Chapter 125 The Beginning of Love

  Xiao Siyou and Liu Duanfeng only learned from Chai Liang when they went to the villa in the deep lane to find Qi Kong, that Qi Kong had moved again.

  The key is that this time, Qi Kong moved to a community with very ordinary environment and privacy.

  Since Qi Kong had already gone to Moss City for filming and couldn't come back within a few months, the two approached Chai Liang to ask for Qi Kong's current address, and planned to come over and see what kind of community attracted Qi Yingdi's mansion.

  The two drove the car around in the community, feeling that the community environment is too ordinary.

  They found a space and parked the car, intending to go upstairs to take a look.

  Out of the elevator, there are only two households—901 and 902.

  According to the address given by Chai Liang, Qi Kong lives in 902.

  The two walked to 902. As soon as they reached the door, the door opened from the inside.

  Both of them were shocked abruptly, and took a step back.

  They thought it was Zhong Bin who came out. Because Qi Kong has a slight habit of cleanliness, he would not let strangers come in and out of his home casually when he was away.

  However, standing in front of them with the same surprised face as them, is a very beautiful young girl with a good figure.

   "Huh? Did we find the wrong door?" Liu Duanfeng stepped back several steps, looking back and forth at the house numbers on both sides: "That's right! Here is 902!"

   "Excuse me, this is Unit 3 of Building 9, right?" Xiao Siyou was also a little confused, and politely confirmed to Tang Man.

Tang Man was completely calm at this time.

  Xiao Siyou and Liu Duanfeng didn’t know her, but she knew them both...

   "Yes." Tang Man nodded and admitted.

Xiao Siyou and Liu Duanfeng glanced at each other in confusion.

  Xiao Siyou then asked: "Is this your home? My friend told us that he lives in Unit 902, Building 9, Building 3."

  "Are you looking for Qi Kong?" Tang Man said simply.

   Liu Duanfeng: "Yes! You are..."

   "I live next door, Qi Kong asked me to help take care of the flowers he raised."

   "He...has a flower?" Liu Duanfeng said in disbelief, and looked at each other again with Xiao Siyou.

Tang Man turned sideways and pointed to the flower stand on the balcony.

   Liu Duanfeng and Xiao Si looked at the direction of her fingers quietly, dumbfounded.

  Ye Qi started to enter the retirement life in advance?

   "You said that Qi Kong asked you to help take care of the flowers he raised, then how did you get in and out of his house? Who opened the door for you?" Xiao Siyou asked.

  Tang Man: "He told me the password."

Xiao Siyou and Liu Duanfeng looked at each other again.

  They smelled... the smell of gossip!

  Ye Ye didn’t tell the two brothers the password of his house, but he told a strange woman!

  This is not the beginning of love!

   Liu Duanfeng’s face was instantly filled with smiles: "Beauty, you live next door, right? How did you and Qi Kong meet? How long have you known each other? Have you been in and out of his house all this time?"

  Tang Man glanced at him coolly.

  Sure enough, the same as before.

   "Are you going in? If you don't, I will close the door." Tang Man said coolly.

  Xiao Si's long narrow eyes smiled, and shook his head: "We won't go in."

Tang Man nodded, closed the door, and went back to her own home. After she entered the house, she closed the door.

   Liu Duan snorted: "It's a pretty indifferent beauty. It really goes well with Master Qi."

  He turned to Xiao Siyou: "You'er, is Master Qi chasing her?"

   "It's not obvious yet." Xiao Si looked at him quietly.

   "Obvious! Very obvious! Even the password of his house tells people the beauty, he didn't treat the other person as an outsider at all. I just can't believe that Qi Ye also chased women back."

  "Moreover, I have spent my money and exhausted my methods to chase." Xiao Si added with interest.

   "But I think that beauty doesn't seem to mean much to Master Qi now." Liu Duanfeng touched his chin and analyzed.

   "Well, that's fun." Xiao Siyou pushed the white-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose with one hand, with a deep smile in his eyes.


  Friday afternoon, Fang Liye led the team to Moss City.

   Tang Man met Fang Liye and the others at Dicheng Airport.

  After they arrived at the municipal airport owned by Moss City, they drove more than two hours before they arrived in Moss City.

  The village chief took a few villagers and greeted them at the intersection.

  When they got out of the car, the village head greeted him happily, holding Fang Liye's hand with both hands: "Thank you for your willingness to come to our village's free clinic."

   "It should be." Fang Liye smiled.

Village head: "I have arranged the place to live. The hotel closest to our village is in the town, and it takes more than an hour to drive. I can only wrong you to stay at the villager’s house for two nights. But don’t worry, we will clean up. It's very clean."

  Fang Liye: "Excuse me, you bother."

   "Compared with what you did, what we did is what we should do."

The village chief led everyone on the road and continued to greet Fang Liye: "Some time ago, a film crew came to our filming site. They rented out all the houses in the village with relatively good conditions. The house arranged for you may be possible. I won’t be as good as them, I’ll say sorry to you first."

  Fang Liye: "It's okay, we just stayed for two nights."

  "Village Chief, what is the name of the movie that came here for filming?" A female doctor asked curiously.

   "I don't know. They did a good job of keeping secrets. They went into the mountains early in the morning to film, and they came back very late. They were basically out of reach." The village chief told the truth.

   "When they first entered the village, you must have seen them. Which celebrities are there?" Another male doctor asked gossiping.

   "Maybe I know a few older stars, but I don't know the current stars." The village chief laughed.

   "It's good to have a drama here to view the scene. By then the movie will have a good response, and maybe it will be able to drive a wave of tourism and drive the economy of the village." Fang Li said in a wild way.

  Village Chief: "We dare not think so far. Let's do what's in front of us before we talk about it."

  The head of the village led a group of ten of them, and they stayed in the homes of three villagers. The homes of the three villagers are next to each other so that they can take care of each other.

  Tang Man lives with two female doctors.

  The conditions are indeed not good. There is a very old bunk in the humble house, and the bed is covered with wooden boards and new cotton wool.

  Tangman sleeps on the upper bunk, and the other two female doctors sleep on the lower bunk.


  When Qi Kong finished work tonight, it was still past eight o’clock in the evening as usual.

  He got out of the mountains in the crew car. It is less than half an hour's drive from the filming location to Moss City.

  In the car, the staff sitting in the co-driver chatted with the driver.

  The driver is from Taicheng and was temporarily hired by the crew. Just because the driver is more familiar with the road in the mountains.

  "A caring free clinic team came to the village today, and we will give all villagers free clinics in the next two days." The driver said.

  "Where did you come from?" the staff member asked.

  "Emperor City. It seems to be a medical group's free clinic team. I don't remember the full name."

  (End of this chapter)

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