Chapter 182 I'm Not Your Dad

  The word "Chai Liang" is clearly displayed on the phone screen.

  Qi Kong sneered, and connected in a bad tone: "Hey."

  The opposite of Chai Liang was startled: "Have you seen the hot search?"

  "What hot search?" Qi Kong's tone was very bad.

   "I thought you saw the hot search, and you were in a bad mood. This is the tone." Chai Liang paused: "Qi Yuqiu is on the hot search again. She is not your father's biological daughter."

  Qi Kong was slightly startled, but only for a moment, he recovered his calm again: "Oh."

   "Let's take a look, although I know you don't care, but in case it affects you again, you should first understand and make a plan."

   "Hmm." Qi Kong hung up the phone.

  He opened Weibo, logged into the hot search, and he saw relevant information at the top of the hot search list-#祁雨秋不祁空的亲哥哥#.

  According to a gossip media report, Qi Yuqiu’s biological father approached them and told them that Qi Yuqiu was not the daughter of Qi Kong’s biological father Qi Xianzong. She was born to Qi Xianzong’s current wife Zhuo Hanling and herself.

  Qi Xianzong and Qi Kong’s biological mother had been married for less than five years, and they had become better off with Zhuo Hanling. In order to get to the top quickly and become the main room, Zhuo Hanling especially hopes to be pregnant with Qi Xianzong's child as a bargaining chip. But after two years of hard work, there was no movement in her stomach. Zhuo Hanling was anxious, so she went to Qi Yuqiu's biological father-her ex-boyfriend. The two stayed together overnight, and Zhuo Hanling became pregnant smoothly.

   After giving birth to Qi Yuqiu, Zhuo Hanling was particularly upset because Qi Yuqiu was a girl. Although Qi Xianzong still liked her, he did not like to divorce her original partner to the extent that Zhuo Hanling was righted. Zhuo Hanling told Qi Yuqiu's biological father more than once that Qi Xianzong was cold-blooded.

  Zhuo Hanling has been struggling for four years, and finally waited for her chance. That year, Qi Kong's brother and mother passed away due to accidents one after another, and Zhuo Hanling also became pregnant with Qi Ziye that year. The following year, after Qi Ziye was born, Qi Xianzong finally corrected Zhuo Hanling.

   When the gossip media asked Qi Yuqiu’s biological father whether Qi Ziye was Qi Xianzong’s biological son, Qi Yuqiu’s biological father replied ambiguously: “I don’t know either.”

  This broke the news, in addition to the text version, there is also a voice version, but the voices of related personnel have all been specially processed.

  Netizens’ comments:

  [The person who gave the main room a green hat was finally given a green hat by Xiao San...Wonderful~Wonderful~]

  [Thinking that the troubles of the Qi family are unit dramas, but I didn’t expect it to be a series of dog-blooded dramas, or the kind with reversals]

  【I can finally understand why Qi Yuqiu and Tang Qin were fighting outside Qikong's house. One loves Qi Kong as a younger sister, and one admires approaching Qi Kong as a female celebrity. It’s no wonder that Qi Yuqiu would smash Tang Qin’s head with a stone. She probably hates everyone who has an affair with Qi Kong]

  【How do I feel that Qi Kong is the worst in these things? Obviously he didn't do anything, but he was so annoyed by these people. Qi Kong is really miserable]

  【Qi Yuqiu is not Qi Xianzong's biological daughter, then Qi Ziye is not his biological son? Zhuo Hanling dared to fool Qi Xianzong with his daughter born to another man in order to be superior, so she could fool Qi Xianzong with his son born to another man as well! 】

  【Qi Xianzong deserves it! If you can’t control your lower body, you can only raise a daughter for others hahaha]

  [I don’t know how Qi Xianzong, who has raised a daughter and son for other men for so many years, feels at this time]

  The Qi family at this time was naturally turned upside down.

  This revelation was exposed just before the end of get off work.

  At that time, Qi Xianzong was having a meeting with the company's executives, and his assistant hurried in and showed him the news. Qi Xianzong flushed with anger on the spot, and immediately asked his assistant to verify the authenticity of the news. He didn't even have the mood for the meeting, and immediately went home.

When he went to the underground parking lot, he walked in the company, feeling that everyone was watching him secretly, laughing in his heart for the children he had raised for others for so many years, and laughing at him without knowing that he had been wearing the green hat for so many years by Xiao San. .

  In order to confront the truth of the matter, Qi Xianzong called the housekeeper when he was still on the road, asking Qi Yuqiu and Qi Ziye to return immediately, and at the same time, don't let them and Zhuo Hanling go out of the house.

  Qi Xianzong returned home, Zhuo Hanling, Qi Yuqiu, and Qi Ziye were all in his bedroom.

  Qi Xianzong saw Zhuo Hanling, and slapped him up. Zhuo Hanling staggered back several steps, with blood in his mouth.

  As usual, Qi Yuqiu and Qi Ziye, who were always on her side, stood silently aside, without any intention to help her.

   "You are so courageous! You dare to let me raise wild breeds that you have born with other men! My Qi Xianzong seems to be short of you as a woman, is it easy to deceive?" Qi Xianzong's voice was gloomy.

"Husband, I was wrong. I shouldn't lie to you. I really love you so that I made this kind of mistake. Would you forgive me? For the sake of our biological son, Zi Ye, would you forgive me? All right?" Zhuo Hanling pleaded with tears of her swollen face.

  "Forgive? I'm so merciful if I don't kill you. Do you still want to forgive?" Qi Xianzong waved Zhuo Hanling away from his arm and lifted Zhuo Hanling to the ground.

"Husband, I was wrong, I was wrong, but Zi Ye is really our biological son. You see that Zi Ye is so good, just forgive me this time." Zhuo Hanling knelt on the ground, already Crying became tearful.

"Is it my own person? I will do the test myself, so I don't need you to tell me! I ask you, have you and that wild man have **** with each other all these years?" Qi Xianzong pointed his finger at Zhuo Hanling and asked angrily. .

  Zhuo Hanling shook her head straight: "No, no. Except for you, I haven't touched any man in these years."

  Qi Xianzong sneered openly, obviously not believing Zhuo Hanling's words.

  "In order for the wild man to keep the secret of the wild species, did you give him a lot of money over the years?"

  Zhuo Hanling shook her head like a rattle: "No, he didn't know that Yuqiu was his daughter, I don't know how he knew it."

  Qi Xianzong sneered again: "If you tell the truth, I will know as soon as I check. You don't want to go anywhere until I let you go."

  Qi Xianzong will leave the room after speaking.

  Qi Yuqiu shouted timidly: "Dad..."

  Qi Xianzong stopped and looked at her, with unconcealed indifference and disgust between his eyebrows: "I'm not your father, don't confess people indiscriminately."

  The words fell, and he strode away without looking back.

  Qi Yuqiu was deeply stabbed with his self-esteem by his indifference and disgust. Her legs weakened and she squatted on the ground.

  Zhuo Hanling sitting on the ground crying and robbing the sky, there is no ordinary grace and complacency.

  (End of this chapter)

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