The elegant young man watching the ceremony suddenly frowned and said in deep thought: "How could the second brother be so generous? Just those 100,000 spirit-transformation realm pills are enough for many monks who are slow to advance to complete the accumulation of profound mana."

"Are you trying to force his son-in-law to be promoted to the throne?"

The more I listened, the more frightened I became.

At the same time, the displeasure on his face became more and more obvious.

Even if Yu Haofeng comes up with a large amount of property, it will still take a lot of effort.

If you think about it carefully, you may have misappropriated the family's resources for exchange.

If you are a brave monk, you will simply take it directly from the family account book.

No matter how much they value him, Meng Zhi is the son-in-law of the Yu family after all. What they want most is not Meng Zhi as a person, but Meng Zhi's talent, and the second and third generations he will give birth to...etc.

Those monks will gradually integrate into the Yu family and become members of the Yu family.

After all, for the Yu family, no matter how talented they are, they possess it. At least in this generation, there are too many talented people who are even better than Meng Zhi, and Yu Lao Qi is an obvious role model.

"Second brother's move is inappropriate."

The elegant young man spoke in a deep voice and looked at the monk sitting next to him.

The monk seemed a little surprised and said: "Isn't it the same as usual?"

"the same?"

"When Kuai Liangjun married a girl from our Yu family, he only had some medicinal pills and magic weapons, a dozen or so shops, a cave and a spiritual boat. He had to fight for all the remaining treasures. How did he end up in this place? Mengzhi, is it so different?"

The elegant young man sneered.

"Let me see, maybe the clan leader wants to take this opportunity to embezzle the interests of my Yu family."

Yu Haoyan added lightly.

The monk next to him suddenly realized that Yu Haoyan had misunderstood.

He couldn't help but smile and said: "Did Brother Yan misunderstand something? This is not what the second brother prepared for him."


Yu Haoyan was stunned for a moment.

"The person who prepared this gift is called 'Tushanjun'."

"Tushanjun?" Yu Haoyan was even more confused.

He obviously ignored the name mentioned at the beginning, because except for the marriage with the genius of a big family or a big sect, the first gift was always from their Yu family. In his impression, Meng Zhi was a person without any talent. This kid from whatever background got the great opportunity to become the Reverend God Transformation.

Therefore, he thought that the first name was just replaced by his second brother Yu Haofeng.

"Who is this person?" Yu Haoyan asked.

"Meng Zhi's master."

The monk next to him did not answer. The one who answered his question was a tall and straight monk.

Yu Haoyan couldn't help but look sideways, and saw an arrogant silver-haired monk with sharp edges looking over. The silver-haired monk continued: "The weapon spirit of the Soul Banner."

"Brother Seven."

The silver-haired monk calmly sat down and looked at Yu Haoyan, and said calmly: "You should know the abilities of the ancestor."

As he spoke, his eyes turned around and looked at the red-haired monk who was standing on the stage and sitting far away in the Yaochi on the high platform with his eyebrows lowered and he didn't know what he was thinking.

He still hadn't seen the true form of the weapon spirit, and his eyes couldn't help but show disappointment.

"Brother Qi means that these things were prepared by the weapon spirit?" Yu Haoyan said in surprise.

Then he shook his head and said: "I don't believe it. What kind of weapon spirit is the ancestor, the spirit of a divine weapon? Unless the Tao Lord is a powerful man, he can't control it. He? The best Taoist weapon, the peak of divine transformation."

Having said this, I couldn't help but chuckle.

"I don't believe it either."

The monk on the side also shook his head, but his eyes were only serious and his face was full of seriousness.

If this is true, then Zunhun Banner's weapon spirit may also be extremely terrifying. He can completely cultivate a family from scratch, enough to become the foundation of a large sect.

It would be unimaginable if he was given another chance to change his destiny, such as obtaining the blood of the wild god from the ancient temple.

"I don't want to believe it either, but this is the truth." Yu Haoming said calmly.

The expressions of Yu Haoyan and the monk standing aside changed.

If this is really the case, then, let alone such a huge betrothal gift, even if there is nothing but Meng Zhi carrying a soul-honoring flag, it is not an insult to the Yu family at all, and it is not even an insult to the foundation of the Yu family. Add a rich touch.

Three thousand years after Meng Zhi, the Yu family will have a second spiritual treasure.

When the time comes, perhaps the Yu family will pay a huge price to allow the Taoist soldiers to advance while retaining their weapon spirits. However, thinking about it carefully, Yu Haoyan felt that it was impossible. Even the holy weapon, the Soul Reverend Banner, seemed too weak.

Unless the functionality is extremely extreme, it is enough to cultivate second-step monks in batches.

If this is really the case, then the family will definitely help.

Of course, after completely obtaining the weapon spirit treasure.

The monk who landed next to Yu Haoyan's expression moved slightly.

This marriage seems not as simple as I thought.

The elders of the family, and even the ancestors, may be paying attention. They should have known clearly the history of Meng Zhi's fortune, and also understand what the weapon spirit treasure can do.

The words of the three people did not go behind anyone's back.

With the ear of a monk, he can hear it clearly.

This also made many confused monks suddenly realize.

It turns out that Meng Zhi is not a monk with no background at all, and what he has is not bad at all, but it is just small compared to the behemoth like the Yu family.

However, being able to come up with such a terrifying gift is enough to make people awe.

"This one doesn't seem to be what he said..."

"No matter what, the other party is also a venerable, a young venerable, and has a Taoist body. How can we be able to comment on it?"


"It's quite a match."


Everyone's attitude suddenly changed, and there was more respect in their words, and even more praise. Even a few discordant opinions were drowned in the sound of praise.

At least in the eyes of most monks, the marriage between Meng Zhi and the Yu family is a matter of mutual benefit for both parties, rather than one party clinging to the other.

Yu Haofeng, who was sitting side by side with Tu Shanjun, looked at Tu Shanjun, who lowered his eyes, and said with a smile, "Are you satisfied with the wedding?"

Yu Haofeng could actually see clearly that this taciturn weapon spirit was a proud person in his bones. He was so proud that he could ignore any worldly gaze, and he would not be moved even if he was looked down upon by others.

However, he would not let his disciples bear the gaze of others like him.

Tu Shanjun nodded slightly, cupped his hands and said, "I am unable to come due to something important. It's really..."


Yu Haofeng waved his hand and said: "If a family doesn't speak the same language, on such an important occasion, the in-laws must be more sad and regretful than me for not being able to be present. How could I not know it?"

"We are here to solve problems together. There is really no need to make excuses."

Tu Shanjun sighed and returned the favor.

No matter what, Yu Haofeng's words make people feel comfortable and relaxed.

Perhaps he had had quite a dispute with the big family before, so he was wary of the Yu family.

I didn't expect the Yu family to be so considerate and considerate of his situation. It really made Tu Shanjun feel a lot of goodwill in his heart, and Yu Haofeng was much more pleasing to the eye.

"I see that my in-laws take good care of Linglong. It's better to choose a different day than to catch the sun. Why don't you ask fellow Taoists to accept my daughter as a disciple?"

Tu Shanjun had to take back his previous thoughts.

Yu Haofeng is still the same Yu Haofeng.

His shrewdness has penetrated deep into his bones, and he will not suffer at all. He just said that he felt a little guilty, and now the other party took advantage of his guilt to put forward conditions that made it difficult for him to refuse.

"Linglong has a Taoist body and a good talent. If she hadn't met a Taoist disciple, I really couldn't bear to marry her."

"Now that she wants to break through to become a god, she has to rely on fellow Taoists."

Tu Shanjun's face gradually turned cold. He did not reject Yu Linglong. On the contrary, he felt happy for this female cultivator, as if he had seen another person.

However, allowing him to accept a disciple under such circumstances would inevitably cause this sincere emotion to be mixed with interests.

He said calmly: "I will do my best, but I still need to check again when I accept a disciple."

Yu Haofeng also smiled and said without any annoyance: "This is natural."

"The bride is here."

High in the void.

The middle-aged man opened his palm and was rolling a pill as big as a pigeon egg. It was black and red in color and exuded a faint light. It was the 'Yinhun Pill'.

Even though Meng Zhi was hiding it, the Yinhun Dan still appeared in his eyes.

Yu Haofeng once said that this is one of the magical powers of Zunhun Banner.

It is said that the output is not much.

However, when I saw him today, the middle-aged man's face was moved.

It would be fine if one hundred thousand Yin Soul Pills were the accumulation of weapon spirits.

If not, then it was refined in a short time. He had tasted the Yin Hun Dan. There was something strange about this thing. It actually gathered energy and energy and was called the 'Three Flowers'.

Even a monk with ordinary qualifications can slowly enhance his own foundation by taking the Yinhun Pill.

What's even more surprising is that the erysipelas in the Yin Hun Pill can dissolve evil spirits. As long as the body can bear it, one can continue to take the Yin Hun Pill.

This kind of sharp weapon cannot be used in battles, but it can certainly be used to build a family.

What a strategic significance this is.

A family will never dislike having too many mainstays. Although the realm of becoming a god is only the second step, it is already the strongest cornerstone.

Since it can refine the elixir of the divine realm.

It will definitely be able to refine its lower realm.

Qi training, foundation building, golden elixir, and Yuanying.

If the supply of Yinhun Dan can be guaranteed, those monks who were once just one step away from breaking through the realm will step into the next realm.

The Jade Family of the Ancient Immortal Tower will move up a huge ladder, and may become the family with the strongest foundation in the Eastern Wilderness.

"One hundred thousand!"

"The state of transformation into gods."

The middle-aged man's eyes moved slightly, and he murmured softly: "You only think that this is just a top-level Taoist soldier, but you don't know the huge energy he contains."

Looking at the celebration below, the middle-aged man took a deep look.

"What does Ancestor mean?"

"A gentleman does not take away what others love."

"Our Yu family just needs to wait."

"Sooner or later, the artifact treasures belong to the Yu family."

The middle-aged man said.

Second update, late.

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