It was a hatch, a metal hatch, very much like the hatch of a spaceship in a science fiction movie.

This is Shi Ling's perspective.

From the perspective of others, this is a dark entrance. It is unknown where the entrance leads, but it is extremely deep and it is unknown what is inside.

Luo Tong strode forward, but was blocked by a wall of air.

He used his supernatural space transfer, but it was useless, he still couldn't get in.

"Let me try." The air user started to move, but it was of no use. They still couldn't get in.

Shi Ling: "."

The hatch is blocked by such a big stone. How could you possibly get in?

Everyone looked at Shi Ling. They knew that Shi Ling must have a way.

Just like you did just now, use your body to break a path without any hesitation!

Shi Ling didn't. His method was to take out the time explosive, install it on the stone, and then press the starter.

The countdown starts immediately, and they only have five minutes to evacuate here.

Shi Ling was the first to retreat, while the others looked confused.

If the master is so powerful, how could he bring out the explosives?

The Great God had so easily broken through the protective shield and crashed through the palace gate before. Why did he use explosives when he encountered a wall of air now?



God's thoughts are indeed beyond the comprehension of mortals.

"I understand!" Yu Manzhi suddenly said loudly.

Others were shocked, but you understood again?

"The reason why Shi Ling didn't know how to use his powerful power and instead used explosives was actually very simple. That was because he didn't want to use his own power, lest his power fluctuations be noticed by some being."

A group of people were stunned: "What exists?"

“Yes,” Yu Manzhi continued, “Shi Ling must have sensed some terrifying creature hiding deep in the cave, and in order not to alert the snake, Shi Ling chose to use the power of technology to prevent being discovered by the terrifying creature. "


"There is actually some kind of terrifying creature hidden deep in this palace? It must be something extraordinary for this creature to be able to survive on the moon!"

"I didn't expect Shi Ling to be so strong as before, but still so cautious. We must learn from Shi Ling and never be arrogant in victory or discouraged in defeat!"

"What kind of terrifying creature is this creature that even god-level experts are afraid of?" Among the group of people, only one person could be considered clear-headed.

Although to Shi Ling, they are all mentally ill.

As soon as this person finished speaking, the others immediately began to think carefully and fear.

Luo Tong and the air make his whole body feel cold.

Shouldn't we have been beaten?

In fact, the situation was different from what they imagined. Shi Ling was looking at them doubtfully at the moment.

This bomb is about to explode, why are you still so indifferent?

"Hey, the bomb countdown is only five minutes, hide quickly." Shi Ling reminded loudly.

The others immediately started running. Only then did they realize that they were in a daze next to the bomb that was about to explode.

But as soon as they started running, everyone began to speculate again.

He actually reminded us in such a serious way. Is it possible that this is not an ordinary bomb?

None of the superpowers present were weak. It was just a bomb, which could not threaten them.

But if this isn't just any bomb.

Just thinking about it makes them shudder.

This is a bomb planted by a god-level expert. How could it be like an ordinary bomb?

"I was wrong!" Yu Manzhi suddenly changed his mind, "It's not because you can't use superpowers, but because ordinary superpowers can't destroy the entrance. Only god-level explosives can blow it open!"

Everyone immediately took a breath of the artificial oxygen in the space suit.

The captain was very taboo: "No wonder the headquarters reminded me again and again to be careful. It turns out that this time we are carrying god-level explosives!"

Shi Ling:? ? ?

What the hell? Say it again!

What is that thing if it's not an ordinary explosive?

A bunch of fools.

Shi Ling was speechless. He hid behind the bunker and just waited for the countdown to end.

When the others saw this, they immediately hid behind the bunker.

"10, 9, 8,..."

The countdown lasted ten seconds, so people became extremely cautious.

How terrifying is the power of god-level explosives?

"3, 2, 1!"

The countdown ended completely, and then the bomb exploded completely, setting off a huge wave of dust, and a bright white light made them all close their eyes.

Otherwise, it was quiet, they heard nothing, as if they were watching a silent movie.

After all, sound doesn't travel in a vacuum.

After the explosion, everyone immediately checked their spacesuits and breathed a sigh of relief after making sure there were no problems.

But they were also confused.

"Is this the end? Isn't it a god-level explosive?"

"God-level explosives seem to be no different from ordinary explosives, right?"

"Wait, I understand."

Shi Ling didn't care. At this moment, Yu Manzhi spoke again.

The others looked surprised and confused.

You...understand again?

Shi Ling didn't understand what Yu Manzhi understood. He just strode towards the cabin door of the spacecraft.

The boulder had been blown open and the hatch slowly opened, allowing them to enter.

Shi Ling headed straight there, knowing that Lan Yue's secret must be hidden there.

Others are still waiting for Yu Manzhi to answer their questions.

Yu Manzhi explained: "We'll talk about this later. Let's enter the cave first!"

Others also knew there was no time to waste.

Lan Yue's secret is right in front of them, how can they still waste time at the entrance?

The rest of the people immediately followed Shi Ling into the cave.

Shi Ling knew that he was probably the only one who could know the truth about Lan Yue, so he went straight inside without saying hello.

Shi Ling had already entered a battleship. Inside was a metal passage. He even found some special symbols in this metal passage.

"What is this?" the captain asked, pointing to some characters on the stone wall.

What they saw was not a metal passage, but a stone passage, and these stone walls were actually carved with oracle bones.

"Did you also see it?" Shi Ling asked.

Others were surprised. Could it be that these oracle bone inscriptions had some special meaning.

"There are actually oracle bone inscriptions on this stone wall. Could it be that our ancestors came here thousands of years ago?"

"Is it possible that the legend of Guanghan Palace is true? Is Chang'e really flying to the moon?"

Shi Ling: "..."

He knew he shouldn't ask, after all, the scenes they saw were different.

In order to protect the secrets here, what they saw were all false illusions. Only Shi Ling can unlock the secrets and get the truth.

Shi Ling stopped staying and started moving forward. He knew how to go. The symbols on the metal passage had marked the way forward.

Lan Yue's secret is just ahead, waiting for him to unravel it.

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