I Am the President of the University

Vol 3 Chapter 583: Sent to the door

"Group leader, will the 200,000 yuan expenditure per person be a bit big?"

In the car, Yu Jing glanced weakly at Jiang Lin who was sitting in the co-pilot.

"Do you think it is more than 200,000 yuan?" Jiang Lin sighed.

"Of course it's so much. This is 200,000 yuan!" Yu Jing was counting with her fingers. This person is 200,000 yuan (the class teacher is 100,000 and the school is 100,000), and 50 people are 10 million yuan!

In order to enroll students in a juvenile class, the school pays a high price.

"I think it's quite a lot. In fact, 100,000 should be enough." Wen Dong scratched his head and said.

Jiang Lin looked back at the two of them, and asked in a deep voice, "I will give you 200,000 yuan to let you give up Tsinghua and Peking University and go to Guanghua, are you willing?"

"Of course I don't want to. I don't want to give me 1 million yuan either!" Wen Dong replied without hesitation for a second.

Do you still have to think about it? Of course I chose Tsinghua University and Peking University!

1 million yuan is enough to make up the distance between the two, even Ludao can not pay a down payment. If 10 million yuan...emmm, then you might choose Guanghua.

Yu Jing hesitated, "If it were me, then I... shouldn't give up this opportunity."

Jiang Lin narrowed his eyes and smiled at Wen Dong, "Wen Dong, you answered very quickly just now, you don't even have to think about it."

Of course he also knew that the answer was that Qingbei was more important, but this kid answered so decisively that he couldn't hesitate for a few seconds before answering!

"There is no need to think about it, the answer is not obvious..." In the middle of speaking, Wen Dong reacted, dissatisfied with embarrassment on his face.

"This, this, Mr. Jiang, I was wrong." Wen Dong blushed and apologized.

Jiang Lin waved his hand and said magnificently, "Forget it, nothing is going on, then I will answer your previous question."

He said that, but Jiang Lin remembered Wen Dong.

This guy has no words to cover up, and he doesn't have any city government, so he should exercise a little bit more, um...in the future, he will have to do some things for the other party.

"Just like you just answered by yourself, if Qingbei and Guanghua let you choose, they will not hesitate to choose Qingbei, so if you spend 200,000 yuan, it won't affect much."

"Whether it is reputation, word of mouth, faculty, platform, resources, etc., our Guanghua is still difficult to resist against a behemoth like Tsinghua University and Peking University."

Having said that, Jiang Lin had a direct showdown.

"So the purpose of our enrollment for the junior class this time has never been for the seedlings of Qingbei, but for those students who are only a few points away from Tsinghua and Peking University."

Why does Tsinghua and Peking University also offer juvenile classes?

After all, it's better to grab talents in advance.

The Junior Class of HKUST stopped Hu and recruited into HKUST during the first and second grades of senior high school. Many of these young talents would be admitted by Tsinghua and Peking University if they were able to attend the college entrance examination in their third year.

Maybe I don’t want to go to college early in the third year of high school, or I want to skip a grade to reduce the age to one or two years old, and so on.

Jiang Lin had done a lot of investigations on the Junior Class of the University of Science and Technology of China.

The Junior Class of the University of Science and Technology of China is mainly divided into two parts: the junior class for the first grade entrance examination (under 16 years old), and the science and technology innovation class for the second grade entrance examination (under 17 years old).

The former is called the juvenile class, which only recruits less than 50 students per year; the latter is called the less creative class, which has about 200 students per year.

The source of students in Qingbei is actually quite complicated. In addition to the core source of students such as competition admission and bare-point admission for college entrance examinations, there are also various sources of students such as the Three Plans for Poor Students, Athletes, Foreign Language Admissions, National Defense Students, and Peking University Medicine.

The Junior Class of the University of Science and Technology of China does not accept physical, impoverished, or underprivileged foreign students. The source of students is relatively balanced, and all of them are top students.

The conclusion is that half of the junior classes of the University of Science and Technology of China can enter Qingbei~www.readwn.com~ If the average strength of the junior class and the average strength of Qingbei (the whole school) are actually the same.

Even so, the Junior Class of the University of Science and Technology of China still came out of a few geniuses.

Yin Xi became a full professor at Harvard at the age of 31.

Zhuang Xiaowei, at the age of 34, became a full professor of Harvard double subjects.

Even Qingbei failed to become a full professor at Harvard at the age of 31.

"As long as you can recruit a young genius like Yin Xi or Zhuang Xiaowei, then this trip is worth it." Jiang Lin murmured, with fiery eyes in his eyes.

Qingbei can't compete, but you can still try to grab food from the Chinese University of Science and Technology.

Jiang Lin remembered that when he had a dialogue with the principal, the principal's instructions were focused on quality rather than quantity.

Guanghua University’s Junior Class has only one class with a maximum of 40 students.

Even if Jiang Lin walked down this trip and only recruited seven or eight people, he would still start the class.

"Next stop, Ludao No.1 Middle School!"


"Why the right eyelid is always jumping today..."

Sitting in the office dealing with documents, Zhang couldn't help putting down the things in his hands, lying back, rubbing his hands on his temples.

"Is it too tired recently? It seems that I have to pay attention to my work and rest." Zhang Yue muttered to himself.

As the saying goes, the left eye jumps for money, the right eye jumps for disaster, and his right eyelid has been beating since this morning, and even his heart has been clouded with a haze.

I always feel that something bad will happen.

But thinking about it, the recent development of the school has been quite good, and it hasn't... Well, everything goes well except for matters related to Guanghua.

Thinking of Guanghua, Zhang Yue sighed in a low voice.

"How to solve the problem of the Straits Research Institute is good!"


ps: I haven't finished writing yet, there are still a few hundred words left, wait a moment.

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