While others were still immersed in the magnificent history, Shi Ling had immediately turned his brain and started analyzing.

First of all, it is the sci-fi version of the myth, which Shi Ling can completely accept. It would be more reasonable to say this.

In ancient times, a group of alien colonists came to the solar system and found that the earth was a good place, but it still needed to be transformed.

Then a colonist named Pangu used a planetary transformation machine to transform the earth.

Although the records did not mention what period this was, Shi Ling knew that it was 2.5 billion years ago. At that time, a type of bacteria called cyanobacteria suddenly appeared on the earth and began to produce a large amount of oxygen through photosynthesis.

Subsequently, low-level anaerobic organisms became extinct on a large scale, and advanced, complex life forms that relied on oxygen began to evolve. Billions of years later, the earth became suitable for human habitation.

Then came the birth of a new human race. The leader of the new human race, Fuxi, led everyone to continue to multiply, grow, and inherit the technology of the colonial spaceship.

But there is a doubt here, that is, where did Pangu and Nuwa go?

Shi Ling continued his analysis. It was obvious that although the new humans quickly ruled the earth with the help of high-tech knowledge, they did not have rich knowledge and history, and were still very simple in cognition.

Unexpectedly, they encountered alien enemies in the process. Pangu and Nuwa disappeared without a trace. After that, only Yi, one of the new humans, could destroy them all with the more terrifying technological weapon "Sun Shooting Bow".

This is the first time new humans have discovered "war".

After that, they built a lunar planet base to defend themselves from alien enemies, and also built "Buzhou Mountain" to communicate with the lunar planet base.

But for some unknown reason, the new humanity is gradually divided into conservatives and radicals.

According to Shi Ling's inference, conservatives must be a faction whose theoretical basis is to defend the earth and develop themselves.

The radical faction should be a faction that aims to develop aviation technology and invade other civilizations.

The two factions fought because of different ideas, and the radical Gonggong blew up Mount Buzhou.

Subsequently, the war between the conservatives and the radicals broke out completely. No one knows how long this war lasted, but in the end it was Huangdi, the trustworthy leader of the conservatives, who won.

The Yellow Emperor probably saw the terrifying power of science and technology, and believed that humans should return to the countryside, not develop technology, make a living by farming, and live in harmony with nature, so that they can continue to thrive, otherwise they will be extinct due to war.

So the Yellow Emperor sealed up technology and locked up human lifespan.

At this point, humans have returned to the age of farming, and farming has lasted for thousands of years.

But countless years later, a rapidly developing civilization like Atlantis appeared on the earth. They quickly entered the technological era, which panicked the conservative rulers.

In desperation, he used the moon planet base and launched the "Giant Moon" project. The giant moon was born, the flood destroyed the world, and Atlantis sank.

In order to ensure that human civilization would not be cut off, the conservatives ordered people to build Noah's Ark in advance, and the East, which was not affected much, also gave Dayu the artifact "Dinghai Shenzhen".

In this way, mankind has returned to the agricultural era.

But during the Xia and Shang dynasties, it seemed that the change of dynasties and the emergence of slavery made some immortal conservatives dissatisfied, so that these conservatives began to personally interfere in the process of human society.

This led to the Great War of Conferring Gods. Compared with ordinary humans, the new humans with various technological creations were of course like gods.

But after this incident, the conservatives suffered heavy losses. They were originally immortal and died because of the fight, so the leader seemed to think that the new humans should not interfere with the process of human history.

At this point, the "immortals" established the "Heavenly Court" and retreated behind the scenes, no longer interfering in the development of mankind.

In this way, the conservatives retreated into the background, but the surviving radicals began to cause trouble.

The demons were created by the radicals in order to resist the conservatives, but this strategy was discovered by the conservatives in time. After that, the conservatives launched the "Journey to the West" plan, which not only killed most of the demons, but also killed some with potential The demon was subdued.

At this point, the conservatives became stronger and the radicals were unable to resist.

In this way, time continues to pass and human society continues to advance. However, no one thought that hundreds of years ago, the emergence of the steam engine immediately brought mankind to the stage of rapid technological development.

In just a few hundred years, humankind's technological level has developed rapidly, and it has become possible to touch the stars.

The awakened conservatives were once again panicked. They discovered that the "Giant Moon" plan could no longer affect the current human race, and they did not want to use such a crude plan to eliminate most of the human race.

A genius came up with a solution.

"We can blind their minds and lock down their technology."

The "Blue Moon" plan was officially launched and will be implemented in just a few days.

The whole world was affected by the blue moon, thinking that it had gained supernatural powers, magic, and fighting spirit, and then put off scientific research, and even began to embark on the wrong scientific research route.

The conservatives have succeeded again, this time once and for all!

However, they ignored one person

That person is Shi Ling.


Shi Ling can't remember what the opportunity was. Was it animation, comics, or movies?

Shi Ling didn't know which one it was. He only knew that when he was in junior high school, he was irresistibly fascinated by extraordinary powers.

And unlike those kids who only have three minutes of enthusiasm, Shi Ling is serious!

He plays the most harmless passerby in school, but secretly he learns boxing, martial arts, taekwondo, nunchaku, and street fighting. Learn anything that can make you stronger, and stick to it.

However, this is meaningless. No matter how strong your fighting skills are, you are no match for firearms. If an atomic bomb falls on your head, it will definitely be vaporized!

In order not to be vaporized by the atomic bomb, what Shi Ling needs is not fighting skills.

But some kind of more powerful force.

That's right, it's supernatural powers, fighting spirit, magic, spiritual energy, those unknown and more powerful forces!

However, no one in the world can prove that these things exist, not even Shi Ling.

In order to obtain that power, Shi Ling wasted his entire junior high school. He tried meditation, meditation, dream cultivation, soul searching, prayer, and summoning.

While exploring the dark road, he always believed that he could find

As a result, he failed.

Failed! Failed! Failed!

He almost got kicked out of school, only to find nothing.

This made Shi Ling finally understand that extraordinary power does not exist in the real world.

He once firmly believed in the existence of supernatural powers, fighting spirit, magic, and aura, but now, he began to firmly believe in materialism.

Everything is illusion, only science and technology are real.

Things must be reversed at the extremes. Shi Ling stopped pursuing those things and began to study hard. Later, he was admitted to the No. 1 Middle School with excellent results and always maintained the first place in his grade. His future is bound to be bright.

But at this moment, the "Blue Moon" rose, and people all over the world became middle-class.

Only Shi Ling remained unchanged.

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