I Am the President of the University

Vol 3 Chapter 615: Hotel storm

Niu Hongbo is out of 40 this year and is the general manager of Zhongwei Hetai Hotel.

But a year ago, he was still at Zhongwei Communications Headquarters, the parent company of Zhongwei Hetai.

It was in the prime of life, but because of the failure of the upper ranks, he was exiled here.

Originally, he still didn't give up, thinking about running the hotel, maybe he could make a comeback.

As a result, when I came to this hotel, I found that several executives were very familiar with them... They were all old acquaintances in the headquarters!

Several senior executives in the hotel were exiled from their parent company. They had a ghostly hotel industry management experience, and the management was even more messy. The big company can continue to fight each other, and there are quarrels between various departments every day.

Because the executives are all airborne, the upward space is locked in the middle management, and many capable middle management have also left one after another, leaving behind incompetent old fritters.

In one sentence, that is terrible!

Niu Hongbo is lying flat!

He opened his eyes and looked at the silky body lying in his arms, with ripples in his heart.

This girl in her early twenties is a waiter in the hotel. She graduated from high school and has no culture, but she is good-looking. She caught her by spending some money and giving gifts.

A black hand stretched out to each other.

After a "夒咛" sound, the two in the room started a fierce fight.

The fighting was fierce, and there were occasional calls for help.

five minutes later.

Niu Hongbo was refreshed, Biaji took a mouthful of each other, and then was about to get up to go to the hotel, when the phone rang untimely.

"In the afternoon, who is so annoying!" Niu Hongbo picked up the phone with a look of discomfort, wanting to see who is so short-sighted to call himself.

Niu Hongbo was so frightened that he burst into cold sweat after seeing the telegraph.

"Mr. Niu~ It's past four o'clock in the afternoon, do you have to go back to the hotel?" The woman on the bed yelled lazily.

Niu Hongbo turned his head and shouted to the woman: "Shut up!"

Then took a deep breath and connected the phone.

He asked cautiously: "Gao, what's the matter?"

There was a low voice on the phone.

"Are you in the hotel now?"

Of course not, I am in my own home!

"General Manager Gao, I am on my way back to the hotel, and I will go out to do something today." Niu Hongbo said with a guilty conscience.

"You go back to me right away! And tell the hotel now, and quickly send me to Room 404 to apologize!"

It was a reprimand that shook his head and covered his face on the other end of the phone.

Perhaps the situation was urgent. After the other party vented a few sentences, he dropped the last sentence and hung it up.

"Niu Hongbo, let me tell you, if this matter is dealt with to make the other party dissatisfied, don't even think about staying in the hotel, just get out of the middle for me!"

Niu Hongbo was stupid, and then resented.

What's more, I only ask about the hotel. I just play with women every day, and I don't provoke anyone. It's easy to get a big pot and it will fall from the sky!

"Well, you Cui Hai, you are dead!" Niu Hongbo gritted his teeth and said.

Then he called Cui Hai and returned the anger he had just endured.


Zhongwei Hetai Hotel, room 404.

Wen Dong and Yu Jing were sitting on pins and needles. Wen Dong looked at Jiang Lin, who was calm and composed, with admiration.

Also in his twenties, Team Leader Jiang can be so calm.

In his mind, the person of the same age who most admires is undoubtedly the principal Chen Hao.

The second is the team leader Jiang Lin, who is not panicking and decisive in dealing with things.

"Group leader, is it really okay?" Wen Dong couldn't help asking.

"Don't worry, it's settled."

Jiang Lin replied casually. At this moment, he was still reviewing the gains in the 5th Middle School of the Magic City in the past few days, and it seemed that he was not worried about the hotel.

At this moment, there were several rapid knocks on the door of the room.


Jiang Lin winked, Wen Dong understood, got up and opened the door.

As soon as the door opened, there was only one person standing at the door, the previous manager Cui who despised them.

Manager Cui was sweating profusely and seemed to be running all the way.

"Team Leader Jiang, I'm really sorry, the previous attitude is my fault, I apologize to the three of you, I'm really sorry!" Manager Cui stood in front of Jiang Lin and bowed again and again.

Jiang Lin raised his head and looked at Manager Cui's current appearance, which was particularly ironic in comparison with the previous one that didn't see them in his eyes.

"Manager Cui, what about our stall at the entrance of the hotel...?"

"No problem, of course no problem!" Manager Cui said with a smile on his face, "Guanghua University can come to our hotel to set up booths, that is the glory of our hotel."

"Tsk tusk tusk, the skin is so thick, it deserves to be an experience." Wen Dong curled his lips.

Jiang Lin glared at Wen Dong, and Wen Dong shut his mouth quickly.

And Manager Cui's face is even more embarrassing, who knows these three young people are so big.

"Group leader Jiang, in order to express our apologies, our hotel has upgraded the rooms for three of you, and the room charge is free during your stay! We can also provide the poster materials, tables and chairs you need this time!" Manager Cui humbly Said.

"The tables and chairs need to be provided by your hotel, but the poster materials are no longer needed. We have customized them. We will send them back later. There is no need to upgrade the guest room." Jiang Lin smiled and patted the chairs. "We are here to work. , It’s not here to enjoy it, so it’s not necessary."

"Group leader Jiang, you must promise me, please!"

Manager Cui begged bitterly, "The Niu from our hotel will be here soon..."

Seeing the other person crying, Jiang Lin sighed solemnly.

Stepped forward and patted the other person on the shoulder.

"I knew so, why bother in the first place?"

"Manager Cui, you still have to be sincere in dealing with people, and don't do this again in the future."

Seeing Jiang Lin greet him, Wen Dong was stunned, a little unwilling, "Group leader, just let him go like this? The attitude of the guy in front of us, and the female receptionist, is too much to speak! "

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I apologize to you!" Manager Cui bowed a few times to Wendong 90°, bowing and apologizing.

"As for the hotel staff at the front desk, I will deal with them when I go back, which will cause you trouble!"

Wen Dong felt uncomfortable when he was taken advantage of by the opponent, as if he would become a villain without forgiving him.

Jiang Lin stood at the door and waved to the two of them, "Go, let's change rooms."

Wen Dong and Yu Jing followed, but three suitcases were snatched by two waiters and Manager Cui outside the door.

506, in the lake view suite.

It is said to be a suite, but it is incomparable with those in a five-star hotel. In fact, it is a bedroom, a living room and a bathroom.

The price of this hotel is more than 400 to more than 800, the most expensive is more than 800.

And the 507 and 508 next to it are all of the same room type.

Wen Dong seemed to care a little bit, and vomited: "Team leader, that's what it is like? When we change, we should slap them in the face severely!"

"Wen Dong, when I was watching a talk show, I saw Huang Bo once. Do you know what he said in the show?" Jiang Lin looked at Wen Dong.

Wen Dong shook his head, "I don't know, please tell me the leader."

"Huang Bo said: When I was not famous before~www.readwn.com~ If I joined the group, it would be all kinds of cold eyes, no one would smile at you. But now that I am famous, once I join the group, all around you are smiling faces Everyone asked me whether I was hungry or thirsty."

"The behavior of Manager Cui is actually quite understandable, because this is the norm in this society."

"I was also very angry at the time, but when I saw his humble posture, I felt very sad."

"And is the other party afraid of you or me? It doesn't work, it's because of the school behind us."

Jiang Lin patiently said to Wen Dong, “People who are truly capable must have a broad mind and vision. They will not pay attention to them, and it is not worth wasting precious time on such people.”

"Group leader, I understand." Wen Dong seemed to understand.


At this time, the knock on the door sounded again.

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