I Am the President of the University

Vol 3 Chapter 561: Call me Teacher Huang

"Happy New Year!"


   "Honey girl, happy new year!"


  Changnan City, Xijiang Province.


   Song Qingtong looked at the delicious food on a large table, his appetite was wide, and his chopsticks couldn't help but move.


   It's been almost a month since I came back from winter vacation. The happiest thing is the first week I just came back.


   I haven't seen it for almost half a year. When the beast came back, it was all big fish and meat waiting on it, buying whatever it wanted to eat.


   Then after staying at home for a week...


Suddenly change from a baby to an annoying guy, and the food changes back to normal. If you play with your mobile phone for a while, as long as your mother sees it, you will say that you know how to use your mobile phone all the time. If you don’t do housework, you will immediately Put a label that is delicious and lazy.


   Anyway, she is a little looking forward to school now.


   Fortunately, in the past few days, the frequency of nagging has decreased a lot.


   Halfway through the meal, it came quietly at 8 o'clock in the evening.


   The much-anticipated Spring Festival Gala has finally begun!


   Just when Song Qingtong just raised his head to watch TV, the screen of the mobile phone on the table lit up.


   was a text message, she didn't care about it at first, until after seeing the content clearly, the original inattentive appearance disappeared instantly.


   was replaced by a face of confusion!


   "What the hell, who transferred 100 yuan to me?"


   Take a closer look, the content shows [Red envelope income], where did the red envelope come from?


   It was Father Song who noticed the change on Song Qingtong’s face, put down the wine glass in his hand, and asked curiously: "Tongtong, what's wrong?"


   "It's okay, it's just an inexplicable receipt of a 100 yuan transfer income from China Construction Bank." Song Qingtong couldn't feel a headache for a long time. Could this 100 yuan fall from the sky?


   At this time, several WeChat message notifications popped up suddenly.


   is the news of the class group, only to click on it to discover the origin of the 100 yuan.


   "@All staff students, have you received the 100 yuan red envelope? This is the new year red envelope for everyone from the school. Happy New Year to everyone~"


After the news of the counselor, a group of students bubbled up.


   "I wiped it, it turned out that it was issued by the school? I thought it was where the black money came from."


   "The school is really awesome. You can still give out red envelopes during the Chinese New Year. Although 100 yuan is not much, it is still very touched."


   "Brother Meng, who can not love such a school!"


   "It seems that other schools don't have red envelopes. In terms of humanization, our school is reliable!"


   After looking at these comments, I realized that 100 yuan is the school's new year's fee. The most important thing is that all students in the school have it, and there is no difference.


   "It's still good for our school~" Song Qingtong slid his finger on the screen, chuckling.


   "Qingtong, are you still looking at your mobile phone? Take a good look at the Spring Festival Gala, will Alipay set Wufu draw the prize later?" Father Song thought of a wicked event, cursing and waiting while looking forward to it.


   That thing is only divided for the first time. Last year, the collection of five blessings was only a few yuan per person, which is not as high as the tossing traffic fee.


   "Oh, you know, right now." Song Qingtong responded perfunctorily, his eyes flickering.


   She is currently busy making a video, and she will upload it to Douyin later.


   still remember that the video of the admission notice brought her a lot of traffic and fans.


   ten minutes later.


   A title is [Have you seen a school that gives students red envelopes during the Chinese New Year? 100 yuan per capita! #有一个大学叫朋友家的学校#光华大学] The upload was successful.


   Just one hour after the video was uploaded successfully, the number of likes and comments exceeded a hundred.


   "Envy, I had known that I would not give up my admission to Guanghua University at the beginning, ooh, I will definitely go back next year!"

   "Miss upstairs, if you have a friendly reminder, if your score does not improve much, I'm afraid you won't be able to go back..."


   "Although 100 yuan is not a lot, it is very fragrant! And if the per capita is 100 yuan, it will cost millions in total, so it's sour!"


   "Sure enough, good schools are owned by other people...too real."


   "@中南大学, cough cough, do you know what I mean?"


   "@河海大学, come and follow along!!"




   As for what happened on Douyin, Chen Hao didn't know it.


   At this moment, he is watching the Spring Festival Gala with his parents in the villa at No. 52 Anhai Road.


   The New Year’s Eve dinner that I ate at school today did not end until after 7 o'clock, and after handling the aftermath, Chen Hao didn't go back after 8 o'clock.


   Fortunately, everything went well for the New Year’s Eve dinner hosted this time, and nothing went wrong.


   The only thing that was speechless was that some researchers personally came to Chen Hao's table to toast. He wasn't embarrassed not to drink, and he drank a bit too high in the end.


   There is also a red envelope of 100 yuan for all students’ CCB cards on New Year’s Eve, which is actually a small means to gather people's hearts.


   There is not much money, but it can enhance everyone’s sense of belonging and identification with the school.


   Maybe it was because I drank a lot at night. Chen Hao is now dizzy. When his parents laughed at the Spring Festival Gala, he just wanted to slip away.


   "Dad and Mom, let's watch the Spring Festival Gala again. If you drink too much at night, I will go back to sleep first..." Then, Chen Hao stood up and prepared to go back to the room.


   It's just that Chen Wenxuan and Chen's mother looked at the sketches with gusto, completely ignoring Chen Hao's words.


   Chen Hao:...


   I feel that he is the most surplus in this family.


   is really the real world.


   A few days after the New Year, nothing happened.


   until the fifth day of the new year.


   Chen Hao drove the car in Siming District.


   During the Chinese New Year, many city workers went home. The bigger the city, the more empty it is.


   But the flow of people in Ludao is still not small, because the winter vacation is also a rare good time to go out for games.


   The car finally settled in a residential area with a sense of age.


   took out a bag of fruit and a carton of milk from the trunk~www.readwn.com~ and walked into the 12th unit building.




   After the doorbell rang a few times, the security door opened.


   "Professor Huang, Happy New Year, I am here to pay you a New Year!" Chen Hao said with a smile.


   "Happy New Year, President, please come in soon." Seeing Chen Hao's appearance, Professor Huang Hong seemed a little surprised.


   The door opened. When Professor Huang Hong glanced at the thing in Chen Hao's hand, he gave a wry smile, "Principal, the gift is really unnecessary, it's too expensive for you."


   "There is no reason for empty hands. Besides, there is no tobacco or alcohol, just fruits and milk, which are worthless." Chen Hao smiled.


   walked into the house and found that the house is not big, with three bedrooms, one living room, one kitchen and one bathroom, but to be precise, there are only two rooms because one bedroom has been changed to a study.


  'S biggest impression on Chen Hao is that there are so many books, even if there is a small bookcase in the living room with a lot of books.


   "Professor Huang, how do you feel when you come to Guanghua for class? Have you encountered any problems?" Chen Hao took the cup and said thank you.


   Huang Hong still has a gentle smile on his face, "Don't call me Professor Huang, call me Teacher Huang."


   "The professor is just a symbol, and the people's teacher is my identity."


  Ps: I'm very sorry, but it was only modified until now...

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