The dead body was still alive, and the dead body was still alive.

"Is he dead?"

Wang Yuehao put Xiao Hei down in confusion, just in time to meet the shocked eyes of everyone.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Wang Siqi's mouth twitched, and she resisted the urge to complain, after all, this was her father.


A faint puppy bark came from the table.

Xiao Hei raised his furry head and struggled to stand up.

I saw the small white ball, with its hair shining with a white glow.

"Wow, so cute."

Wang Siqi picked up Xiao Hei and looked at him carefully, then put him back on the ground.

Xiao Ke shouted at Xiao Hei.

The dog who received the order swooped into Xiao Ke's arms.

"Is this really Xiao Hei?"

"How come I've never seen a dog that grows backwards?"

"Hiss~ There are all kinds of dogs in the forest."

Everyone in the Wang family was talking about it, and even Aunt Lan was shocked and speechless.

Xiao Hei: Hey, I didn't expect it.

Xiao Hei in his arms showed a humane smile. Now he is not an ordinary dog.

Wang Wenya came back from the bathroom and immediately found the puppy in her brother's arms.

"Brother, is this... Xiao Hei's child?"

"So cute."

She picked up Xiao Hei and rubbed it hard on her chest, almost burying it.

This made Xiao Hei very happy, and his round eyes swept over the girls.

Sensing Xiao Hei's treacherous expression, Xiao Ke instantly snatched Xiao Hei from the arms of the fourth sister.

With one kick, the puppy drew a beautiful parabola in the sky...

Xiao Hei: Wuhu~

Wang Siqi's mouth twitched. Was her brother too cruel?

When everyone realized that the dog was Xiao Hei, they all cast doubtful eyes at the younger brother.

"Brother, where did you pick up this dog?"

"Yes, what breed is it? How can it grow upside down?"

Xiao Ke didn't want to hide these questions anymore. Anyway, he was about to confess his cultivation to his sister...

"Sister, actually."

"Xiao Hei is my little apprentice. He can cultivate."

Xiao Ke told the sisters with a serious face.

But what he got in return was the sisters' giggles and unbelieving eyes.

"Okay, okay, brother is really amazing."

"Sister, I'm telling the truth."

"Yeah, sister believes you."

The girls said they believed him, but it was obvious that they were coaxing him.

Xiao Ke ran upstairs angrily, went straight back to his room, and closed the door with a bang.

He secretly vowed never to talk to the sisters again, never to play with them again.

The girls couldn't help laughing when they saw their brother going upstairs angrily.

If a dog can practice cultivation, then all dogs in the world must become spirits?

Besides, how should dogs practice cultivation?

Xiao Hei would lie on the ground and sleep late all day.

Upstairs, Xiao Ke became more and more angry, and even couldn't calm down to practice.

That night, it was a dark and windy night.

The shrill barking of dogs came from the backyard again...

Early in the morning.

Under the reluctant gaze of the family, Wang Wenya got into the car.

As soon as the car started, Xiao Ke rushed out of the villa and came to everyone.

"Sister, this is for you!"

His little hand fumbled out of his pocket and took out a jade pendant.

Wang Wenya took the jade pendant with surprise, and happily leaned out to kiss him on the cheek.

Xiao Ke's face was printed with a faint red lip print.

"Sister, you must always wear the jade pendant, don't take it off."

Wang Wenya smiled faintly, took off the diamond necklace on her neck directly, and put the jade pendant on carefully.

She stretched out her slender fingers and promised her brother.

"Okay, I will definitely wear the gift my brother gave me and I promise not to take it off."

Hearing his sister's promise, Xiao Ke nodded happily.

This is the protective jade pendant he made overnight.

Before, the seventh sister processed the imperial blue jade material she opened into eight jade pendants.

After he found it at night, he took out one of them and engraved the formation on the jade pendant.

Now this jade pendant stores a trace of his spiritual power, which can save his life at a critical moment.

After saying hello to his family, Wang Wenya took a car to leave the Wang family.

At this moment, Xiao Ke felt a little empty and uncomfortable.

After having breakfast with his family, he got on the car and left for school.

In order to prevent being harassed by fans and reporters again, the Wang family sent dozens of bodyguards to escort them.

Arriving at the school gate, looking at the dark crowd, Wang Siqi's scalp was a little numb.

In the crowd

There were reporters and fans of his younger brother.

The Shanghai Elementary School had reported the situation to the police, but they could not get to the scene for a while.

Under the escort of the Wang family bodyguards, Xiao Ke finally squeezed into the school.

The bodyguards and school security tried their best to stop them, and finally blocked the group of people outside the school.

Wang Siqi did not understand this behavior, she took out her mobile phone and opened V blog.

After clicking on her younger brother's homepage, she took a breath.

Today, the number of his fans has exceeded 8 million, and it is still rising slowly.

In two days, it has increased to 8 million fans!

When he came to the class, Xiao Ke sat in his seat listlessly.

Du Zimo saw that he was unhappy, so he handed him his most precious "pig big" toy.

"Brother Ke, why are you so unhappy?"

"No, do you want to play?"

Xiao Ke raised his eyelids and looked at the toy in Du Zimo's hand, without any emotional fluctuations on his face.

Du Zimo put away the toys again, not knowing how to cheer him up.

Just like that, when the bell rang, Xiao Ke was still lying on the desk in a daze.

His mind was always full of the figure of his fourth sister leaving.

The classroom door opened, and the Chinese teacher stood on the podium with a thermos cup and a test paper.

He took a sip of wolfberry tea and cleared his throat and said.

"Today is our school's midterm exam assessment, and the test paper... the test paper is a bit difficult."

"Everyone, come on, even if you get 20 points, it's amazing."

The teacher on the podium looked embarrassed and lowered his head a little embarrassedly.

The test papers were handed out to each student one by one.

Du Zimo took out a pencil confidently and was about to write, but suddenly found that there was something wrong with the test paper.

The pens of the whole class were suspended in the air, and they were reluctant to fall.

Xiaohu: There is a problem!

The test paper was full of dense words, and there were many words that I didn't recognize.

Ding Yiran raised his hand to report.

"Teacher, we haven't learned these new words yet, how can we do it?"

The Chinese teacher's eyes flashed with panic, and what was coming finally came.

He also learned that the test paper was replaced this morning.

What's more exaggerated is that the difficulty of all first-grade test papers has been increased to the difficulty of third-grade.

This is simply a dimensionality reduction attack on first-grade children!

He went to ask someone and finally learned that it was the request issued by the principal himself.

He even suspected that the principal had Alzheimer's disease.

What kind of bizarre operation is this?

But anyway, this is the fact, and I heard that the test paper of the math group next door was also replaced.

The Chinese teacher spoke gently.

"Students, this paper is very difficult. It doesn't matter if you can't do it. Just try your best to write it down."

The exam went on as usual.

After a while, the children in the whole class were sweating profusely, and there was even a crying sound from the second class of the first grade next door.

This scared the Chinese teacher, and he kept comforting the students in the class.

Xiao Ke took out his pencil calmly and quickly wrote the answer on the test paper.

Du Zimo looked constipated, looking at the test paper without knowing how to start.

A box of ( ) A ( )

( ) chrysanthemums

( ) clothes

The first question alone stumped a group of students.

From time to time, there were crisp bird calls and children's screams of collapse outside.

When the time was up, the Chinese teacher put away the Chinese test paper and fled from the classroom.

He didn't dare to stay for a second, for fear that the children would cry.

As soon as he returned to the office and put down the test paper, the head of the Chinese group came to find him.

"Teacher Xu, bring Wang Xiaoke's test paper from your class, I will correct it."

After handing the test paper to the head of the group, he also corrected the test paper.

"A pack of cigarettes? Xiaohu wants to be beaten, right?"

"One hand? It seems so..."

"Beautiful chrysanthemums? Beautiful clothes?"

The Chinese teacher could only sigh, and estimated that no one in the class could get more than 20 points.

Soon, the Chinese teacher was at a loss when he saw Wang Xiaoke's perfect score paper sent by the group leader.

First in the class, full marks, Wang Xiaoke.

Second in the class, only 19 points!

In the classroom, the students scratched their heads and looked at the math test paper in front of them, and the pens in their hands trembled slightly.

Xiaohu: This question... is simply... hot!

The classroom only echoed with the sound of Xiaoke writing furiously.

There is multiplication in the first-grade test paper?

Which is heavier, one kilogram of cotton or one kilogram of iron? Du Zimo collapsed!

Five minutes after the test started, Xiaoke had already finished the last question.

Question: Xiao Ming left home at 8:45 and walked 900 meters to school at exactly 9:00. How many meters did he walk per minute?

After writing down the answer casually, Xiao Ke fell asleep on the table.

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