao would never come to this place that was like an underground quagmire.



He is the Nascent Soul Lord and says so.

To the real overhaul of the Eastern Wasteland, they were just loaches in the quagmire.

How could the Tianjiao True Dragon compete with the Loach?

The remaining four helmsmen also looked at each other in confusion.

The face of the slender monk who was standing in the back hall, only a thin line away from the main hall, gradually became gloomy.

When he saw the monk in the bamboo hat for the first time, he knew that he was no match for him. That person was too young and too sharp. He was obviously only in the late Nascent Soul stage, but he was so powerful.

If he fought this man on a fair footing, he would be the loser.

He cannot lose, otherwise he will be worthless.

People who are worthless can no longer enjoy all this.

Hai Rugui's expression gradually became serious.

Over the years, he has encountered Leng Tou Qing who wanted to step on him, but he defeated them all with his strong cultivation.

If he is a disciple of a large clan, not only will he not show off, but he will arrange everything respectfully.

And the majority of the disciples will not argue with him about gains and losses, let alone challenge him, because the background of the majority of the disciples has already explained their identity to a certain extent. Even if they want to challenge, they will only look for more talented monks, even more so. Famous monks, such as those on the Tianjiao List.

"Who wants to embarrass me?"

"The Longyou Cao Gang at the west entrance is still the leader of the Short Clothes Canal. I remember that he has an extraordinary background. Maybe I should increase the wages of the Short Clothes Gang by 20% and not squeeze them too hard."

Hai Rugui shook his head slightly and said in denial: "The Short Clothes Gang does not have such great energy. Long You's Long San is not as good as me."

"Or are you saying that the other party is really idle and bored?"


The sea is like a noble place, cloudy and clear.

Wei Wei waved her hand and ordered: "Go and tell everyone that I have reached a critical moment in seclusion and it is inconvenient to go out to meet guests. Also, I must find out his origins. I want to know where he comes from and what is standing behind him." A big sect, a big family, a big monk..."

Looking at the twisted and sinister face of the gang leader, the monk swallowed hard.

"Young man must do it!"

"Go ahead."

Hai Rugui turned around and walked towards the underground palace with relief.

He originally planned to use the formation and the five helmsmen to consume the man's mana and physical strength first.

However, when he thought about it, if the other party was really a disciple of the sect, he would definitely not be able to offend him, so he decided to stay put and wait for a thorough understanding of the other party's background.

Just returned to the underground palace.

The jade slip hanging in front of the tablet sent a message: "Accept the challenge."

Hai Rugui was stunned for a moment.

He cupped his hands and said, "Sir?"

"I ask you to accept the challenge. No matter what method you use, as long as you can defeat him, you are qualified."

Hai Rugui responded as if he was resigned to his fate: "I understand!"

As the light of the jade talisman disappeared.

Hai Rugui's eyes flashed, there must be a spy beside him that he didn't know about.

Otherwise, the adult would not have known about his withdrawal so quickly.

The most important thing is that the adult actually asked him to accept this person's challenge. What does this mean?

But no matter what it meant, he could only do it.

The monk walked quickly and whispered in his ear.

"No need to be so shy."

The monk then said loudly: "Reporting to the helmsman, the gang leader has reached the moment of life and death and cannot leave the seclusion easily."

The big man was stunned for a moment, then awkwardly raised his hands and said: "Fellow Taoist, I have also heard it. It is a critical moment for me to help the gang leader. I really can't leave the seclusion at will just because of the challenge from fellow Taoist. If you are willing, I am willing to accompany you to discuss." Second, no matter whether we win or lose, our Sea Whale Gang will never complain."

The monk in the bamboo hat raised his head slightly, showed a smile, picked up the post, and said: "No need. Since the leader of your gang has not left seclusion, I will take my leave."

"Wait a minute."

A loud female voice came.

Then a voluptuous woman came over and said, "The gang leader has been informed of this matter and will be released from seclusion in three months. Please wait a moment, senior."


"I'll come back in March."

Meng Zhi left the battle post, got up and walked towards the gate.

After following the boy out of the Sea Whale Gang, Meng Zhi frowned and said, "I thought he was afraid, but I didn't expect him to accept my challenge."

Tu Shanjun said: "He is indeed afraid."

"Why would he agree now?"

"Who knows, maybe he has found a way to deal with you."

Meng Zhi didn't take it seriously. He was very confident in his own cultivation.

The Tiger Soul Sacred Heart Dao Body doubled his strength. Even when faced with a real genius, he dared to give it a go and didn't think he would lose.

Now facing a Nascent Soul monk who is old and making slow progress, he will never lose.

Meng Zhi was disappointed with Hai Rugui's behavior. If it works, it works. If it doesn't, it won't work. Why delay like this: "Maybe I should challenge the geniuses on the genius list."

"Tianjiao." Tu Shanjun groaned without saying anything.

The Tianjiao may have little experience, but their strength is stronger than the last, and these people are the most troublesome. The monks behind them are troublesome, and the masters behind them are even more troublesome.

Meng Zhi wandered around the city for a long time and returned to a familiar place.

It's your own rental house.

However, he has not returned for many years.

I slapped my forehead in frustration.

He paid rent for a full ten years.

That's a lot of money.

"Who are you looking for?"

Meng Zhi looked at the strange monk who walked out of the rented room, shook his head, turned and left.

He had expected to meet someone he knew, but to his disappointment, he didn't. He simply went to the rental office in the ancient city and rented a new room in Yuanying Cave, where he would prepare for the battle after March.

A few days later.

There was a muffled bang on the door of the cave.

The huge sound shocked Meng Zhi and woke up from his trance.

"come out!"

A sharp voice came.

"How brave! Who dares to yell in front of a certain cave!"

Meng Zhi was furious, and his whole body was full of inspiration.

He dragged the Lingbao next to him, turned it into a escaping light, and opened the door of the cave. He said sternly: "You are so clueless, how dare you harm me at will when I am in seclusion..."

The woman stared at Meng Zhi coldly.

Nascent Soul suddenly rose into the sky with pressure.

He said in a cold voice: "What kind of evil method have you practiced? The spiritual energy of this cave has dried up yesterday and it has not recovered yet!"

Meng Zhi was like a goose being strangled by the neck.

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