In the anti-theft chapter, replace the content at around 2 o'clock.


I am so sorry.


beg to be excused.






Slowly opened his eyes, the ceiling was not suspended, and it was white. Xu Luqing glanced at the surrounding environment, and instantly he understood where he was. He was in a large ward with people lying next to the bed. The same is that they are served by family members.


   On the head of the bed is this instrument for measuring heartbeat and blood pressure. There is an infusion bag hanging on the pole beside the bed. He doesn't know what is inside, but his hand is cold and painful from the infusion, and the whole blood vessel is stretched and painful when I move it.


   What's more terrible is that he was fixed on the bed sideways, and the part of his back spine hurts terribly. If he moved a little, it was like a needle **** in the joints of the joints.


   As soon as he woke up, Xu Luqing was sore and sweaty. Seeing that the nurse was giving the old lady in the next bed a **** shot, he quickly asked as if he had seen a life-saving straw.


   "Nurse, Miss Nurse! Excuse me...what's my situation?"


   "I don't know yet. I need to wait for the test results to come out. I will stay in the hospital for observation these few days. After two days, I will go to the hospital for pathology. I will see it at that time."


   "Which hospital is this?"


   "The First Affiliated Hospital of Medical University."


   The nurse pulled out the needle and threw it into the trash can of the drug cart. Without seeing Xu Luqing, she pushed the cart and turned and left, leaving Xu Luqing uneasy in bed waiting.


   He asked his family in the bed next door to help bring his clothes. He saw that he didn't lose his mobile wallet and other things, but a part of his money was missing, and a boulder fell in his heart.


   leaned back and lay down, he slowly exhaled and stared at the ceiling, his eyes full of powerlessness.


  The memory goes back. I went to the nightclub by myself last night, and then I made an appointment with a beautiful woman and went to the hotel to spend a good night together, but for some reason, I suddenly fell down.


   It seems to be when you are going to take a bath?


  The more he thought about it, he felt an invisible pressure in his brain getting stronger and stronger. In the end, even the painful Xu Luqing couldn't help but groan.


   He didn't complain that the girl left like this. After all, the two met just by the water. It would be the most benevolent to be able to send him to the hospital, and the money in the wallet is estimated to be the cost of hospitalization.


   called his leader to ask for leave, and the leader readily approved the leave. After all, Xu Luqing is his right-hand man, and he has a very close relationship with him. He can't make trouble with Xu Luqing.


  This time in the hospital is destined to be tormented. The next day Xu Luqing was able to walk down the ground. Although the back still suffered severe pain, at least he was able to move on his own, wandering back and forth in the corridor wearing a hospital gown.


   On the third day, the examination results came down. Xu Luqing walked to the clinic anxiously, knocked on the door, and heard the doctor in charge of him allowed him to come in. He opened the door and walked in slowly, and nodded politely to the doctor.


   The doctor seemed to be about fifty years old. He raised his head and glanced at Xu Luqing, let him sit on a stool, and then focused his eyes on the computer monitor. He should be looking at the results of Xu Luqing's examination.


   "Where are your family members?"


   "I... have no family members."


   "Then who was the girl who accompanied you on the day you were admitted to the hospital?"


   Xu Luqing remained silent, and the doctor was not surprised, and did not continue to inquire. No one had seen anyone in the hospital.


After receiving the medical record handed over by the doctor, Xu Luqing picked it up and took a look. He knew both the text and the English alphabet, but after the combination and arrangement, it really made his eyes dark until the end of the medical record summary was like a train. Whizzed past his mind...

   His face instantly turned pale, with no blood at all, and even the hand holding the case began to tremble.


"Leukemia? No.... How is this possible? I have never been in Dalian hospital since I was a child. I have never had chickenpox except for a cold. This...this is impossible! It must be a misdiagnosis. NS!"


   It seems that Xu Luqing is about the same age as her own child. It is a pity to suffer from this disease. Therefore, the doctor is not displeased with Xu Luqing's doubts. It is normal for the patient to find it difficult to accept the news for a while.


"Theoretically, there is a possibility of misdiagnosis. After all, no hospital dares to say that the diagnosis is 100% correct, but the possibility of misdiagnosis is really not large. From the diagnosis result of bone marrow aspiration, plus the auxiliary confirmation of blood routine , Your spleen organ is indeed enlarged, it can basically be diagnosed as chronic myelogenous leukemia, and it has been sick for a period of time, and is about to enter the accelerated phase, you can go to other hospitals for a second check, but now you do need to take drugs Control the condition."


   "Impossible! I will go for a checkup now. It must be a misdiagnosis. You are waiting for me to sue your hospital!"


   Xu Luqing was furious, his chest was undulating, bulging like a balloon. Although the doctor's words were convincing, he still couldn't accept this fact.


After leaving the hospital, Xu Luqing took a taxi on the side of the road to the city’s most famous people’s hospital for cancer. In the car, the trembling right leg could tell how much he was suffering. Perhaps he already believed it, because ...He was carrying three boxes of imatinib mesylate.


   After arriving at the People's Hospital, he did a comprehensive inspection according to the procedure, but this has emptied all his cash. As for the medical insurance, it takes time to report.


With the pain after the anaesthetic was over, Xu Luqing took the last dozens of dollars and took a taxi back home, unscrewed the door, and the room was dark. Only when it hurts can people remember the lesson. The same is true for Xu Luqing at this moment. He was regretting why he didn't save some money, so that he can only rely on his credit card for medical examinations.


The results of the examination at the People's Hospital are taken within seven working days, so he has to come to work as usual, but the original unruly spirit is replaced by the fear of illness so that the efficiency of work is reduced. Significantly down.


The people in the office are very well informed, coupled with Xu Luqing’s personality that likes to clubbing, so that the gossip reported that Xu Luqing had AIDS or syphilis. Although he did not mention it in front of Xu Luqing, the look in his back and his eyes gradually moved away. The figure of Xu Luqing, who has always been well-known, is very unacceptable.


The side effect of taking imatinib is a great loss of appetite. He hasn't had a good meal for several days, and chronic myeloid leukemia can also cause inexplicable night sweats and weight loss. This made my colleagues more sure that Xu Luqing had that disease. .


Seven working days later, he took time off again and went to the hospital. The result was originally issued after two in the afternoon, but he waited anxiously in the hospital early in the morning, and then... the result given by the First Affiliated Hospital of the Medical University There is no error.


   "Pack your things and be hospitalized tomorrow."


Doctors in well-known clinics are always colder than doctors in unpopular clinics. Facing this forty-year-old doctor, Xu Luqing was completely stupid. He opened his mouth to say something, opened and closed silently, and finally just squeezed the results of the examination. , Full of folds, slowly got up and left.


In the hospital, there are always people crying silently in the corners, and there are also people crying at the door of the operating room. Scenes of sad and happy sitcoms are shown here every day. People greet the first cry here and take their last breath here. Oxygen is like a reincarnation, white... it records everything here, and in the end it is light and light, without sadness or joy.


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