I Am the President of the University

Vol 3 Chapter 593: Arrived in Licheng

The latest website: "Principal, this is the situation above."

After the report, Jiang Lin was a bit dry and dry, but at this moment, he didn't care about it. Instead, he said with some worry: "Principal, the pass rate is too low and it is very detrimental to our enrollment work..."

117 top students participated in the preliminary test, and only 12 passed the final test. The moment Jiang Lin saw the result, Jiang Lin was almost taken aback by his jaw.

This tm is just a preliminary test!

The thought of retesting later made Jiang Lin a headache.

I originally thought that the national tour task for the junior class was just a bit tiring, but it was not that difficult.

It's not just preaching—the first test—to summarize the passed list, and then notify you to enter the retest at that time.

I didn't know that this accident happened when I was still in the base camp Ludao, and I couldn't help but start to worry about the following national tour tour.

"It's not a problem that there are few people who pass. I don't plan to recruit too many people. The emphasis is on quality rather than quantity." Chen Hao said lightly.

This pass rate did not surprise him too much. As the designer of this system, although many parts are perfect, the core algorithm and framework are all built by him, and he has tested the difficulty.

As for the score, of course it is a perfect score.

"But...but..." Jiang Lin blushed and hesitated again and again. "But almost all of those who passed were in the top ten. Facing the youth class of the University of Science and Technology and the newly established Tsinghua Peking University Junior Class, we are very It is difficult to have core competitiveness."

As for the Junior Class of West Jiaotong University and the Junior Class of East University, he ignored them.

Xijiao Jiaotong University and Dongda University are certainly good, and they can be ranked among the top ten domestic engineering universities.

But compared to the University of Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, and Peking University, it is still 1-2 grades behind. \\b

"\\B Do you remember what I told you before? Our Guanghua Junior Class would rather enroll fewer students than lower the quality. It is difficult. I know, then compete with Tsinghua University and Peking University. One is one. As for the means Well..." At this point, Chen Hao smiled lightly.

"For those with a score of 80 or more in the initial test, be sure to let the other party come to the retest; for those with a score of 70 or more in the first test, try to ensure that the other party can come to participate in the retest. "

"When the re-examination is passed, \\b will start robbing people from Tsinghua University, Peking University and University of Science and Technology. If the family lacks money, scholarships will be given; if the family is hospitalized, they will be transferred to the capital for medical treatment, and the medical expenses will be borne by the school; Repair them directly for free, in short, do everything possible to impress them! \\b"

After speaking, Chen Hao sighed secretly.

The main thing is that it suffers from too shallow a foundation. It is too difficult to compete with Tsinghua University and Peking University for talents in China.

If Guanghua develops for three to five years, then it will be much easier to **** people from Qingbei.

"Good principal, I understand." Jiang Lin gave a wry smile.

I thought that this national tour is the most difficult, and feelings are just an appetizer. The real difficulty is after the retest.

How to tell a student who passed the re-examination to come to Guanghua University, he didn't know what to do.

"Any other things?" Chen Hao asked.

"Yes," Jiang Lin said with a straight face, "Principal, I have two more thoughts. One is about the test system, and the other is about the initial test."

"Very good, \\b You have to learn to think about yourself, then you can talk about it." Chen Hao said with satisfaction.

There are too many affairs under his jurisdiction. What he needs is not only a loyal subordinate, but also self-awareness, instead of just doing what he says. After all, some rules cannot be adapted to every place.

"1. I think there is an unreasonable part of the test system." Jiang Lin meditated.

"How do you say?" Chen Hao suddenly became energetic when he heard that there was a bug.

\\b "The principal, your selection method is also quite good, but the implementation is somewhat biased. Naturally young talents are enrolled in the juvenile class, but the geniuses are not all general geniuses, and there are some geniuses with partial disciplines. \\u001d"

Jiang Lin paused, and then said: "Like this Ludao No. 1 Middle School, there was a sophomore student who sent Yuanpei to Peking University. His chemistry is very good. Although he is good at math, he is much worse than those top students."

"In the end, he failed even the first test, because his [Mathematics Paper] could not be finished, and he didn't write the [Chemistry Paper] at all. This matter is still being rhythmic on the Internet."

Jiang Lin also learned about this genius in the youth class who had recommended Yuanpei to Peking University from Wendong, which made him feel a little regretful.

"I think one should be chosen as the main subject, and the score is still 70 points, and then the remaining three are sub-subjects, each with a score of 10 points, which is more reasonable." Jiang Lin suggested.

Chen Hao listened thoughtfully, then nodded, \\b "This point of your opinion is very reasonable. I will revise it in the evening. What is the second point?"

Seeing that the suggestion was accepted, Jiang Lin was full of enthusiasm, and then elaborated:

"2. Expand the base for participating in the preliminary test and enhance the student's initiative. I think it can be..."

Chen Hao accepted both of Jiang Lin's points, but after the phone call, Chen Hao also walked to the Furong Canteen.

He walked to the second floor and ordered a good meal. After sitting down with the plate broken, he picked up the phone and searched for keywords. The first Weibo that came into view was the rhythmic Weibo mentioned by Jiang Lin.

After reading the content on Weibo and the popular comments below, Chen Hao laughed instead.


The writer of this Weibo is quite competent. He only mentioned that the student was recommended to Yuanpei College of Peking University for participating in the Chemistry Olympiad, and then participated in the youth class of Guanghua University, but was eliminated.

What I was playing was a word game. I didn't mention that the other party hadn't achieved the [Chemistry Paper] at all, but as Jiang Lin said, the [Mathematics Paper] was only set at 70 points.

But this matter made him think.

After taking two bites of rice, Chen Hao made a call.

"Hey, Director Zhang? I'm taking the liberty to interrupt. It's the interview with the person you mentioned before. Haven't you been free recently, if you are not busy..."

"Oh, you're not busy, that's okay, then this weekend, right?"

"Okay, see you on Saturday."

After finalizing the interview, Chen Hao was relieved.

It is not easy for Jiang Lin to recruit students for the juvenile class~www.readwn.com~ not to mention there are some rhythmic big Vs. In this case, he is looking for Yangma to create momentum for the juvenile class.

Yang's mother wanted to do a personal interview with Chen Hao before, but he refused. He was not interested in this kind of interview.

However, it is not impossible to sacrifice a little time for the junior class.


7:13 in the evening.

Licheng Station.

"We are going to split up. You two will check in at the Intercontinental Taihe Hotel, and then collect the school information for the next itinerary. I will visit the principal Liao of Licheng No. 5 Middle School." Jiang Lin glanced at his watch and said to the two of them. .

"Understand!" Wen Dong and Yu Jing answered.

The three of them got into two cars separately and quickly merged into the busy traffic of the city.


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