Shi Ling immediately shouted out with the loudest voice.

But sound cannot travel in a vacuum.

Fortunately, the spacecraft detected Shi Ling's brain waves and then responded to him.

"Oxygen has begun to be released, and the spacecraft hatch has been closed. Please draw blood from the new human descendants for testing immediately."

Shi Ling didn't have time to test any blood. He immediately took off his helmet and felt the air coming from all around.

Then, he went to take off the helmets of the other three people, but all three of them stopped breathing!

It's going to happen!

Shi Ling immediately began to perform CPR on the three of them in turn, but it was of no use!

"Excuse me, do the new human descendants need medical robots for first aid?"

Shi Ling shouted: "If necessary, get first aid immediately!"

But an unhurried voice came from inside the spacecraft: "Permission is required to activate the medical robot. Please draw blood from the new human descendants for testing immediately. Only when the new human descendants meet the conditions and become the new captain can the medical robot be activated."

Shi Ling frowned.

Real trouble!

But I have to say, this is very rigorous.

Shi Ling immediately rushed to the conical blue crystal, bit his finger and stained it with blood.

The next second, a series of characters appeared on the conical blue crystal. Among these characters were oracle bones, inscriptions, and small seal scripts, but most of them were characters that Shi Ling didn't understand at all.

But in the end, these characters all turned into the simplified Chinese characters that Shi Ling used most often.

"Detection completed."

"New human gene ratio: 100%"

"Confirmed to be the direct descendant of the new human race."

"You can inherit the main ship 'Tranquility', the captain's position has been transferred."

"Congratulations, you are now the captain of the main ship 'Tranquility'!"

Shi Ling immediately said: "Send medical robots to treat the injured immediately!"

After Shi Lin finished speaking, he suddenly felt a little dizzy. Only then did he realize that the spacecraft supplied really all oxygen, 100% oxygen!

In this case, they will all suffer from oxygen poisoning!

"Reduce the oxygen concentration in the spacecraft to 30%, and replenish the rest with nitrogen, immediately!" Shi Ling yelled, and then he fell to the ground.

The oxygen generator in the spacecraft immediately started working, and new air was immediately sent to all parts of the spacecraft, which made Shi Ling feel better.

On Earth, the most abundant gas in the air is nitrogen, which accounts for almost 78% of the air, while oxygen only accounts for 21%, and the rest is made up of other gases.

Fortunately, Shi Ling remembered this part of the knowledge firmly. He also remembered that the textbook said that a higher oxygen content would be very helpful to the patient, so he mentioned 30% oxygen.

After the oxygen ratio in the air changed, Shi Ling finally felt better, and he also saw several medical robots rushing over.

These medical robots are all humanoid, and their bodies are made of unknown materials. They are soft and tough, just like human muscles, bones, skin and flesh, and they move exactly like humans.

They immediately began first aid to three people who had lost their breath.

With their mechanical artificial respiration and cardiac resuscitation, the three people finally regained their breath.

As soon as they woke up, they saw three puppets. These three puppets gave them first aid and fed them pills. Only after this did their health gradually improve.

At this time, they had time to observe the three puppets. They found that the three puppets were human-shaped, but the material was made of wood. There was a spiritual stone in the heart, and it was this spiritual consciousness that gave them energy.

They looked around again and found themselves in a cave. At this time, he suddenly discovered

"Where's my helmet!?"

"Why did my helmet fall off?"

The three people were horrified, and finally discovered that there was air in this cave, and the air was very fresh!

"This is spiritual energy, we have arrived at the Xianjia Cave!"

Luo Tong was extremely surprised.

"Quickly find the secret book of cultivating immortals, we are about to embark on the path of cultivating immortals!"

Shi Ling: "."

A mere 30% oxygen concentration makes you happy. Do you think your spiritual energy has recovered?

When Yu Manzhi saw Shi Ling, she immediately asked: "Shi Ling, what's going on? Did you bring us here?"

Everyone immediately looked at Shi Ling, and they found that Shi Ling looked like a fairy at this moment. His spacesuit was floating in the wind, his face was rosy, and there were colorful clouds floating around him.

"Could it be that you are not a god-level powerful person, but a cultivator on earth?" Luo Tong was extremely surprised.

The captain was also shocked: "If that's the case, then everything makes sense! I just said that those so-called gods need believers, but you don't have any. It turns out that you are not a god, but an immortal!"

Shi Ling: "."

It's only been a while, and I have new settings, right?

The three of them looked at Shi Ling with great admiration. Luo Tong even knelt down on the spot: "Please accept me as a disciple and teach me how to cultivate immortality. I want to cultivate immortality!"

Shi Ling waved his hand: "Don't tell me this yet, wait until I go investigate this place."

Shi Ling turned around and said to the spacecraft: "I need to know the truth about Lan Yue. Tell me, what is the truth about Lan Yue?"

Everyone immediately pricked up their ears, and they also wanted to know the truth about Lan Yue.

Inside the spaceship, a voice came out: "All information is sealed in the database. Captain, please go to the database to check."

The three people were shocked.

"Daodao Xiyin!"

"I actually heard the sound of Dao Xiyin!"

"I feel like my soul has been lifted!"

The three of them seemed to be unable to hear the sound from the spacecraft at all. The spacecraft's reply to Shi Ling's voice turned into Dao Xiyin to them.

Shi Ling was speechless. He knew that no matter how much he talked to this group of people, it would be useless. The most urgent task was to go to the database to find all the answers!

Shi Ling went straight to the database. He had already memorized the internal map of the spacecraft.

He walked out of the captain's room, and then a metal magnetic levitation disc flew in front of him, and he immediately stood on it.

This is a main ship. It is very huge. It may take several hours to walk to the database, so the movement space inside the ship must be used.

But as soon as Shi Ling stepped on the magnetic levitation disc, the three people behind him were stunned again.

"Flying sword! It's actually a flying sword!"

"Shi Ling is actually a cultivator! He is indeed an expert!"

"Sure enough, I said he is nothing like a god. It turns out he is really a cultivator."

Three Frisbees flew in front of the three of them, and Shi Ling said: "Don't talk nonsense, keep up!"

Shi Ling no longer needs to speak, he can communicate with and control the spacecraft using his thoughts.

The three of them were shocked again.

"Senior, you can actually control four flying swords at the same time?"

In their eyes, Shi Ling was not stepping on a Frisbee, but he was clearly stepping on a flying sword that emitted purple light. He also threw three flying swords at their feet, apparently intending to take them a ride.

Can I also fly with a sword?

The faces of the three people were full of doubts, and their hearts were full of expectations.

Shi Ling, on the other hand, is worried about the database. He knows that the truth about Lan Yue should be hidden there.

This time, there should be no need to run around anymore, the truth about Lan Yue is waiting for him there.

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