Chapter 198 is your style

  After watching the play, Xiao Siyou asked Tang Man, “Tang Man, where are you going to take Qikong on a tour? We asked him, he said it was a secret, and didn’t tell us.”

  Tang Man: "It's a secret."

  Xiao Si looked at Qi Kong quietly.

  Oh, after doing it for a long time, it turned out that the person involved didn't even know about it.

   "Wherever she takes me, I will go wherever she takes me. This is our personal secret." Qi Kong raised his and Tang Man's clasped hands.

  Xiao Siyou: "..."


  On the day of the tour, Tang Man took Qi Kong to a city in the south.

  At this time, the north has reached the middle of winter, but the city is still 30 degrees high in summer.

  Tang Man took Qi Kong to the five-star hotel.

  Qi Kong stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the city, and asked Tang Man sideways, "Here is the one you want to bring me here?"

  Tang Man knew that Qi Kong must have been in this city, but she was not only bringing him here.

   "You guessed half of it right. The other half, you will know soon." Tang Man stuffed water and some snacks in his backpack and handed it to Qi Kong: "Back, ready to go."

  Qi Kong took it on his back: "Okay."

  Tang Man called a car.

  "Master, let's go to Carving Mountain." After getting on the bus, Tang Man approached the driver.

  Qi Kong was shocked: "You want to take me to climb the mountain?"

  The driver's master looked at Qi Kong wearing a mask and hat in the rearview mirror: "Young man, are you afraid of climbing mountains? The carved mountains are not high, and there is no one kilometer. They can definitely be climbed in three hours. It is very easy."

  Tang Man raised an eyebrow at him, and he agreed with the driver's words: "You are not afraid to play the free fall facility now. You can climb the shorter mountain, and you will have no problem with carving the mountain."

  Qi Kong is a little emotional.

  The incentive travel he imagined is not like this.

   "You said you want to reward me, that is to bring me to climb the mountain to overcome myself?" Qi Kong constricted his eyes.

   "Yes. Once your fear of heights is completely healed, you don't have to miss a good book because of your fear of heights."

  Qi Kong: "..."

  It’s like a student who took the first place in the exam, and he was rewarded with mock test papers for all subjects...

  He understands the sorrow of those children...

  Qi Kong put his elbow on the window frame, and leaned his head with one hand, replying in disinterest: "Oh."

  Tang Man saw that he did not restrain his emotions and found it a bit funny.

  This is not like him, who is usually calm, calm and noble.

   "Before, you didn't always talk about me overtly and secretly, and you said that you want to help you overcome your fear of heights, but you just talked and didn't act at all. Now that I act, you are not happy anymore." Tang Man deliberately said.

  Qi Kong looked at her aggrievedly, his eyes full of silent accusations that "you know I didn't mean this".

  Tang Man turned a blind eye and averted his sight.

   "Well, I am not upset, I am very happy, look." Qi Kong shook Tang Man's arm.

  After Tang Man looked at him, he gave a standard smirk.

  Tang Man: "..."

  I want to laugh a little...

  She cleared her cough, held back her laugh, and controlled the expression on her face.

   She said solemnly: "You are mentally prepared, I am not just taking you to climb the mountain."

  Qi Kong's right eye twitched: "What else?"

   "You will know when you get to the mountain."

  Qi Kong: "..."

  He has a bad feeling...

  It is not a holiday now, and there are not many tourists in Carving Mountain at all.

  Tang Man likes this the most, and for Qi Kong, it’s pretty good.

  They bought the tickets and started to climb up, but they didn't meet a few people along the way.

  Qi Kong, under Tang Man’s repeated training, has no problem climbing low-altitude mountains.

  So when he first started climbing, he didn't feel at all.

  But as the altitude exceeded one hundred meters, he looked at the foot of the mountain farther and farther, and his legs began to feel a little frustrated.

  Qi Kong grabbed Tang Man who was walking in front of him: "We must climb to the top of the mountain?"

   "No, just climb halfway up the mountain. Come on, you will be halfway down the mountain soon." Tang Man clenched his fists and cheered Qi Kong.

  Qi Kong: "..."

  This is really sad news...

  Fortunately, he didn’t have to climb to the top of the mountain. For him now, it would be better to have him break his leg again to climb to the top. The worry is that even if he only climbed halfway up the mountain, it would be a big challenge for him.

  Qi Kong's climbing speed slowed down obviously, but the speed of his heartbeat was inversely faster and faster.

Tang Man turned her head and saw that Qi Kong was so far behind her, she turned back again.

   "Do you feel uncomfortable at the beginning? Or I will help you up."

  It happens to be an old couple in their sixties, helping each other over them, slowly climbing up step by step.

  Qi Kong: "..."

  He is only 27 years old in his youth, is he going to live the life of an elderly person in advance?

   "No, I can go up by myself." Qi Kong refused Tang Man with dignity.

Tang Man was about to show a pleased smile, Qi Kong continued: "Did you prepare trekking poles? I want to use them."

  Tang Man: "..."

  She knew that if Qi Kong was afraid of heights, his legs would become weak and walking would be affected, so she prepared trekking poles in advance.

  But every time she prepares trekking poles, she fantasizes about it, maybe Qi Kong can't use it.

  This time, hope was shattered again.

  But there is no way, Qi Kong’s fear of heights is so serious, she has helped him improve a little, and it will be better if you take it slowly.

  Tang Man helped him take out the folding trekking pole from the backpack.

  This time, Tang Man no longer rushed forward alone, but followed Qi Kong's back, in case there was anything unusual about him, she could help him as soon as possible.

  Qi Kong seemed to be competing with himself. Although he crawled slowly and his legs were trembling obviously, he still walked forward slowly.

  Tang Man followed him, looking at his trembling legs, very distressed.

   But there is no way to feel distressed. If Qi Kong wants to overcome his fear of heights, these are what he must experience.

  Thinking of the bigger challenge waiting for him halfway up the mountain, Tang Man became even more worried and distressed.

   "Take a rest, I'm almost out of it." Qi Kong stopped, his face was sweaty.

   "Hmm." Tang Man stopped afterwards.

  Qi Kong took out two bottles of water from his backpack, gave one to Tang Man and the other to drink by himself.

   "Are you sure you only climb halfway up the mountain? You can't climb halfway down the mountainside. You told me you want to climb to the top of the mountain again, right?" Qi Kong confirmed with worry.

  "I'm such an unbelieving person. When I said that I climbed halfway up the mountain, I only climbed halfway down the mountain." Tang Man curled his lips.

   "You really might change your mouth, it's your style." Qi Kong said tactfully.

  Tang Man: "..."

  She took out a pack of tissues from her pocket and threw it to Qi Kong: “I wanted to wipe your sweat, but I’m not happy anymore. Wipe it yourself.”

  Qi Kong accurately caught the tissue and took out one, but didn't rush to wipe it.

  He blinked his dark eyes pitifully: "My hands are shaking, and I can't wipe them by myself."

  Tang Man: "..."

   will sell badly!

  (End of this chapter)

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