I Am the President of the University

Vol 3 Chapter 558: Country and home choice

"We are all back here, why aren't you at home?"

Mother Chen's voice came over the phone.

Chen Hao walked out, "Mom, I'm busy here at school, so you can live in your own two-person world."

I have to say that these two old people are really big-hearted, and they didn't come back until today after going out to travel, and their life is too cool.

"What's the point? It's almost the New Year, why are you still working at school?" Mother Chen complained.

"It's like this..." Chen Hao hesitated, and then told about the optical core research center.

After listening to Chen's mother, she was silent for a moment.

"Um...you handled this matter very well. As the person in charge of the school, you really have to consider from many perspectives." Mother Chen said with satisfaction.

"Mom, when the New Year is the day after tomorrow, I will go to the school to spend the new year with the teachers and students, so..." Chen Hao paused and asked in a discussing tone, "At that time, our family can Eat the New Year’s Eve dinner ahead of time so that you can stagger the time."


Mother Chen refused without even thinking about it.

Just as Chen Hao wanted to organize a verbal persuasion, Chen's mother's voice continued.

"New Year's Eve is to have dinner together to watch the gala, otherwise it will be boring. Don't stagger, this year's New Year's Eve just let our family go directly to Guanghua." Mother Chen said disapprovingly.

"Does this, this work?" Chen Hao was stunned. Before, he thought about how to persuade the mother, but he didn't think of this trick at all.

"Why not? When your grandfather was still in the past, at that time, when you came to school, you would accompany the remaining teachers and students to celebrate the new year. It happened to be easy to go there together." Mother Chen's voice was high, giving Chen Hao no room for rejection at all. , Directly hung up.

Duliu Chen Hao stood with a wry smile, this year's New Year is really different.

After the phone call, Chen Hao went back to deal with the things that hadn't been arranged before.

It was winter, and night came earlier.

It was six o'clock in the evening.

Looking at the darkness outside the window, only the road is lit.

Shen Le looked a little lost, his body motionless.

It wasn't until I was photographed, that I came back to my senses.

"Shen Gong, are you okay?"

When Shen Le turned his head, he was also a colleague from Tsinghua University, Zhao Han, who was a few years older than him, but he was very capable and was already a full professor.

"Oh, it's okay, it's just a little distracted."

"Are you going to see your family later, a little nervous and agitated?" Zhao Han seemed to be in a very good mood and joked with a smile.

"A little bit," Shen Le gave a wry smile, then thought of something and couldn't help asking, "Professor Zhao has finished seeing his family at noon, how do you feel now?"

"What's your feeling?" Zhao Han couldn't hide the joy on his face, and smiled lightly. "After seeing his wife and children, I only feel that my body is full of power now, and I can't wait to spin around in the research center 24 hours a day."

Looking at Zhao Han's appearance, Shen Le's inner anxiety couldn't help but reduce a lot.

After chatting for a few words, the two went on to participate in the experiment.

Shen Le, who didn't leave the research center until 10 pm in the past, left the research center at 8 o'clock today and walked to the Guanghua Hotel.

in the room.

Shen Le and a pair of middle-aged men looked at each other.

The middle-aged couple looked more than fifty. The man was wearing a white shirt and suit without a tie. His temples were slightly white, and he looked like an intellectual.

As for the woman next to her, she is also very culturally dressed.

These two are Shen Le's parents, one is a university professor, and the other is the deputy director of the research institute.

Shen Le lowered his head and whispered guiltily: "Dad and Mom, this year has caused trouble for your two old men. I left my hometown and came to Ludao for the New Year. Next year, I will definitely..."

Before he finished speaking, Father Shen interrupted him.

"If you don't go back for the New Year, do you know how old your grandparents are? Why, the optical core research center can't study it if you are less than Shen Le?" Father Shen scolded solemnly.

Just as Shen Le wanted to explain, Father Shen's expression eased slightly and he let out a cold snort.

"Although you old man I am engaged in biology, I also know the importance of optical cores. It is your honor to be able to participate in this project. If you think about those projects in the country, even if you have to be incognito and face the harsh environment of the desert. , Do you know how many comrades you want to go to?"

"We are here this time to let you not have a burden, do your research well, and don't disappoint the country's trust in you." Father Shen said earnestly.

In the eyes of their older generations, the family is important, but the country is more important.

State-owned call, the recall must be recalled!

Listening to the old father's nagging, Shen Le did not refute, but nodded seriously.

"Dad, I will definitely concentrate on my work. Just wait for the good news!"


February 11, the morning of New Year's Eve.

The campus of Guanghua University is lit up with lights and red lanterns are hung on the trees on both sides of the road and on the street lamps.

The whole country is immersed in the joyful New Year atmosphere, but in the Furong restaurant of Guanghua University, there are full of voices.

Dozens of chefs were busy at the back of the canteen, and the sound of cooking did not stop.

Chen Hao is watching the audience, and the leader of a canteen is standing beside him.

"Director Zhang, the ingredients are okay, right?"

Hearing Chen Hao’s question, Director Zhang hurriedly responded: “Principal, don’t worry, the ingredients were all available yesterday. One table is equipped with thirteen dishes, a soup, a fruit platter and a dessert.”

"Here is the menu."

Chen Hao nodded and took the menu.

【Jade Color Platter】

【Spicy Winter Crab】

【Boiled Big Prawns】

【Steamed Sea Bass】

[Ginseng slices and frogs]

【Crispy Double Suckling Pigeon】


【Dessert Sago】

Fish, shrimp, crab and other vegetarian dishes, meat dishes are all ~www.readwn.com~ is still a bit rich.

He has seen the menu before, and today is nothing more than looking at it again.

"Is it all done before 5 pm, right?" Chen Hao asked.

"No problem, don't worry!" Director Zhang promised.

There are a lot of people attending the New Year's Eve dinner. The number of researchers and family members of the Optical Core Research Center alone is more than 600, not to mention there are more than 100 faculty members and students staying in school.

There are more than 800 people, and it’s seven or eighty to set the table alone. Moreover, Chen Hao had high requirements for the New Year's Eve dinner, with 16 plates per table, and the consumption of ingredients was not a small amount.

Even if there are dozens of kitchens, it will take from morning to afternoon to complete.

"Thank you, everyone, don't leave after you are busy today. Everyone has a red envelope collar."

After Chen Hao finished speaking, cheers came from the back kitchen.

Although it is tiring to work overtime during the Chinese New Year, the principal is paid high, and there are red envelopes to get it. No one is unhappy.

As soon as Chen Hao walked out of the back kitchen, he saw a figure hurriedly approaching in front of him.

After seeing it clearly, it was discovered that it was Ren Hong.

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