I Am the President of the University

Vol 3 Chapter 572: Professor-level meeting

"Professor Chen, would you like to participate in the lab interview in a few days?" Professor Bunier asked respectfully.


   There are usually more people calling him the principal in schools, but most of those calling professors are foreigners.


   Chen Hao thought for a while, and asked: "When?"


   "No. 27." Professor Buniel said.


   27 and 28 are the time for students to report back to school, but there is no conflict. The conflict is that the report time of the three principal assistants is on the 27th and 28th.


   "Okay, see you then." Chen Hao agreed without hesitation.


   As for time, there is always a squeeze.


   Thinking of the subject of lithium-air batteries, Chen Hao fell into deep thought.


   After a long time, his eyes rolled slightly, and he sighed:


   "At present, there is no other way. I can only recruit as many researchers as possible and push the progress of scientific research as far as possible."


   This is also the only way at present. This kind of thing that exceeds the current level of technology can not be developed even by the powerhouse in the energy field.


   If you want to overtake, you can only place your hope on the system.


   Just when Chen Hao was thinking about the lithium-air battery project, it was in 201, Block 2, Expert Building.




   After sending away Jiang Lin, Zhou Henian's face improved a lot.


   Looking back again, it seemed that Zhang Xuemei was quite satisfied with Guanghua's resettlement house, and then after he took a closer look at the house.


   As Professor Zhou Henian who has been working at Lanzhou University, he was a little moved by Guanghua's shots.


   "This decoration... Guanghua is really rich and powerful..."


   For a time, Zhou and Nian were a little sour.


   The University of Lanzhou has limited funds, so it won’t be bothersome. Even if it does, it’s the exclusive responsibility of the school’s leaders, and it’s not the turn of the professors.


   "Wife, how do you feel?" Zhou Henian said while looking at Zhang Xuemei.


   "I think it should be good." Zhang Xuemei said with blinking eyes.


   When Zhou and Nian asked her before, she didn't answer that way.


   Zhou and Nian choked silently for a while, but there was no way, after all, who doesn’t like a comfortable life?


   "By the way, what do you think of Xiao Jiang?" Zhou and Nian asked after turning around.


   "Little Jiang? Oh, that little Jiang just now, I think he is very real, very clever, and very good." Zhang Xuemei was confused for a moment, and then replied when she remembered.


   Week and Year:...


   Clever, he agreed, but he really didn't see it, saying that this guy is really an insult to the honest man!

   "Why come up with Xiao Jiang all of a sudden, what's the matter?" Zhang Xuemei asked afterwards.


   "It's nothing, just ask casually." Zhou Henian replied casually.


   Then Zhang Xuemei sorted out the housework and packed her luggage, while Zhou Henian was also devoting himself to preparing lesson plans. He has classes to attend this semester.


  Since I came to Guanghua University, I must do things well and not let the other party take it lightly.


   The afternoon of the next day.


  As the school starts getting closer and closer, many faculty, staff and teachers have also returned to school one after another.


   on the campus road to Guanghua Building.


   The three figures walked forward slowly.


   Xu Chenyang paused and asked Professor Deng Xia beside him in surprise: "Is Professor Yu Dong gone?"


   "Yes, ten minutes ago, I saw Professor Yu Dong's figure on the balcony. I should have gone to the meeting room alone." Deng Xia smiled bitterly.


   "Well, Professor Yu Dong is still so lonely, not in China." Xu Chenyang was also a little helpless, remembering the conversation when he was in the cafe on mit campus.


  Professor Yu Dong is a young scholar with the motherland in mind and ideals, but his personality is actually a bit withdrawn.


   It's not that I can't communicate with people normally~www.readwn.com~ It's just that I am too lazy to waste time on social relations.


   It’s okay to be abroad, but at home, after all, it’s a human society. At this point, I still have to remind the other party if I find an opportunity.


   "Professor Yu's personality is like this, in fact, it's quite good to be pure." Another Professor Huang Xu, who also returned from MIT's Department of Mathematics, looked at Xu Chenyang with interest.


   "Chenyang, what kind of person is that principal Chen?"


"what kind of person?"


   Xu Chenyang was taken aback for a moment, then a strange smile appeared on his face.


   "He is a man who is more interesting than algebraic geometry. You will know when you see him."


   There is a meeting this afternoon about the mobilization meeting and meeting of newly hired professors from the school.


   Guanghua University will add 17 full professors, 19 associate professors, several lecturers and assistant professors this semester.


   This wave of craze is actually not the biggest. The real craze is the induction training after June. At that time, the number of new faculty members at Guanghua University should exceed 100.


   36 professors and associate professors attended the meeting today, most of them were dug from some domestic colleges and universities as well as foreign colleges. They can be used directly. After all, they are all old teachers.


  Ps: I'm too sleepy, I still have five or six hundred words to finish, I went to sleep first, and I will fill it up when I wake up...

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