Shi Ling and Yang Xiaoyue rushed to the county hospital.

Then, Shi Ling showed an expression of surprise.

This is the first time he has shown such an expression since arriving in Yaozhou City.

It's not his fault, because anyone who sees such a scene will be surprised.

This is not a hospital at all, but an extremely huge machining factory. Countless drones are working, and new robots are rolled out of the factory and then wake up.

These robots did not know that they were produced in a factory, and they all thought that they had just come out of the hospital after seeing a doctor, and then went home talking and laughing.


Shi Ling felt deeply horrified.

It's not scary to have your body controlled, but it's your thoughts that are the scariest thing.

Anyone who sees such a scene will feel horrified.

It may even lead to speculation.

Will my world be like this? Am I also a programmed robot? Have my thoughts also been tampered with?

In an instant, Shi Ling thought of Lan Yue.

Blue Moon, isn't it this kind of terrifying machine that has tampered with the minds of people all over the world?

Shi Ling looked serious and said, "Let's go and find the dean!"

Yang Xiaoyue had no idea why Shi Ling came to the hospital. Her eyes could not see the truth. In her eyes, this was a perfectly normal hospital.

They entered the factory, and from Shi Ling's perspective, he couldn't see anything at all. He could only use Yang Xiaoyue's perspective to find the dean's office.

It's a huge factory with no signposts and construction robots coming and going.

But in Yang Xiaoyue's eyes, those who build robots are all doctors.

She came to the first floor, found the sign, and saw the office area.

Afterwards, she took Shi Ling straight to the office area.

When they arrived at the office area, Yang Xiaoyue saw more doctors, while Shi Ling saw huge robots that were constantly transporting materials.

It seems that they think they are doctors, but in fact, they are just transporters of materials.

"Hello, do you know where the dean's office is?" Yang Xiaoyue stopped a doctor and asked.

The doctor looked at them and then said very kindly: "Do you want to find the dean? I will take you there."

Shi Ling saw the huge robot stop its four legs, then lowered its head, and looked at them with a red eye, and the red light kept scanning them.

Then, the robot emitted an unintelligible sound wave and began to walk forward.

Yang Xiaoyue followed immediately.

Shi Ling also followed closely behind.

He sighed in his heart: Some people can communicate with animals, some people can communicate with fish, and some people can communicate with machines. The reason is probably this, right?

They both see different worlds, so how can we question them?

Shi Ling and Yang Xiaoyue followed the robot into the huge dean's office. Then, Shi Ling saw a humanoid robot sitting on an office chair.

It is not wearing a doctor's uniform.

"Dean, they are looking for you."

The giant robot finished speaking and left.

Shi Ling and Yang Xiaoyue walked into the dean's office, and then Shi Ling saw countless monitoring screens behind the dean. What was displayed on those screens were pictures of various streets in Yaozhou City.

Sure enough, this is the core city of robots!

"Why did you come to see me?"

In Yang Xiaoyue's eyes, the dean was immersed in approving documents. Behind him was a huge floor-to-ceiling window, and outside the floor-to-ceiling window was the not-so-large Yaozhou City.

This is the seventeenth floor of the hospital. From this height, you can see most of Yaozhou City, which is enough to show that Yaozhou City is not too big.

Yang Xiaoyue looked at Shi Ling. She didn't know why they came to see the dean.

Shi Ling didn't say anything nonsense. He took out Chui Xue, pulled it out of its scabbard, and then went straight to the dean.

There are some things you must know!

Subdue the dean and find out where the person who created this city is?

Seeing Shi Ling coming towards him menacingly, the dean immediately tensed up, and one of his eyes emitted a purple light.

"Who are you? What do you want to do?" the dean asked sternly.

Shi Ling said: "I just want to know who created this city? Who created you?"

The dean was shocked: "Do you know anything?"

"Xiaoyue!" Shi Ling suddenly shouted.

Yang Xiaoyue immediately understood. Her space distortion had been activated, and the powerful power of space immediately enveloped the dean's robot.

But one of the eyes of the dean's robot suddenly emitted purple light, and he shouted: "It's useless, I have the blessing of the God of Machinery, I can see the reality!"

The next second, the dean's robot broke free from the power of space, and then rushed towards Shi Ling.

Shi Ling immediately slashed with his sword, and Fuxue's and the opponent's arms collided with each other, making a powerful steel collision sound.

Then Shi Ling took a few steps back.


A robot that can see reality is the nemesis of Shi Ling and Yang Xiaoyue!

"My space distortion is useless to the opponent. Could it be that he is a god!?"

Yang Xiaoyue was shocked. Why did god-level experts appear one after another? Is it Chinese cabbage?

Shi Ling took a deep breath. He had already seen through the opponent's weakness at a glance. As long as the opponent's eyes were destroyed, Yang Xiaoyue could deal with it. This was the only chance of victory!

Dean Robot clenched his fist and said: "I have the divine eye given to me by the God of Machinery. You cannot be my opponent. If you explain your purpose of coming, I may be able to leave a whole body for you."

Shi Ling didn't answer, he rushed forward directly.

The dean robot sneered: "You don't overestimate your capabilities."

Shi Ling slashed his right hand with a knife, and was directly held by the dean's robot.

Yang Xiaoyue was extremely surprised.

"You actually held it?"

It was just a wooden knife, and it wasn't unusual for it to be held.

But that was the wooden sword wielded by Shi Ling. The infinite sword energy was unable to hurt the dean at all?

"It's useless!" the dean's robot shouted, then he clenched his other hand into a fist and hit Shi Ling's head directly.

However, Shi Ling's left hand suddenly reached into the collar of his clothes and took out something.

That thing is clearly...

A pistol!

Times have changed!

This is Shi Ling's real killing move.

A pistol. When he needs it most, when he encounters an enemy that Shi Ling cannot deal with, Shi Ling will take it out and point it at the enemy.

"It's just a pistol, do you still want it?"


Shi Ling pulled the trigger, and the bullet shot out and shot directly into the dean's purple eyes.


Dean's eyes immediately shattered, and the bullet shot into its brain without any accident, and then penetrated the back of its head.

The Dean Robot was completely headshot, and its life came to an end.

However, Shi Ling hasn't gotten the clues he wants yet.

But no, it is impossible for Shi Ling to hold back. If he holds back, he will be the one who dies.

"It's a pity that no one was left alive." Shi Ling felt very regretful.

But just then, the phone in the office rang.

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