Chapter 161 Will it be related

  Tangyue calmed down Xia Tangqin's emotions and prepared to take her to the hospital.

Before leaving, he looked at Room 901.

  The door of room 901 closed I don’t know when...


  Tang Man didn’t see Qi Yuqiu and Tang Qin dog biting the dog to the end.

  Tangqin's words suddenly gave Tang Man some guesses.

  Tangqin said that she went to Taicheng to explore Qikong's class. Qi Yuqiu pretended that Qikong's fans tricked Tangqin into her car and knocked her out. When Tang Qin woke up again, he found himself in the field and also found himself being strengthened.

  Qi Yuqiu said that Tang Qin said she could take something to hit her back on the head, but she can’t talk nonsense about her ruining her innocence...

  Tang Man felt that Qi Yuqiu had said everything for this purpose, and it was very likely that Tang Qin's being forced by others had nothing to do with Qi Yuqiu.

  As for why Qi Yuqiu targeted Tangqin, it is probably related to the rumored scandal between Tangqin and Qikong.

  Qi Yuqiu took something and smashed Tang Qin on the back of the head... What happened after that?

   After that, she threw her on the side of the road. When Tang Qin woke up again, she found that she was strengthened?

  So what happened in the middle?

  Tang Man thought about her being almost beaten by three men when she was in the free clinic in Taicheng.

  Is there any connection between this incident and Tang Qin being forced?

  Tang Man was cleaning up the room while thinking about these things in her heart, and Yu Qin called.

   "Manman, Tang Qin is on the hot search again!" Yu Qin couldn't stop gloating in her voice: "Tang Qin is estimated to be over this time, all her fan filters are broken."

  Tang Man absent-minded: "What's the matter?"

"You haven't seen the hot search yet. Someone uploaded a surveillance video of Tang Qin fighting with Ren in the corridor. Good guy! She's just a shrew, how can she have the clever and playful image of her before! It is estimated that her male fans are all I'm defaning hahaha!"

Tang Man was taken aback for a moment: "The surveillance video of the fight in the corridor?"

"Yeah! Go and see! It's so exciting, everyone is crazy. However, the corridor in the video looks familiar, like the corridor of the neighborhood you live in. It's also possible that I missed it. The corridors in most communities are similar. I will share the video with you in a moment. You must watch it!"

  Yu Qin shared the video soon.

  Tang Man clicked and took a look, startled.

  Isn’t this the video of Tang Qin and Qi Yuqiu fighting in the corridor in the afternoon?

  There is surveillance in the corridor, and this video is the surveillance that was called.

  In the surveillance, Tang Qin's face can be seen clearly. Because Qi Yuqiu had been holding her hair by Tang Qin all the time, she lowered her head, and her face was not very clear.

  Lian Tang Yue Quan’s front face was clearly photographed.

  In just one minute of surveillance video, Tang Qin and Qi Yuqiu played for one minute.

  Tang Man didn’t know who uploaded the surveillance video to the Internet, and she didn’t know if the person who uploaded the video watched it with relish when Tang Qin and Qi Yuqiu were fighting.

  However, the only thing she knows is that Tang Qin and Qi Yuqiu should be panicked now.

  It is estimated that neither of the two people expected that in the corridor with only one ladder and two households, their ugliness was not photographed by others, but they were captured by surveillance.

  Tang Man flipped through a few online comments.

   [It turns out that the female celebrities are fighting as vigorously as ordinary people]

  【Tang Qin looks too like a shrew. I've never had a fight with anyone like this]

  【Tang Qin is not mentally a problem, right? I just went crazy a few days ago, and now I'm fighting with people in the corridor as if I'm crazy. Did she forget that she is an idol? Idols should be conscious of idols and pay attention to their own image]

  【Idol is also a human being, even if she is not a star, she is not as good as ordinary people like us in life. Those stars who have never attended college or even high school, this kind of people in our real life, we will even despise a little. But as soon as these people became stars, they were sought after by thousands of people, as if they were masters. But don’t forget, their current image is deliberately created by the agency]

  【Tang Qin disillusioned me too much, I want to take off fans...】

  【I have also taken off fans...】

  Tang Man closed the online comments and went to work on her own.

  Now Qi Yuqiu must have a headache about online video, and there should be no time to harass herself for the time being.

  She can wait to see Qi Yuqiu fight with Tangqin snipe, maybe she can get more clues...

   Tang Man finished washing and was about to read a book and rested, finally received today's video call from Qi Kong.

  As soon as the video was connected, Qi Kong asked: "Qi Yuqiu went to see you at home?"

   Tang Man is not clear, so: "Ah? How did you know that she came to look for me at home?"

  Qi Kong's face sinks slightly: "I saw the video on the Internet, the one from Tang Qin and Qi Yuqiu."

   Tang Man understood, and joked: "You guys are filming on the crew, do you have time to pay attention to things online?"

   "We are not isolated from the world, the crew will gossip." Qi Kong chuckled.

   Tang Man saw that he was still wearing a costume, as if in a dressing room, and asked: "Are you still confiscated?"

  "Not yet, I guess it’s midnight today." Qi Kong brought the topic back again: "What is Qi Yuqiu asking you for?"

   "I didn't do anything, I'm crazy." Tang Man Qingkuo: "Do people on the crew know Qi Yuqiu's relationship with you?"

   "I don't know yet."

Tang Man breathed a sigh of relief.

That's good.

  At least the video of Qi Yuqiu and Tang Qin fighting in the corridor will not involve Qi Kong for the time being.

  But now that fighting videos are hot, I don’t know how long this "temporary" will be...

   "Why did Qi Yuqiu and Tang Qin fight outside our house?" Qi Kong asked.

Tang Man hesitated for a while, but told Qi Kong the truth.

  As soon as she came, she hoped that Qi Kong would know the truth, and if Qi Kong was involved in the fight video, he would adopt a public relations response strategy. Secondly, she also wants someone to analyze and analyze with her...

After Tang Man told Qi Kong all the story, she also told Qi Kong her guess.

   After listening, Qi Kong pondered for a while: "You suspect that Tang Qin's being forced has something to do with your being **** by the three men in Moss City?"

"Yes." Tang Man nodded: "Tang Qin began to become mentally abnormal. It was not long after I came back from Taicheng, I heard from Tang Yue. From the time point of view, it is very likely to match. Yes, that is, when I was in Taicheng, it was very likely that Tang Qin was forced. Moreover, the three men have not been found until now, and Tang Qin should have not found them either."

   "I will let Liu Duanfeng and Xiao Si look down this line quietly, so leave it alone."

   "Well, you can tell me any time you have news, and I will tell you when I have new ideas."

  Qi Kong Ning nodded solemnly: "Don't live here during this time. It's not safe. Move to a villa in a deep lane."

  (End of this chapter)

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