
Tu Shanjun hesitated, his eyes flashing.

He used to recite incantations, but this treasure didn't react at all.

Why did it seem like there was a flash of inspiration just now?

With his spiritual sense, he certainly wouldn't think that it was his illusion.

This shows that the Senbai circle responded just now, but it was only a response, and it should not be too powerful.

As long as the devil escapes quickly, the impact will be less after a certain distance.

"The devil is still alive."

"It just stepped into the territory of Guxian Tower, and I happened to be chanting a spell."

Tushanjun activated his magic induction again, and now he could no longer sense the location of the treasure at all.

Tu Shanjun is looking for the devil not only because he wants to use the devil as a back-up reserve, but also because he wants to recover the treasure.

The Senbai Circle is truly a rare treasure, allowing him to firmly control the life and death of a demon.

Unfortunately, it's not enough time yet to set off to retrieve the demon and the treasure.

Not much more.

If Meng Zhi can successfully survive the catastrophe of becoming a god, the Yinhun Dan can greatly shorten the long process of accumulating mana and foundation.

March rushes.

Turn on the stove.


The rushing heat wave was suppressed by a withered dragon claw, and thousands of smoke and clouds seemed to turn into fairy catkins dotted around the wrist.

The skinny palm slowly took down the huge pill cover above it, reaching out without fear of the light blooming, and put the pill that jumped out of the pill furnace into the jade box.

He casually took out a black talisman.

Sealed box under the book.

Come over here with your hands in hand.

Meng Zhi stared blankly at the jade box in front of him, the withered hand, and his extremely calm eyes, which were like bright stars.

The expectation revealed in it makes people so warm and reassuring, as if he was standing in front of the cliff of the abyss, but he was able to bravely walk forward without fear of falling.

He stretched out his hands tremblingly and held them in his palms.

Meng Zhi said categorically: "Disciple, there is nothing I can do to repay you. If one day I become an immortal, I will definitely save Master from this sea of ​​suffering and achieve enlightenment and become an immortal!"

Tushanjun smiled slightly.

His smile was exuberant but had a kind of generous gentleness.

He nodded calmly as if he could already see that day.

Should be:


"Disciple, you are rude."

Meng Zhi pulled out the black gold blood knife and shook the long-handled chopping knife in his hand.

The long knife immediately returned to its original shape.

It was a tall soul flag.

The blue-black flag cloth was spit out by the evil skeleton ghost like the deep blue sky, and the two sub-flags were clenched tightly by the ghost's hands, like fairy catkins surrounding the body.

Under the banner.

Mainly black gold.

Blood-dark lava surged along the gaps, like blood vessels attached to the muscles and bones flickering slightly.

Meng Zhi, who was in charge of the Zunhun Banner, was also covered with a layer of solemnity at this time.

Shake gently.

The iron roll-like banner suddenly opened.

Tushanjun took a look and stepped into the banner.

Taking one step out, it feels like the end of the world is just around the corner. It was clearly in front of you just now, but now it seems like you are walking into the mist.

Another step forward.

The huge flag slowly closed in on Nuo.

What appeared before me was a strange world, like a country in a painting.

The monk with the huge dragon head has already walked into it.

Extinguishing the formation in front of him, Meng Zhi took out a green and black cloak from the storage ring and put it on himself.

The aura and inspiration on his body immediately disappeared, leaving nothing behind.

Opening his robe and raising his hand, a seal fell solidly on the long stone wall in front of him. When the palm print emerged, a deep corridor appeared.

Meng Zhi looked at the deep darkness in front of him, tightened his hood, and said in a deep voice: "It took a long time to build such a dark road."

He secretly built this road two years ago.

No one knew that there was such a place in his retreat room.

The purpose is to leave peacefully at this time.

Tu Shanjun was very pleased with this matter.

Meng Zhi was not blinded by the Taoism and cultivation in front of him.

I don’t think that I can withstand any pressure just by cultivating to the peak of Nascent Soul.

There is no shortage of courage in this world, but ignorant courage is generally called recklessness.

Sometimes not only can things not be done, but they can also be messed up.

Diving into the darkness.

After three months.

Chen Jinding's fingers fell rhythmically on the wide armrest beside him.

The body that looks like a big cauldron only occupies a small part of the high seat.

He leaned his body sideways and frowned suddenly.

Those piercing eyes stared at the monks in the hall.

The opponent's cultivation level is not high and he looks like a stranger.

Chen Jinding did not speak, but seemed to be thinking about something.

The atmosphere solidified.

It's like being flooded with air conditioning.

After pondering for a long time, he said: "You have been in seclusion and haven't come out?"

The monks in the hall cupped their hands and said, "It never appeared."

"Did you witness the retreat he entered?"

"The little one saw it with his own eyes."

"The secret room for retreat was also specially built by him."

The monks in the temple told everything they knew truthfully.

"Half a year has passed." Chen Jinding opened his hand, and the golden rings clicked in his palm, just like his mood. Now, he felt more and more the urgency of the matter, the urging from above, and The crisis in his heart and worries about the future made him eager to find a way to break the situation.

"I want to make sure he is still in the quiet room."

"No need to confirm."

A sudden sound sounded not far away.

Then a tall and thin figure stepped out of the shadows.

The figure sat swaggeringly at the table, poured tea and water for himself, raised his head and drank, frowned slightly and said: "What kind of coward is this? It doesn't have any spiritual flavor at all."

"Who are you?!" The monk standing in the hall looked solemn.

He didn't even know there was anyone else around him.

Moreover, this person was already sitting in front of him, and he didn't seem to notice it at all. Even if he used his Dharma Eyes, his eyes were still empty.

The tall and thin monk's eyes searched over.

Chen Jinding immediately waved his hand and said: "You go down first."


The monk respectfully exited the hall.

"Fellow Taoist came uninvited..."


"You invited me."

"That's why I came."

"I invited you?"


"Please do so very solemnly."

The monk put down the tea bowl in his hand and said seriously.

"I don't know who Taoist friend is?"


The tall and thin monk took off his hood.

Revealing a bronze fox face.

The aura of inspiration that blooms at will is clearly in the later stage.

Originally, the judgment among monks was relatively vague, but perhaps now he has reached a deeper level of Taoism.

If it weren't for the rich spiritual stones, he wouldn't have come.

"Desolate Fox!"

"It turns out to be Venerable Huanghu."

Chen Jinding's eyes lit up.

He had heard of this man's name.

However, he still cautiously reminded: "The monks you face are extraordinary."

"I know."

"It's nothing more than a physical body."

"Take charge of the treasure."

"It's just that I have to be protected by my teacher's magical power."

"I am no longer who I used to be." Huanghu opened his hands calmly, his eyes full of confidence.

Suddenly he said with a solemn expression: "I don't take this mere Venerable Nascent Soul in my eyes. What is truly terrifying is someone who can exert his own strength to the limit or even beyond the limit..."

He didn't say the next few words.

He faced very few such people.

However, since he fought with that person outside Tianji City, he felt that he had completely transformed.

Today, he is not afraid at all even if he faces a large number of geniuses.

He found out later.

The person he was fighting was not human at all.

He appeared in the City of All Things.

It is the weapon spirit that has set off a wave of treasure hunting.

The organization is also trying its best to find this treasure with a weapon spirit.

However, the treasure completely disappeared from everyone's eyes as if it had left the Eastern Wasteland. It was not until a chance meeting at the Tiger Tomb thirty years ago that we finally heard about the artifact spirit again.

When he heard the news, Huang Hu suddenly felt a lot more at ease for some reason.

Huang Hu sneered: "Zhao Wudao, the candidate for the Holy Son, even if he is a genius, he still has to survive. After losing his body, even if he has to use heavenly materials and earthly treasures to re-raise it, it will take countless time." "

"Even if you are a genius, if you die once, it will be difficult for you to stand up again.'

Suppress the thoughts surging in my heart.

Huanghu said: "He has disappeared a long time ago."

"How can I see it?"

"I just came back from the secret room of seclusion."

"There was nothing there."

"By the way, there is also a secret passage leading to Tianyue Lake."

"It's impossible for him to survive the tribulation in Tianyue Lake."


"Do you know where he is?"

"have no idea."


"But, someone knows."



"The organization has mobilized the most well-informed monks. Within ten days, we will be able to completely figure out his whereabouts. In fact, this time can be more generous."

"The God Transformation Thunder Tribulation cannot be accomplished overnight."

"When he is over the tribulation, it will not be too late to take action."

"Then it all depends on sir."

Huanghu stood up and said: "How can you rely on others to use their money to eliminate disasters?"

Just as Huang Hu said, Meng Zhi was not in Tianyue Lake, but in Tuoyue Canyon.

Under the canyon is a branch of a sixth-order spiritual vein.

The canyon is vast and wide, with endless plains on both sides. You can see the messy scene after the thunder disasters raging everywhere. Standing here, ordinary monks are as small as ants.

"Just stay here."

"I suspect your whereabouts have been exposed."

Meng Zhi laughed and said: "It's not that a disciple's ambition will destroy his own prestige. As long as the wealthy monks of the Ancient Immortal Tower want to find someone in the ancient city, they will lock the other person's whereabouts within two months. Can we hide it?" It’s been very rare to have passed these three months.”

"The next thing we can do is do our best and obey fate!"

Meng Zhi pressed the cloud head.

Go straight to the city of Tuoyue Canyon.

It is also interesting to see these cities within cities which are said to be fortresses but are actually more like cities.


"Looking for a place to overcome the tribulation."


"There is a location for an unoccupied cave on the jade slip. You can choose it yourself."

"You can use the spiritual veins and formations by paying the spiritual stones."

"Is the Transformation Pill necessary?"

"Is it necessary to have special monks to look after and protect the law?"

"Tao soldiers for hire."

"As for the talisman scroll..."

"Does the formation need to be upgraded?"


Mengzhi was dazzled by the pile of business.

Meng Zhi waved his hand: "No need."

After paying the spirit stone and receiving the jade slip, he went straight to the cave.

Stay in concentration for three days.

Suddenly one day.

Shower and change clothes.

Break the seal on the jade box.

Take a pill.

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