Chapter 195 Recognizes Me

  Qi Kong's eyebrows and eyes were full of chill.

   actually harassing a 70-year-old man? Still sending cats and mice to death photos like this?

  Those people are probably seriously ill!

  Hang up and Ningzhen’s call, Qi Kong logged into his social media account and posted a post——

  【Stop harassing my family. My family is very kind, but I am not. My tolerance is limited, I will take legal measures]

  Qi Kong rarely posts such a strong tone on social media.

  He has always been indifferent. Either ignore it, or make a cold and concise statement.

  His post quickly became a hot search.

  His studio reposted this movement of him, with a text stating that Mr. Qi is too old to withstand scares and shocks. I hope everyone can express their emotions rationally.

  At the same time, there was a marketing account that broke the news under the authorization of Qi Kong's studio. Some black fans sent dead cats and dead mice to Mr. Qi, and there were even photos of Mr. Qi.

  This revelation was also on the hot search, which immediately triggered criticism from netizens, and many passers-by came to Qi Kong's side.

  【This is too much. Send cats, mice, and photos to such an old grandfather, do you have a conscience?]

  [This group of people is sick, the 27-year-old star still forbids others to fall in love, but also threatens the elderly. What happened to someone falling in love? It’s not that I talked to you, so my psychology is distorted, is it? It’s okay to imagine that you are in a relationship with a celebrity, but if a celebrity really falls in love, you cannot accept it and have to retaliate. It’s a serious illness]

  [For this kind of people, you should report to the police directly, you have to ask them to see a psychiatrist]

  After a night of fermentation on social media, this matter was still at the forefront of the hot search list the next morning. At noon, the popularity slowly dropped, and the ranking on the hot search list gradually fell back.

  At the same time, a new piece of news reached the top of the hot search list at the speed of a torrential storm, followed by the scarlet word "explosive"——

  #Qikong's love photos are sold to the media by Qi Yuqiu#

  Netizens were still immersed in the anger of black fans for not being human. Today, they were shocked and indignant when they learned that the original Qi Kong love affair and the initiator of the harassment of Mr. Qi by the black fans were actually Qi Yuqiu.

  [Yesterday I thought that the black powder was a lunatic, but today I found out that the most sick person is Qi Yuqiu]

  【Qi Yuqiu is not interesting to Qi Kong, right? She used a stone to beat Tangqin, it seems that it was because Tangqin had an affair with Qi Kong. Now that Qi Kong has a girlfriend, she must be mad with jealousy. If you can't get it, you can destroy it, and you can make a fortune by selling the photos to the media. What a lunatic]

   [Slanted building, did Qi Yuqiu hit Tangqin with a stone like that? Shouldn't she be punished by law? 】

  【Back upstairs, the fact that she was not Qi Kong's father's biological daughter had not been exposed yet. It is said that Qi Kong's father found someone to get her out. Now, I don’t know anymore]

   [I heard that Tang Qin was a little mentally upset, and she was crazy. I don’t think Tang Qin’s parents will make Qi Yuqiu feel better. Although Tang Qin is related to her own parents, her parents definitely don’t think so. They would definitely think that if Qi Yuqiu had not stoned Tang Qin, she would have thrown her. After getting out of the car, Tang Qin will not be q. In addition, Qi Yuqiu is not a child of the Qi family, and the Tang family is still a little bit powerful. Qi Yuqiu will never have a hard time in the future]

  【Qi Yuqiu is really stupid and bad, I really don’t understand what good it will be for her to break the news of Qi Kong’s love affair and pull Grandpa Qi in. Apart from making her feel better for a while, what else can be done. Now, apart from Qi Ziye, no one in the Qi family likes her. In the future, if she has anything to do, the Qi family will never come out to help her. With Qi Ziye's ability, she thought she could count on it? 】

  【I guess Qi Yuqiu was in Qi's house before, so he was not likable. The bad-hearted person, the people who have been around her can actually see it. Qi Yuqiu knew that the Qi family couldn't rely on it, so he broke the jar and broke the news directly. But she forgot, this time not only the Qi family hates her, but the netizens all over the country hate her, and they all know that she is bad-hearted]

  【By the way, are Qi Yuqiu's mother and Qi Kong's father divorcing? 】

  【According to reliable sources, I am leaving. Is there any man who can stand being cuckold and raise a daughter for another man for more than 20 years! Qi Yuqiu's mother was originally a junior. If Qi Kong's father could have her as a junior, there wouldn't be a minor four, five, and six? 】


  In the midst of turmoil on the Internet, "Sky" was released.

  On the first day of its release, "Sky" was only ranked third in the box office that day. However, on the second day, "Sky" ranked first at the box office of the day, and after that, it won the daily box office champion with an absolute advantage.

At the beginning of the show, everyone was not optimistic about Qi Kong’s performance in "Sky", and even the media said that Qi Kong played with so many old dramas would definitely drag the whole movie back. He is the biggest flaw in this movie, and it is the box office poison of this movie.

  Affected by these remarks, the box office on the first day of "Sky" was not very satisfactory.

  But those who went to watch "Sky" on the first day of the show, found that those self-media accounts that claimed to be film critics were farting.

  Why can't Qi Kong catch the old drama?

  Where did Qi Kong drag down the whole movie?

  He is the core character of this movie, and he is not inferior to all the old dramas. His acting skills are so superb that he is not like an actor with only seven years of acting experience.

  These people spontaneously recommended "Sky" on the Internet, which made the box office and word-of-mouth of "Sky" rise with the tide.

  Tang Man also wrapped Yanshi alone to watch "Sky" in the cinema, and she also bought the giant-screen Dolby sound effect hall specially.

  After watching "Sky", she couldn't calm down for a long time.

  She understands why the box office and reputation of "Sky" is so high.

  Qi Kong’s acting skills have made a qualitative leap in this movie. Those four months of hard work in the mountains and repeated shooting one after another and striving for perfection allowed him to transform his acting skills while delivering a perfect work.

  The storyline, shooting techniques, and acting skills of each actor are all online.

  It’s not unreasonable that this movie will explode.

   Tang Man was very excited when she went to take the subway after she came out of the cinema.

   Suddenly a horn sounded behind him.

  She looked back and saw a car approaching, and at the same time the window of the back seat against the sidewalk slid down.

   "Tang Man." Fang Liye sat in the back seat and looked at her with a smile.

  "Mr. Fang?" Tang Man was very surprised: "I'm so tightly packed, you recognize me."

   Fang Liye smiled, his eyes turned emotionally.

   "Are you alone?" he said.

  (End of this chapter)

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