I Am the President of the University

Vol 3 Chapter 612: The Crisis of Peking University Junior Class

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An office of Yuanpei College, Peking University.

"Please come in."

"Yo, Professor Liu, a rare guest!" Looking at the visitor, Zhang Yang (appeared before, with the same name) greeted him with a smile, "Professor Liu, what's the matter?"

Liu Ruochuan sullen his face and sat down, "Do you know Director Zhang about the preaching and preliminary examination of the Guanghua University Junior Class in key middle schools across the country?"

"I know, what's the matter?" Zhang Yang nodded.

"Then do you know how much movement Guanghua made this time?!" Liu Ruochuan asked the other party almost questioningly.

He was suppressing his inner anger.

Originally, the Guanghua University Junior Class was almost a joke in college circles. No one would think that among the six domestic junior classes, some people would choose to go to Guanghua Anxin Junior Class.

Until this half month passed, the enrollment of Guanghua University's junior class caused quite a stir, and it became more and more powerful.

Every time the other party is about to finish preaching to a region, they will announce the list of middle schools in the next region on Weibo and warm up the next target region.

It’s now on Weibo. Every time when the preheating area appears, the comments below start to guess which schools are there.

Some people even said that if you want to know which high schools there are in a province, you can directly see where the Guanghua University youth class presentation went.

When he noticed the other party's tone, Zhang Yang was also a little unhappy, "Professor Liu, I don't care what your status is in the academy, but you have to know that in Yuanpei, you are just the head teacher, and I am the person in charge!"

The predecessor of the Peking University Junior Class is the Peking University Mathematics Elite Class launched in 2018. It is affiliated to the School of Mathematics of Peking University.

But this year, under the drastic reforms of the principal Li Jingtong, the importance of Yuanpei College has once again increased.

The mathematics elite class was reformed into a juvenile class, and was transferred from the original mathematics college to Yuanpei College, from recruiting junior mathematics geniuses in the second year of high school to recruiting mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, and computer geniuses.

Some people say that the best at Peking University is Guanghua School of Management, followed by Yuanpei College.

In fact, it is not the case. The school of Mathematics of Peking University is called "China's No. 1 Department". The students are basically the top students in the college entrance examination, the students of the competition, the members of the IMO national team, and the CMO gold medal students.

It's hard to say whether the number of schools and the Guanghua School of Management are stronger or weaker.

Although Liu Ruochuan is a researcher at the Beijing International Mathematics Research Center and a distinguished professor at the School of Mathematics, he has also served as the head teacher of the junior class at Yuanpei College from this year because of the juvenile class.

"Zhang Yang, let me tell you that Xu Chenyang is now at Guanghua University. The head teacher of this youth class will be the other party in all likelihood. If you despise the other party, you will pay the price!" Looking at Zhang Yang's attitude, Liu Ruochuan was angry.

He has been paying attention to the affairs of Guanghua University Junior Class, but why is this guy so indifferent?

"Xu Chenyang?" Zhang Yang said lightly, "Professor Xu came out of your colleges, why did you go to Guanghua University? Shouldn't this be something you want to reflect on?"

"I repeat, you are responsible for teaching matters, but other matters have nothing to do with you."

Zhang Yang pointed towards the door and said unceremoniously, "Professor Liu, please calm down. If you can't calm down, please leave here."

"I'll go to the principal for this matter!"

Liu Ruochuan left the office angrily after pressing a sentence. When he left, the sound of closing the door also made a loud noise, which shocked everyone in the offices on both sides.

Just as the front foot walked, someone came in on the back foot.

Zhang Yang thought it was Xu Chenyang who had killed another carbine, and he was about to swear when he slapped the table. After seeing the appearance of the incoming person, his eyebrows wrinkled.

"What's matter?"

"Director, what's wrong with Professor Liu, so angry?"

The speaker was Luo Yang, who was a student teacher in the Junior Class.

"It's not because of the incident in the youth class of Guanghua!" Zhang Yang's expression was not very good.

"I know what Guanghua has tossed about, and I also know that the principal of the Junior Class attaches great importance to it, but...what should we do at Peking University?"

As he said, Zhang Yang snorted and smiled, "Could it be that we at Peking University should also do a national middle school tour?"

"What a joke, we are Peking University! Our enrollment has always been based on the best, so there is no reason to take the initiative!"

"Absurd, simply absurd!" Zhang Yang became uncomfortable with Liu Ruochuan's doing this.

These people who are engaged in scientific research are so ignorant of hierarchy that they dare to speak this way to their superiors!

Those who can enter Peking University can still have positions. How could there be people with low IQ? Even administrative positions are all academic masters.

But what can I do if I know?

Should they let them learn Guanghua from Peking University?

Isn't this nonsense!

"That is, Professor Liu is too reckless, how can you talk to the director in such a tone! The director does not know your conscience for your painstaking efforts!" Luoyang pretended to flatter him.

At this time, Zhang Yang suddenly thought of something.

"It is estimated that Liu Ruochuan has gone to Principal Li at this moment. No, I have to rush over to him and call Principal Li to report."

"The director is witty, this matter must be ahead of Professor Liu, otherwise the opponent will slander you in front of President Li, we have to...turn passive into active." At the end, Luo Yang chuckled. .

Zhang Yang nodded, typed a draft in his belly, and then picked up the phone on the desk.


From Zhang Yang's office, Liu Ruochuan did not go to the Mathematics Research Center first, but went to the principal's office.

Why did you quarrel with Zhang Yang just now? Because some of these administrative officials have gradually become arrogant, not only are they contemptuous of other schools, but even the scientific research personnel of this school have begun to squeeze.

Don't feel incredible, but this phenomenon does exist.

Because of administrative matters, some returned young scholars were disappointed in Peking University, and Xu Chenyang was just one of the more famous people who left the crowd.

In the Guanghua Junior Class, he couldn't take it lightly. The other party had already made a lot of noise, and he had just received some bad news from Xiao Liang.

Thinking of this, Liu Ruochuan's eyes flashed with a haze.

Walking hurriedly along the way, he soon came to the door of the principal's office.


"Please come in."

Liu Ruochuan opened the door and walked in.

Li Jingtong put down the pen in his hand and looked at Liu Ruochuan, "Did Professor Liu come for the Guanghua Junior Class?"


Liu Ruochuan just sat down, listening to Principal Li Jingtong's question, he snorted in his heart, and he didn't even think about it. It must have been the villain Zhang Yang who sued first.

"Director Liu briefly reported this matter to me just now. I want to hear your opinion."

"President, I just went to Director Liu, hoping that he would pay attention to the youth class of Guanghua University and adjust the enrollment strategy, but Director Liu did not adopt my opinion."

Regarding Liu Ruochuan, Li Jingtong still agrees with the other's talent in mathematics, but this is a question of enrollment...

"Professor Liu, are you... too cautious? Regarding the juvenile class, Guanghua University cannot compete with Peking University." Li Jingtong shook his head and said.

"Principal Li, I have something to report to you." Liu Ruochuan sighed, everyone despised Guanghua too much, and who knew that the other party was already doing something.

"I received news from Xiao Liang. In this IMO National Mathematical Training Team, two sophomore members have asked Xiao Liang whether signing the Guanghua University Junior Class will affect the selection of the subsequent national team members."

Li Jing was startled, his eyelids twitched several times.

In the past three years, the number of students enrolled in the Mathematics Elite Class at Peking University has increased from 20 in 2018, to 27 in 2019, and to 30 in 2020. This enrollment trend has gradually increased.

Especially after the reform into a junior class this year, the Ministry of Education has set a maximum number of 50 students.

Where will these 50 people be selected?

Refer to the students of the 2020 Peking University Mathematics Elite Class, 30 great gods are from the second year of high school, of which 6 are members of the Chinese National Team for the Five University Olympiad International Competitions (4 from the National Mathematical Team, 1 from the National Physics Team, 1 from the National Information Team), and Mathematics There are 16 national training team members (including 6 national team), and 14 national mathematics gold medals.

In other words, the Mathematics Elite Class of Peking University claimed to be open to the public. In fact, the members are from the five major Olympic national teams, members of the national mathematics training team, and students who have won gold medals in the National Olympiad.

Not surprisingly, the 50 members of the Peking University Junior Class this time will also be selected from the members of the five Olympic national teams, members of the national training team, and senior one and two students who have won gold medals in the national competition.

This move of Guanghua University is already digging the foundation of the Peking University Junior Class.

However, the worse situation is yet to come.

Liu Ruochuan hesitated, and still spoke.

"And I asked about the National Physics Training Team and the National Chemistry Training Team. Professor Zhang and Professor Huang, the team leaders, told me that they also received the same inquiries..."

Magic capital.

At the entrance of the High School Affiliated to Fudan University.

Wen Dong put the list in his briefcase and looked at Jiang Lin.

"Group leader, I will meet with the parents of six classmates tomorrow, and then are you going to Dongshan Province?"

Coming out of Hu Province, we will first go to Zhejiang Province. It is reasonable to say that the next chapter should be the Magic Capital, and then Handong Province.

But Jiang Lin put the magic capital behind the Handong Province, which is really puzzling.

"No, Dongshan Province will naturally go, but it will take a few days." Jiang Lin shook his head.

Wen Dong was dumbfounded when he heard it, "Huh? Why, it's March 14th, we don't have enough time!"

"Do you know what day is today?" Jiang Lin asked with a smile.

Wen Dong: "What day?"

Yu Jing: "I don't know~www.readwn.com~ today is not a festival, what else can it be?

Is it the day when Guanghua University was founded?

Jiang Lin looked to the east and narrowed his eyes. "Today is the first day of the first phase of the national training team for mathematics. Do you know which middle school it will take place in?"

The two shook their heads dumbfounded.

What does this have to do with us? The students who enter the national training team are all recommended to Tsinghua and Peking University. Can they still come to Guanghua University?

Jiang Lin greeted him, stopped a taxi, and the two behind him got into the car.

"Master, go to the Second Affiliated Middle School of East China Normal University."

(and also)

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