I Am the President of the University

Vol 3 Chapter 460: The official face slap is here (2 in 1)

In early December, Hangzhou was chilly.


   Liu Hui was walking on the campus of Zhejiang University when the cold wind was blowing on his face, and he couldn't help but shiver.


   "Hey~ It's cold, it's better at Ludao."


  Because I have been paying more attention to Guanghua University recently, I also have a better understanding of Ludao.


  Ludao’s winter is particularly late. You can still wear short-sleeved shorts in December, but not in Hangzhou.


   The average temperature this month is around 4-12 degrees. It’s okay if there is sun during the day, and if it’s windy on a cloudy day, you need to add more clothes.


   Looking at myself in a suit, thick white sweater and black trench coat, warm is warm, but a little cumbersome.


   "I wish I could go to Guanghua University."


   This thought came from the bottom of my heart spontaneously, as if a seed was sown.


   When I walked to the laboratory, the senior brothers and sisters inside were all busy.


   Spring is sleepy, autumn is lacking, summer is nap, and winter March is awake.


   It’s easy to fall into bed in winter, but the spirit after waking up is still much better than in other seasons.


   "Junior brother is here, have you had breakfast?"


   "Senior Brother is free tonight? Help Senior Sister move things."


   "Junior Brother, is it going to be black at noon! Our country's Jungler Zhuge is super strong!"


   Liu Hui smiled and answered one by one. As for the brother who was addicted to the king's pesticide, he was tired of not loving him.


   It's so food and fun! That's the brother!


   When I was using Douyin, I saw Zhuge jungler carrying the whole audience, just like Feitian Wan'er who saw someone else had to follow suit.


   laughed to death, couldn’t fly at all!


   Feitian Wan'er was completed Land Wan'er...


   Today's condition is exceptionally good. Liu Hui is doing the experiment earnestly while recording the data.


  While the instrument was still in operation, Liu Hui skillfully took out his mobile phone from his pocket.


   Experiments are actually quite boring. Some experiments have a reaction period of as short as half an hour and an hour, and as long as two or three hours.


   Like in Douyin, a college student is riding a bicycle with one hand on campus while holding an unclosed laptop in the other hand.


   It's all because the data hasn't finished running, and the screen has to be restarted as soon as the screen is turned off.


   "Do some Douyin or check Weibo." Liu Hui whispered.


   It’s just that today's Douyin is extraordinarily boring. Some young ladies I usually follow have been restricted, and many videos are also 404. After more than ten minutes, Liu Hui is tired.


   "Forget it, let's see if there are any current affairs hotspots on Weibo."


   Thinking, Liu Hui launched Douyin and opened Weibo.


   Although Weibo is hailed as a women’s toilet, some current affairs hotspots are still okay. As long as you don’t open some Weibo that confronts men and women, it is actually barely acceptable.


   is just a following blogger, and he posted a long Weibo that attracted his attention.


   [Material is pseudo-environmental protection! Guanghua University's high-purity, high-yield lactide is purely a mistake! 】


   Seeing this title, Liu Hui was really taken aback.


   touched the back of his head, and then looked at the other party's account several times.


   "It's Professor Yin's account. How can it be like taking gunpowder? What does this mean!"


   Before reading the content, Liu Hui started spraying.


  As a graduate student of materials Tiankeng, and also under the tutelage of Professor Hu Chengan, whose research field is polymer materials, Liu Hui is no stranger to lactide and polylactic acid.


   "What Professor Yin said is also an important associate professor, how could he write this kind of article?" Liu Hui looked at the content, and the more he looked at it, the more depressed.


   The first half of the other party’s article was criticizing the (polylactic acid) material as a pseudo-environmental protection, bluffing in the name of having no biodegradable material.


   even listed a few points.


  【Polylactic acid environmental protection material can indeed achieve full degradation, but it requires relatively harsh conditions:


   1. Humidity reaches 90%;


  2, the temperature is as high as 60 degrees or more;


   3. At the same time, it takes 47 days to completely decompose.


  The composting system behind the material is very important. If this material is not specially treated, it will be as harmful to the environment as plastic products. 】


   [Speaking of this, I actually admire paper materials, such as paper straws, paper cups, etc.


The first thing foreign countries did was materials. Later, because of the imperfect technology, foreign countries switched to paper straws. I didn’t expect that nowadays the ban on plastics is about to be implemented. Instead, some people in China are bragging about materials eliminated abroad, which really surprised me. Amazing again!


   Don’t say anything else, just look at the market and you’ll know! McDonald's, KFC, Starbucks and other foreign companies basically use paper, and only some domestic brands use it. Obviously, they are kept in the dark or want to reduce costs. It is destined not to last long before the relevant technology is perfected. Only paper materials are the best choice for environmental protection! 】


   If it was not Liu Hui or the material professional, I would almost take it seriously!


   "Worri has a dj, isn't this Yin Ren poisonous?" Liu Hui became angry and cursed directly.


   Yin Ren, this article is really disgusting!


  It’s not terrible to encounter public knowledge, but I am most afraid of public knowledge and understanding of culture!


   This Professor Yin Ren from Chongqing University is completely evasive and uses his professional knowledge to mislead unknowing passers-by.


   There are hundreds of comments below.


   "Professor Yin said so well, Guanghua University is an Internet celebrity university, they also know scientific research?!!!"


   "What materials and straws are not reliable, or paper straws are more environmentally friendly!"


   "This Guanghua University is so good at marketing. It is really a mistake for the country and the people. The country should ban the qualifications of this school."


   "To put it weakly: In fact, the pulp made of paper straws is also easy to pollute water resources..."


   Now many people are reading Weibo and Douyin in fragments. After a few hours, it seems that they have received a lot of goods, but in fact they forget it afterwards.




   Because I didn't think deeply, didn't use my brain, I just absorbed the other person's point of view.


   If it goes on for a long time, it will affect the concentration and memory.


   Most of the comments took Yin Ren as the vanguard and started to attack Guanghua University.


   Liu Hui looked more and more angry.


   What paper straws are better than straws, this is totally nonsense!


   Actually speaking of environmental protection, straws are more environmentally friendly than paper straws.


  Because the straw is made of polylactic acid and the raw material is renewable plant resources (corn starch), it is much more environmentally friendly than paper straws.


   There is also a bluff about degradation.


   Liu Hui was so angry that he directly hit the phone keyboard and began to edit his reply:


  "What did Professor Yin write on this Weibo? Polylactic acid material is completely biodegradable and can be degraded in various ways, including photodegradation, thermal degradation, industrial composting, household composting, etc.


   It can be degraded naturally even if it is placed in the natural environment, and it takes about a year to be enough. It is the best ordinary plastic substitute on the market so far, and it is more environmentally friendly than paper straws. I really can't believe what is worse than paper straws! "


   Sustainable development is the consensus of all countries in the world. Traditional non-degradable plastics are destined to withdraw from the stage of history. It is only a matter of time. Biodegradable materials such as pbat will become mainstream materials in the future.


   Why is polylactic acid more advanced abroad than domestic?


   This mentioned foreign garbage. Recently, I can often see in the news that foreign garbage wants to be smuggled to China, but it has not passed the customs.

   (I guess the students don’t know the reason? Hey~)


   In fact, before 2017, 72% of the world’s foreign waste was shipped to China for processing. Because among all the countries in the world, only China has a complete industrial chain and technology that can be used to treat foreign waste, even European and American countries do not have this ability.


   In 2017, China banned the import of foreign garbage. European and American countries were immediately impatient, but there was no way.


  This directly contributed to the 2018 UN resolution on single-use plastic products. After that, the European Union began to ban plastics. National legislation for single-use products cannot be produced or used.


   Foreign biodegradable materials ushered in a period of rapid and vigorous development.


Domestically, there have been calls for bans on plastics several times, but the thunder is heavy and the rain is small. The domestic polylactic acid industry is growing savagely. The production capacity of a natureworks company abroad has reached the level of 150,000 tons. Together it is less than 40,000 tons.


   Huaxia’s leading polylactic acid company Hisun wanted to develop lactide independently a while ago, but as soon as the news was spread, it was sanctioned by Natureworks.


   Even if the chip is stuck on the neck, it turns out that even a straw can be stuck on the neck!


   Liu Hui was so angry that he couldn't help but vent his curse in a low voice:


   "This **** Professor Yin, I paid attention to him before. I think he is quite competent. I didn't expect to be such a guy!"


The reply that    just sent was less than three minutes before it was deleted by... the other party.


   This angered Liu Hui.


   scolded while reporting, but not only did the report not work, but an invisible hand was faintly pushing behind the other party, and the traffic increased greatly.


   At this time, the voice of the tutor Professor Hu Chengan came in my ears.


   "Xiao Liu, what are you looking at? Don't run off when doing experiments!"


   Liu Hui looked up and looked at Hu Chengan who walked out of the office. The other party seemed to be in a good mood, and his tone of voice was more friendly than before.


   He couldn't help but confide in his tutor: "Professor, do you know the important Professor Yin Renyin?"


   Hearing the name Yin Ren, Hu Chengan's footsteps suddenly stopped, his eyebrows were a little disgusted.


   Hu Chengan frowned and asked Liu Hui: "I know a little about Professor Yin, what's the matter?"


   "Professor, you read this Weibo, it was written by Professor Yin!" Liu Hui had a feeling of finding a savior, and quickly handed the phone to Hu Chengan, shouting grievously.


"Let me see."


   Hu Chengan looked at the title of the long Weibo with a solemn expression, his eyes were not removed from the screen, and his slender fingers were sliding on the screen.


   After reading the whole article, Hu Chengan snorted coldly.


   "Professor Yin, I shouldn't have commented on him, after all, the remarks behind his back are not done by gentlemen. But..."


  Hu Chengan's face moved slightly, and there was a hint of sarcasm at the corners of his mouth, "But this Professor Yin has always been not upright, too deliberate on interests, and doing some shameful deeds in the name of patriotism! Disgusting and hateful!"


   The material circle is big and big, and small is also small.


   The materials major of Chongqing University is at the b+ level in the evaluation of the Ministry of Education, and it ranks about 30 in domestic universities. Although Yin Ren is an associate professor, he can also see it in some academic exchanges.


   People like Hu Chengan who put national interests and image above the individual are totally despised or even spurned by Yin Ren who is selfish and uses scientific research to make money.


   "I didn't eat anymore at noon today, I was sick and full, and I left!"


   After finishing speaking, Professor Hu Chengan gave a cold snort and walked away with wind.


   Liu Hui sat in a chair and scratched his head. He didn't think that Professor Hu, who had a stern face on weekdays, had such an arrogant side.


   "How can there be a professor with such a bad character in a major! I have to go to the little tree worm to expose him!" This breath in my heart must be vented. Liu Hui is not like Professor Hu Chengan, he is a staunch man.


   I'm not used to this kind of "public knowledge"!


   Not only did Yin Ren post on the little treeworm, but he also posted some comments on Zhihu.


   just when Liu Hui was busy.




   In a certain community, Yin Ren with a goatee is looking at the Weibo data in front of him with satisfaction.


   In just a few hours, the number of likes exceeded 10,000, and there were thousands of replies and reposts. Although there were some knowledgeable in the industry, they were all deleted by him.


   picked up the expensive red wine next to the computer, poured a little into the wine glass, shook it a few times while holding it in his hand, tasting it carefully, his face looked very pleasant.


   "Life in the world, of course, is mainly about enjoyment. If you are a Chinese or beautiful country, you are a mother if you have milk!"


   Yin Ren closed his eyes and shook his head.


   "Mr. Bruce said, I will be introduced to a great and beautiful country next year, and I will be a lifetime chair professor! It's really exciting!" Yin Ren muttered beautifully, his face a little obsessed.


Both his undergraduate and master's degrees are from Chongqing University, but his Ph.D. was studied in a university outside of 20 or 30 people in the beautiful country. In addition, he did not issue some high-quality papers during his Ph. Long, there is no operation at all, and the talents will be introduced and returned to the alma mater to teach with the position and salary of an associate professor.


   Only after returning to China, he was in China and his heart was beautiful.


   That self-owned, democratic country is like a beacon in the dark night, making him very yearning and admiring.


   When Bruce approached him, he agreed without hesitation.


  What ancient Chinese country, only a beautiful country is the most civilized and advanced country in the world!




   Guanghua University.


   In the library, Zheng Tianyu, Zhang Lei and others are very angry, and they are not even in the mood to study.


   "This important Professor Yin Ren is too disgusting! He is ill-intentioned!" Zheng Tianyu glanced at some of the students who were studying seriously nearby, and said in a low voice angrily.


   "Oh my day, this professor tortoise even blocked my account!" Zhang Lei was furious. Didn't he just greet the other party's health, why did he delete the reply and block it, just can't play it?


"This guy must have collected the money. I think Professor Yin must have been omitted from the list of Sakura Country, haha!" Shi Ze said with a sneer~www.readwn.com~ The dorms are discussing this matter. Inverted polylactic acid and inverted Guanghua University storm came quickly, and it was on the hot search list in less than half a day. Obviously, there was an influx of traffic behind him.


   Among them, this article by Professor Yin is the first to bear the brunt, and the number of likes and comments has been skyrocketing.


   Because there was a lot of discussion, the students next to them were opposed. Zheng Tianyu and Zhang Lei also had to sneer and apologize.


   face to face, but began to continue the discussion just now in the WeChat group.


   less than ten minutes.


   Zhang Lei suddenly couldn't help but exclaimed.


   "Hahaha, let's slap your face now!"


   saw his mobile phone display a Weibo just released by the official media such as Renren Daily and Sunshine Daily! (The name is harmonious, you know everything you know.)


  【Guanghua Biotechnology is listed as a high-tech enterprise and will be given two-year tax exemption, five-year tax incentives and other policy support! 】


   [Will the experience of the chip repeat itself in the PLA industry? Our response is: impossible! The Chinese nation is a great nation, and we are not afraid of any challenges! Academician Hou Zeng of the Chinese Academy of Sciences interprets how powerful the lactide technology of Guanghua University is...]


  Ps: Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly pass!


   Around 6 pm in the next chapter.


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