I Am the Only One In the Eyes of the Top-ranking Boss

Chapter 123: Never forget her routine

  Chapter 123 Never Forget Her Routine

Tang Hong said with a cold face, and then said: "It doesn't matter when and how she knew it. What she said just now is clearly quite sure that she is not our own. However, no matter what she thinks, we can't expose it. Now, we still have to pretend that she is our own daughter."

  Jiao Shuyong nodded straight, expressing his approval.

"What about Mr. Lin? Mr. Lin has already spoken, so that Tang Man must apologize to him face to face, otherwise he will not give the project to our company. However, we can't patronize Tang Man and Qinqin's future. Get in!" Jiao Shuyong said again.

"Yes, Tang Man must apologize to President Lin, but Qinqin's future must not be affected." Tang Hong said firmly: "I have thought about it, there is only one way-Tang Man must have a handle in our hands. superior."

Jiao Shuyong's eyes rolled and she understood what Tang Hong meant: "Tang Man has a handle in our hands, so she can let her listen to us. This is a way. But what can we have her handle? I think about it now. , I can't think of any one."

   "Without a handle, we will make a handle."

   Jiao Shuyong's eyes lit up, staring at Tang Hong: "Do you have an idea?"

  Tanghong turned sideways slightly, whispering his plan to her ear.

  It was cold in his eyes, but Jiao Shuyong became more and more excited...


   Just as Tang Hong and Jiao Shuyong were discussing the big time, Tang Man had already called for an online taxi and went to the institute of the Fang Group.

  On the way, she received Qi Kong’s WeChat.

  【Sora: What are you doing? 】

   [Empty: Are you at home? 】

  [Empty: If you are at home, go to my house and take pictures of the flowers I planted and show me]

   [Empty: Have you watered in the past few days? Are they okay? 】

  Tang Man watched Qi Kong’s WeChat bombing silently.

  [Grass Vine: Not at Home]

  [Grass: busy, no time]

  After she posted it, Qi Kong never returned to her.

  She entered the research room and left the matter behind.

  When she came out of the research room, it was eight or nine o'clock in the evening again.

  She went to the elevator to go home, and then she had time to take out her mobile phone to read the message.

  Almost half an hour ago, Qi Kong sent her WeChat again.

   [Empty: Are you going home? 】

  [Empty: Take pictures of the flowers I planted and send them to me]

  Tang Man: "..."

  He is really obsessed with his flowers!

  Isn’t it busy filming? Why is he so idle and still in the mood to miss his flowers?

Although Tang Man made complaints in her heart, she went to the next door after she returned home and put down her bag.

  She entered according to the password Qi Kong gave her, and the door lock was unlocked.

  She fumbled for a while with her hand on the wall and turned on the light.

  It was the first time she came to Qi Kong's side.

  Qikong seems to have been renovated here, and the overall style is magnificent and expensive. At first glance, it costs a lot of money, which is incompatible with the style of the community.

  There is a floor-to-ceiling glass in the living room connecting to the balcony. Looking into the distance through the glass door, you can see a black shelf on the balcony against the wall.

  The shelf has four layers, and three potted flowers are placed on each layer. Some are open, and some are still green, with no buds even growing.

  Tangman likes flowers, but she has no research on flowers, and she doesn’t know which pot is which flower.

  She watered the flowers, applied some fertilizer, took a photo of the rack, and sent it to Qi Kong.

  Qi Kong returned to her soon:

  [Empty: Well, yes, they are still alive, but luckily not dead]

  [Empty: Do you remember to come to water often, don’t let me urge you to come here only once]

  【Grass Vine: When did you become interested in growing flowers? 】

   [Empty: How did you know that I was not interested in growing flowers before? 】

  Tang Man: "..."

  She never forgets the routine, she forced her to admit her identity!

  [Grass Vine: I haven’t heard your fans say that your hobbies include growing flowers]

  [Empty: Oh, my fans don’t know everything]

  Tang Man: "..."

   Here again!

  【Grass Vine: What kind of flowers do you keep? 】

  After a while, Qi Kong sent a picture over.

  The picture is the one she sent him just now, except that Qi Kong marked the name of the flower on each pot.

  Lily, gypsophila, rose, sunflower, rose...

  This familiar and disorderly mix-and-match style made Tang Man stunned.

  These are the kinds of flowers that Qi Kong always asked Qi Kong to buy her when she was a female ghost...

   [Empty: These flowers are familiar, right? 】

  Tang Man: "..."

  I want to play with her again!

  [Grass Vine: I don’t understand flowers]

  [Grass Vine: You Raise It Well]

   [Empty: It’s nothing to do with me if you can raise flowers well, but you have a big relationship with you. I'm going to stay in the crew for three months, their life and death are in your hands]

  Tang Man: "..."

  Qi Kong sent three photos in a row.

   [Empty: For these three months, I have been in the mountainous area, not to mention that the roads are difficult to walk, and there is nothing around. I can only talk to my flowers every day for comfort. Don’t forget to send me one every day]

  Tang Man clicked on the photo sent by Qi Kong.

  In the photo, it is a vast mountain, a low tiled house, and a muddy dirt road. The conditions look really bad.

  Tang Man checked on the Internet when he came back. This time, Qi Kong made a historical film in Moss City. Not only was it directed by a famous director, but the main characters were also old dramas.

  This movie means a lot to him. Once the filming is done and his acting skills are good in it, then he will take another step on the road of acting.

   Thinking of this, Tang Man replied unconsciously:

  [Grass Vine: Hmm]


  A few days later, Tang Man in Fang’s research institute accidentally heard that Fang was going to a free clinic in Taicheng recently.

  Fang's Bio-Pharmaceutical Group organizes a free clinic at least once a year in cities and towns with poor medical conditions.

  This kind of caring free clinic is very helpful for Fang's Biopharmaceutical Group to establish a corporate image. It is a benefit and self-interest. Therefore, Fang Shouyu attached great importance to it and handed it over to Fang Liye every year.

   Tang Man, after learning that Fang's going to go to Taicheng this time, has been hesitating whether she wants to sign up and go with her.

  Although she cannot see a doctor, she can still help and beat her.

  More importantly, when she went to Moss City, she might be able to...

  Tang Man does not want to think further, and does not want to admit her true purpose.

  Nell, when she was still hesitating, Fang Liye took the initiative to ask her about it.

  One afternoon, Tang Man was in a bad state in the laboratory and planned to end early today and go home early.

  She walked out of the door of the institute and happened to ran into Fang Liye who was driving by.

   Fang Liye slid down the car window and asked her: "Where are you going? I'll see you for a ride."

Tang Man nodded and got into the car.

  "Is it still not going well?" Fang Liye asked her while driving.


"I'm going to take a team to the free clinic in Taicheng this weekend. Do you want to go together? Just go and relax." Fang Liye just added, "But the conditions in Taicheng are not good in all aspects, you have to go. If you do, you have to be mentally prepared."

  (End of this chapter)

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