I Am the President of the University

Vol 3 Chapter 566: What a terrible opponent

Japan National Institute of Materials Research.


   In the director's office.


   "Mr. Yongchuan, sit down."


   Nagakawa Shota sat down, facing the man before him, his heart was still a little nervous.


   Watanabe Masanami, the current director of the Institute of Materials Research, is stable and friendly, compared to the previous guy Chihara Hideo, it is a perfect upgrade.


   However, Professor Shota Nagakawa would rather work overtime in the laboratory than face Masanami Watanabe.


   Especially when the other person squints and smiles, there is always a cold air rising from the spine.


   "Squinting is not a good person!"


   Nagakawa Shota thought to himself.


   But there was still a smile on his face, and he said enthusiastically: "Watanabe-kun, if you have anything to do with you, I will do my best to cooperate!"


   "In fact, there is nothing big, just the one mentioned on the phone." Watanabe Masanami said with a smile.


   The reason why he made his face aside after receiving a call from Watanabe Masanami was because the other party mentioned a school name.


   Guanghua University!


   This school that is not even in the top 1,000 of the world university rankings, made him tremble when he heard it.


   The National Institute of Materials Research of Japan is one of the largest research institutes in Japan, with a total of 1,500 employees. It has a Biomaterials Center, a Superconducting Materials Center, a Computational Materials Science Center, an International Center for Nanomaterials, and a Center for Strong Magnetic Fields.


   are recognized leaders in the global scientific community in related fields such as superconducting and organic materials, functional ceramics (such as superplastic ceramics), and optoelectronic applications (such as deep ultraviolet lasers and light-emitting diodes).


   As the person in charge of a world-renowned scientific research institution in the field of materials, Shota Yongchuan, thinking of something that happened a few months ago, looked a little horrified.


   "If Guanghua University wants to involve lithium-air battery technology, I..."


Sho Nagakawa hesitated and made Watanabe Masanami's heart unhappy, but with a smile on his face, he warmly asked, "Mr. Yongchuan, don't be nervous. You are the first person in our nims lithium battery and the empire in the battery field. Authoritative expert. I am calling you this time just to sit down and talk about the impact of this matter on our nims."


   "Jun Yongchuan thinks that if Guanghua University really wants to enter the field of lithium-air batteries, what is the success rate?"


   received the information, it was only a thin two-page paper, which is the list of all the personnel in the Li-air Battery Technology Laboratory of Guanghua University.


   includes name, age, graduate school, last work unit and position, and published sci articles.


   said it was two pages. In fact, half of the first page is occupied by a person's name.


  [Name: Kenan Bunir]


  [Age: 56]


   [Graduation institution: Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley]


   [Resume: Associate Professor of Northwestern University, Professor of Pennsylvania State University Parker]




   The most space is still the article box, which only lists some top journal articles.


   However, Shota Nagakawa has swept through the article. As a scholar in the same field, he is no stranger to Professor Buniel, and even the two have exchanged ideas at some international academic conferences.


   is also a plastic friend.


   When he saw that the head of the laboratory at Guanghua University was Professor Buniel, Shota Yongchuan's eyelids suddenly jumped. Fortunately, when he browsed further, the resumes of others were much worse.


  Professor Buniel is the one who can fight most. In addition, there are three other researchers who are pretty good. As for the others... I'm sorry, I don't even have the qualifications to enter their nims.


  Watanabe Masanami, who has been following the face of Shota Nagakawa, did not ask the newly established laboratory of Kwanghwa University, but changed the topic.


   "Jun Yongchuan, what rank can our nims rank among all research institutions in the field of imperial lithium-air batteries?"

   Seeing Watanabe Masanami asked with interest, Shota Nagakawa smiled, "At present, our nims are probably ranked third and fourth."


"So backward? Are the first two from the University of Tokyo, Kyoto University or Jaist?" Although Masanami Watanabe is also a well-known scientist, he has been a little bit wrong in the past ten years. The administrative and social aspects are more than scientific research and academic. .


   Seeing that Watanabe Masanami was so sloppy, Shota Nagakawa scolded him inwardly.


   But I still gave a bit of popular science.


   "At present, the deepest progress in the research field of imperial lithium-air batteries is the Zhou Haoshen group (homonymous) of the National Institute of Industrial Technology (aist), followed by the Mizuno Tetsutaka group of the University of Tokyo."


   "Third...In fact, our nims and fdk and ntt are equally strong, but the center has made progress recently and can completely surpass fdk and ntt!" At the end, Professor Shota Nagakawa said vowedly.


   By the way, he told Watanabe Masanami about the other two competitors.


  Fdk, a subsidiary of Fujitsu, developed an air battery to generate electricity by chemically reacting hydrogen and oxygen. Utilizing the structure of nickel-metal hydride batteries used in hybrid vehicles, the positive electrode using nickel is replaced with oxygen, and fine particles whose main component is ruthenium are added to promote the reaction.


   And ntt (Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Company) developed a lithium-air battery for the negative electrode. The addition of a manganese compound as the main component can play a catalytic role and promote the chemical reactions necessary for charging and discharging.


   As for why I know so in detail, because these are all publicly announced, I can find out after checking, and I can also understand the other party's progress through the articles published by the other party.


   "How far is the gap between us and aist?" Watanabe Masanami asked curiously.


   is not interested in the two companies of fdk and ntt, Watanabe Masanami, the second professor Mizuno Tetsutaka from the University of Tokyo is also the same, but he is very interested in his old neighbor aist.


  Aist, Japan's National Institute of Industrial Technology, and their materials institute is also located in Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture, but the other party is Japan's largest official research institution, and there are more researchers than them.


   And in Japan’s largest official research institution, the Chinese scientist Professor Zhou Haoshen is not only a professor at the University of Tokyo, but also the chief researcher of the Institute of Industrial Technology!


   is also a real authoritative scientist in the field of lithium batteries in Japan!


   "This..." Sho Nagakawa was so embarrassed that he was a little difficult to give birth.


   Masanami Watanabe understood in seconds, and switched to an analogy.


   "So how do we compare with the newly established Li-air Battery Technology Laboratory in Guanghua University?"


"Although Professor Buniel, the head of their laboratory, is a great man~www.readwn.com~, the level of others is uneven, and they have just been established, and they have no technical accumulation. Normally, our nims advanced technology development center They can be defeated." Yongchuan Shota analyzed it objectively.


   Watanabe Masanami just wanted to nod his head to be happy, but suddenly he noticed a certain word and frowned and looked at Shota Nagakawa.


   "Wait, what is normal?"


   "Uh, referring to the other party's achievements in photon screen technology and optical core technology, we can't take it as a regular reference object." Shota Yongchuan said euphemistically.


   "What do you mean?" Watanabe Masanami was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't quite understand.


   "It means...Although the opponent is just established and looks much behind us, but it is very likely to overtake it in a certain period of time."


   Professor Shota Nagakawa considered the other party’s R&D progress on the photon screen, and seriously added:


   "Well, maybe you don't have to wait too long, one year...no, half a year is enough."


   Watanabe Masanami:? ? ?


What's the meaning?


  Are we too good at cooking or the other side is too strong? !


  Ps: Don't read the next chapter first. It's filled with scrap manuscripts. It takes too much time to check the information. I'm very sorry.


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