Chapter 110 Still pretending not to know me?

  "The gift they gave to Qi Kong." Yu Qin turned her head around, including everyone in the classroom outside the classroom.

   "Oh." Tang Man nodded, not surprised.

  She was about to avert her eyes, and was stunned.

  She put down the pancake fruit in her hand, stepped on the stage, squatted down, and pretended to look around the podium.

  She leaned on her side, blocking the sight of people outside the classroom, and placed the keys and paper **** that had been pinched in her hands on the ground.

At the same time, she took away a sandwich in a plastic box from the corner of the table without showing a trace, and wrapped it with the paper she had been pinching in her palm until she couldn't tell from the outside that there was a box of sandwiches inside. It was hidden in her arms.

After doing all this, she naturally picked up the keys and paper **** on the ground, went to the trash can in the corner, squatted down, and threw the paper **** and the sandwich wrapped in paper hidden in her arms. In the trash can.

  She stood up and returned to her seat.

   "Why did you go there?" Yu Qin motioned to the podium with her eyes.

   "Pick up the key." Tang Man shook the key in her hand at her.

  "Why did your key fall on the podium?"

  Tang Man: "...I don't know, I just fell there inexplicably."

  Yu Qin: "..."

  This extremely perfunctory rhetoric...

  However, Yu Qin did not entangle this matter, and continued to gnaw bread and swiped her phone.

  Tangman quickly picked up her pancakes and continued to eat, and she would start class if she didn’t finish it.

  Suddenly, a clear breath approached her, and the same clear voice sounded low and slowly in her ears: "She is the only one who knows that I can't eat a sandwich. Do you want to pretend not to know me?"

  Tang Man straightened his back as if being electrocuted, stupidly in place. Before her brain could digest this sentence, her body responded first.

  The clear breath quickly faded, passing by her.

  The long, jade-shaped man and the teacher took a steady step and took off the mask and sunglasses as they walked to the podium.

  Waiting for him to stand on the podium, Qinggui Junyi had a seemingly smile on his face, and a pair of ink-like black eyes stayed on Tang Man for a few more seconds as he swept across the classroom.

  The appearance of Qi Kong made the students in the classroom and outside the classroom exclaimed with joy.

  Only Tang Man was still stunned, and Qi Kong's whispering whispered in his ears——

  —She is the only one who knows I can’t eat a sandwich. Pretend not to know me?

  Have he seen it?

  When did he show up at the back door?

Tang Man was stunned, and the phone she placed on the table vibrated.

  She quickly picked up the phone and turned it to silent.

   is a call from Tang Qin who hasn't contacted for a long time.

  Tang Qin just called her at this time, and she could guess what it was for.

  The teacher on the stage had finished interacting with Qi Kong and gave the podium to Qi Kong. Qi Kong has officially started class.

  Tang Man put her mobile phone back into her bag without thinking about it, listened to the class seriously, and didn't plan to answer Tang Qin's phone.

  A corner of Tejo University’s campus.

  Tang Qin, dressed in a fashionable dress and wearing a mask, repeatedly called Tang Man three or four times, but Tang Man did not answer.

   "What the hell, answer the phone!" Tang Qin murmured irritably, and was about to continue using Tang Man's cell phone when she saw a few boys approaching her.

  Tang Qin immediately stepped forward, and said with crooked eyes: "Little brother, do you know where Qi Kong is attending class?"

  Although the girl is wearing a mask, her exquisite eyebrows and fashionable dress can still let a few boys see that the girl's face value will never be low.

  A few boys became enthusiastic.

  "It's in the teaching building, behind this tree."

   "I don't know which classroom is specific, but it's easy to find when you go to the teaching building. There are people inside and outside."

   "Okay, I get it, thank you." Tang Qin wanted to get the answer she wanted, and walked to the teaching building where a few boys pointed.

  While the boys continued to walk forward, they looked back at Tang Qin several times.

   "So beautiful! Dressed up like a star."

  "Are they a student in our school?"

   "It doesn't look like it. If it was a student in our school, wouldn't I know where Qi Kong, the man of the past two days, was in class?"


  Tangqin went to the teaching building, and it was really easy to find the classroom where Qi Kong was attending. As the boys said, the outside of the classroom was full of people.

  Tangqin also learned from yesterday’s hot search that Qi Kong had returned to Emperor City University to take classes on his behalf. Like all the netizens, she only learned yesterday that Qi Kong was a PhD in bioengineering from Dicheng University.

On the day of   , #祁空帝城大学#, #祁空生物工程学博士#, #祁空回母校#, #祁空真学霸#... There were several topics on the hot search that were slaughtered by Qikong.

  This man is really good.

  Tangqin heard that Qi Kong will come to class for one day today, so she came here to take a look.

  However, the people around the periphery of the classroom were almost crowding the entire corridor at this time, and she couldn't squeeze in front at all.

  If you can't squeeze in front, you can't see Qi Kong, and Qi Kong can't see her, so what's the point of her coming.

  Tang Qin was restless at the end of the crowd, not knowing what to do.

As soon as    shook, the bell rang after class.

  The crowd squeezed in front of them became a commotion.

  Tang's heart was overjoyed: it seems that Qi Kong is about to come out.

  Sure enough, it didn't take long for him to see the tall Qi Kong walking towards this side under the protection of the security guards.

  The crowd also followed the security guards, still surrounding Qikong with three floors inside and three floors outside.

  Tang Qin squeezed into the crowd, trying to squeeze to the inside.

  But there are a lot of people, she squeezes others, and everyone just pushes and pushes.

  Tangqin’s foot is not known how many times he has been stepped on. She didn't care about the pain, she had only one thought-to squeeze in! Squeeze to the front!

  I don't know who pushed her, or she squeezed too much attention to her feet, tripped, her center of gravity was unstable, and she fell to the ground.

  Immediately someone shouted: "Someone fell! Don’t squeeze! Don’t squeeze! Something will happen!"

Tang Qin fell to the ground, feeling that there were chaotic footsteps all around. She was like falling under a galloping horse's hoof. She was at the risk of being trampled on her chest by the horse's hoof and died. She was so scared that she curled up and hugged her. Started.

  Lu Lu continued, someone shouted: "Someone fell! Don’t squeeze!"

  The students who heard the shouts stopped and spread out automatically, trying to give more space to those who fell.

  Even Qi Kong, who had been walking in front, heard the first loud shout, and stopped, and ordered the two security guards guarding him to see the situation.

  The security guard walked back to maintain order: “Don’t move, don’t move, someone has fallen, don’t step on the person who has fallen.”

  (End of this chapter)

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