I Am the President of the University

Vol 3 Chapter 495: Stubbornness and innovation

December 27.


   The capital.


   In a meeting room of a certain unit.


   A U-shaped conference table, with 9 people sitting on each side, and two men and a woman sitting in the middle.


   The voice came from the right side of the middle position.


   "The office (temporary) meeting of the chairman of the Chinese Society for Materials Research begins now."


   "This temporary meeting mainly focuses on the preparations for the [China Materials Conference 2021], including the revision of the conference registration fee, whether to reduce the registration fee standard for students, and..."


   The voice stopped abruptly at this point, but after a two-second pause, the speaker continued:


   "And whether to admit Dr. Chen Hao from Guanghua University to our society."


   Almost when these words sounded, the expressions on the faces of the scholars sitting on both sides were somewhat subtle.


   A few people looked at each other, did not speak, just glanced at each other, everything was silent.


   Attending this temporary office meeting are the standing directors and above of the Chinese Society for Materials Research.


   There are as many as 6 academicians alone, and the remaining 15 are either professors from universities of science and technology or chief engineers of state-owned enterprises.


The few headed by    will not say much. In the order of universities alone, there are Academician Qiu Yong, President of Tsinghua University, and Academician Nie Zuoren, President of Beijing University of Technology.


   To put it bluntly, the participants this time are all the top Chinese materials scientists.


   The youngest is also in their forties, with an average age of about 60.


   The Chinese Society for Materials Research, referred to as c-mrs, is headed by the Association for Science and Technology, and is an important social organization in China.


   And the Materials Society of China holds a "China Materials Conference" every year, which is also the highest-level conference in the field of materials in China.


  En, if you don’t count the 2020nature China Forum held on Ludao a few days ago.


   At this point, the hearts of all academicians and professors present are enveloped by clouds.


   "China Materials Conference 2021" coincidentally was also held in Ludao. At this time, compared with the China Forum hosted by Guanghua University, one is the highest conference in the field of materials in China, and the other is known as the grand event of materials science in the world.


   Isn't this... a slap in the face? !


   Not to mention the China Forum a few days in advance. 16 of the 21 people present attended the forum, which was exactly the scale of the other party I saw with my own eyes.


"Next year's materials conference coincides with the centenary of the founding of the party, and as a key period for the full start of the "14th Five-Year Plan" new journey, I propose that this conference should not only be held in a big way, but also be a major conference in the field of new materials!" An old man The professor lifted his glasses and said.


   "Agree, for this material conference, I suggest that in the next few months, there should be more branch chairperson meetings, and the preparations for each link should be completed from top to bottom."


   "I suggest that the standards for participating students can be appropriately lowered, so that more materials majors in our country, and even some excellent materials undergraduate students, will participate in this conference."


   It was Professor Qiu Yong, the president of Tsinghua University. After speaking, he turned his head and looked at Professor Han Yafang, the secretary-general of the society.


   "Professor Han, how many participants were we originally planned for this conference?"


  Professor Han Yafang, a well-known materials scientist in China, a researcher at the Beijing Institute of Aeronautical Materials of China Aviation Development (referred to as the Institute of Aviation Materials), and the secretary-general of the Chinese Society for Materials Research.


But to say its most powerful, of course, in 2017, he was elected as the first vice chairman (term of office from 2017 to 2018) and chairman (term of office from 2019 to 2020) of the IAAF. This is also in the history of IAAF. The first chairwoman.


   The whole process of IAAF is the International Union of Materials Research Societies (), referred to as iumars.


   IAAF is also one of the largest international academic associations in the world and a member of the United Nations National Federation of Science and Technology (icsu). It was established in 1991 and headquartered in the United States. It has an important influence in the world of materials science.


  A Chinese person serving as the chairman of such a major international academic organization will bring any benefits to China?


   Of course there is!


   ahem, for example, on January 1, 2019, some departments of the International Federation of Materials and Materials Headquarters have been moved from Northwestern University in the beautiful country to the capital of China. At least in terms of vocalization, it can reduce a lot of trouble.


  Professor Han thought for a while and said: "According to the current feedback, a total of 12,000 new material science and technology workers and young scholars participated in this conference."


   12,000 compared to 1,165, which seems to be more than 10 times that of the latter, and it is indeed slammed by the number of people.


   But it is not such a comparison. Among the more than 10,000 people, most of them are made up of graduate students, and they just make up the denominator.


  Half of Guanghua are well-known scholars at home and abroad, and there are not a few big cattle, and there are nearly 100 academicians at home and abroad.




   Professor Qiu Yong said, raised his head and said decisively: "12,000 is not enough! Since we are getting bigger early, I propose to expand the number of participants to allow another 3,000 places!"


   As soon as the words came out, the big guys whispered and discussed, and it seemed feasible.

   There are more people, and at least the scene is spectacular.


   Then the discussion on the preparations for this conference went for half an hour.


   discussed other issues for ten minutes later.


  Except for a few middle-aged professors, most of the big guys here began to feel slightly sleepy on the faces of academicians and old professors.


   Until Professor Han's words, everyone was refreshed instantly.


   "Now let's discuss the issue of Dr. Chen Hao from Guanghua University. Do you want to attract the other party to join our society?"


   In the meeting room, there was a moment of silence.


  Professor Qiu Yong was the first to break the deadlock. He looked calm and said lightly: "Dr. Chen Hao is a genius who graduated from MIT. If the other party chooses to take over Guanghua University, I would personally invite him to teach at Tsinghua University."


   "The level of Dr. Chen Hao is no problem. It is certain to attract the other party to the Chinese Society of Materials Science. It is the membership or other inviting the other party. I think this is what we need to discuss."


   After Qiu Yong just finished speaking, a Professor Zhang from the research institute of a certain group said with an unhappy expression: "Professor Qiu, what do you mean by this? Should the other party be the director?"


   "He is a hairy boy who is less than 30 years old, is he worthy to be a director?" Professor Zhang scolded on the spot.




  Professor Qiu Yong replied without giving the face, "If you use Professor Zhang's qualification algorithm, it is naturally unworthy. But if it is calculated according to ability..."


   "I see, my seat is more than enough for him." Qiu Yong said leisurely.


   These words shocked the hearts of everyone present. Professor Qiu Yong is not only the president of Tsinghua University, but also the vice chairman of the board of directors of the Chinese Society for Materials Research.


   There are tens of thousands of members of the Chinese Society for Materials Research, but there are only more than 200 directors, and there are only dozens of executive directors.


   Above the executive directors are the secretary-general, deputy directors, and directors.


   "I admit that Dr. Chen Hao's level is really good, but the vice chairman is too exaggerated. At most, I will give a standing director!" Another old professor's eyelids twitched and couldn't help but utter a voice.


  What's the meaning of vice chairman? That's the point where you can sit here in a meeting with them!


  How can the die-hards tolerate a boy who is less than 30 years old to become the chairman of the board?


   "Since Professor Ruan has said so, the executive director is fine." Professor Qiu Yong narrowed his eyes and said with a smile.


   "Lao Ruan, you... alas!"


  Professor Zhang was so angry that his beard blew from his teammate, and he glared at him.


  Professor Ruan also realized afterwards, his face collapsed.


   The relationship partner is dark Chen Cang.


Before the meeting, Professor Ruan and Professor Zhang, who are also diehard professors, discussed that it is certain to attract the other party. After all, the other party’s achievements and influence are there. If such a person is not a member of the Chinese Society for Materials Research, Wouldn't it be that international friends watched jokes?


   "No way, no way, I was joking just now, Dr. Chen Hao has just returned to China and his qualifications are too low, I think the director is almost the same." Professor Ruan waved his hand and said.


  The directors were also negotiated by them before. Anyway, there are two to three hundred directors in the society, and one more Chen Hao is nothing.


   "Professor Ruan was talking about the executive director just now, so why did he change his mouth?"


   Professor Qiu Yong ignored these people and turned his eyes to the side, "Professor Nie, what do you say?"


   Nie Zuoren, the president of Beijing University of Technology, chuckled lightly, "I agree with the standing director to invite the other party to join, otherwise I am afraid that the other party will not look down on a director."


   The same education system, Professor Nie Zuoren and Professor Qiu Yong are still very close in some points of view, and this time they are in the same camp regarding Chen Hao of Guanghua University.


   "The director still doesn't like it? Then let him go back to the beautiful country~www.readwn.com~ Professor Zhang said with a cold face.


   This sentence offends several middle-aged scholars here. After all, the more elite, the greater the proportion of returned scholars.


   Seeing that there was a dispute between the executive director and the director, the chairman of the board, Professor Wei, slapped the table hard.


  " Give me peace!


   After the voice stopped, Professor Wei smiled and asked Professor Han Yafang on the side: "Professor Han, what do you think?"


   "Well, since Professor Wei asked, then I will talk about the IAAF's response."


  Professor Han Yafang scanned all the people present, and then smiled: "The chairman of the International Federation of Materials and Materials called me last night. The International Federation of Materials and Materials is already considering awarding the Annual Society Award to Dr. Chen Hao, and ieee there..."


   When Han Yafang finished speaking, there was another silence in the conference room.


  Professor Wei said with a smile: "Then let's raise our watch and agree with Dr. Chen Hao to be the standing director of the society."


   After finishing speaking, Professor Wei took the lead in raising his hand.


   Then, he raised his hands together.




   Three thousand chapters ask for recommendation tickets, ask for monthly tickets! !


   (I was crabbed in the last chapter... Hey, sigh.)


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