I Am the President of the University

Vol 3 Chapter 497: The problem of staying in school during winter vacation

China, Ludao.


   Guanghua University, in the conference room.


   Zheng Qiang folded his hands and looked around the leaders, the most important thing was Chen Hao.


   "The school's arrangement for the winter vacation is from the 16th to February 27th of next month, a total of 41 days. The registration report time is February 28th, and the class time starts from March 1st."


   "This meeting mainly discusses the arrangements for the winter vacation students and..." Zheng Qiang paused, and took a special look at Chen Hao, "as well as whether to accept the winter vacation students, and do some other work for the winter vacation."


   How do you view the level of a school?


   It depends on the fact that this school is not allowed to stay in the school during the winter and summer vacations.


  Many schools will be open for summer vacation, in order to facilitate some students to review postgraduate entrance examinations, summer internships or other things that have to stay in school.


   But there are not many people who are allowed to stay in school during winter vacation, especially private universities.


  Because the Chinese are very important to the New Year, everyone is going home for the New Year. If there are students staying in school, they have to send more school staff, otherwise the students will have trouble in the school, and the school will suffer.


  The atmosphere was a bit solemn for a while, especially the old people of Guanghua. After all, Guanghua didn't accept staying in school in the past.


   "Although staying at school during the winter vacation will increase the workload of the school, I think it is very necessary. The school should not add trouble to the students because of the trouble." A leader who dug from a foreign school couldn't help but speak.


   After someone took the lead in expressing their views, the other "foreigners" also joined in one after another.


   "I also agree that we at Guanghua University call for the importance of students every day, not just verbal attention, but should be implemented in all aspects."


   "How can a university prevent students from staying on campus? There is no such reason!"


   "If the principal is afraid of trouble, I am willing to stay in school to take care of the students' winter vacation. If there is a problem, I will be responsible for everything."


   Some of the "conservative" old people of Guanghua wriggled their lips, but they wanted to refute, but Chen Hao looked around here, and then sat on the wax.


   Since the "killing god" took office, from July to December, most of the original faculty and staff have been cleaned from top to bottom.


   Some teachers with inadequate standards and problematic teaching attitudes, as well as administrative staff with corpse positions, were all driven out.


   It's useless even if there is a hard relationship. Their patrons are shivering. The principal is not very old, but it is not easy to provoke.


   Besides, Guanghua’s future is bright now, and there is no need to touch this mold.


   "Principal, what do you think?" Zheng Qiang smiled and looked at Chen Hao.


   "What do I think?"


   Chen Hao raised his eyelids slightly, and said straightforwardly: "What else are the students discussing when they stay in school? If I say that there is no discussion at all, can a school without students be called a school?"


Speaking of this, Chen Hao glanced at the school leader who had just announced that he was going to stay in school. "There is no need for Director Hu to stay in school. I will be responsible for the students staying in school during the winter vacation. I will also be in school on New Year's Eve. Stay with the students on campus."


   "Principal, this..."


   Director Hu's inner warmth was touched. He was a little touched, but he still shook his head and said, "This is no longer necessary. I just need to stay. My wife and I are both local, and it's easy to get to school."


   "Am I the principal or are you?"


   Chen Hao waved a big hand and said forcefully: "That's it. Those who are celebrating the New Year will go back to spend more time with their family, or come back to concentrate on work."


   Anyway, apart from Zheng Qiang, no one dared to say anything to Chen Hao.


   The principal himself chooses to be responsible for the matters of the students staying in the school during the winter vacation. Whether it is sincere or showcasing, many newcomers here have a good impression of the principal of +1+1+1+1+1.

   As for the elderly, they are half admired and half afraid.


   Ah, this is a ruthless person, and he will still have to walk on thin ice in the future.


   Things discussed later went smoothly, the school is really busy next semester and summer vacation.


   The establishment of several faculties and the training of new teachers during the summer vacation, as well as the establishment of a team to start the enrollment of junior classes and the enrollment groups of all provinces in the country after the college entrance examination...


   I have to seize the opportunity to take a good rest this year, otherwise... I'm afraid I won't have to rest after the next semester.


   Coming out of the conference room, when walking back to the office, Chen Hao remembered what happened in the beautiful country.


  Professor Bunier arrived at Sagishima this evening, but he seemed to be in a low mood, even after thinking about it.


   After all, I will settle down in China in a foreign country, and I will be a little confused about the future.


  Professor Xu Chenyang went well, and the two professors had already been negotiated. As for the time when he returned to China, it was set a year ago.


   Xu Chenyang also said on the phone to see if he could try to persuade one or two more to return to China before returning.


   But the addition of Xu Chenyang and the other two professors is already a great surprise for Chen Hao.


   In addition to the several domestic professors who have negotiated, the mathematics department has been established, and the preparations for the school of mathematics will be completed next semester.


   When I walked to the door of my office, the phone in my trouser pocket vibrated.


   Chen Hao frowned slightly after seeing the caller ID.


   The corners of his mouth curled up, and after connecting, he smiled and said: "Principal Qiu, what wind is this blowing you?"


   Academician Qiu Yongqiu of Tsinghua University is no stranger to him. He did not mention the China University Chip Alliance. When he was still in mit and did not return to China, President Qiu contacted him several times, hoping to teach in Tsinghua after graduation.


   even offered the salary of an associate professor when he was hired, and he became a full professor the following year.


   "Hahaha, of course it was a good breeze."


   Qiu Yong smiled, and then asked, "President Chen, do you know the Chinese Society for Materials Research?"


   "I know this, what's wrong?" Chen Hao replied.


   "It's like this~www.readwn.com~ I am the vice chairman of this society. This society is an important organization in the field of materials in our country. I would like to invite you to join in." Qiu Yong invited.


   "I don't like to add some societies, associations or something." Chen Hao tactfully refused.


   "To be honest, I don't like it either." Qiu Yong first agreed with Chen Hao's words, and then smiled bitterly, "That's no way, after all, as the head of a school, sometimes he can't help himself."


   "How do you say?" Chen Hao's eyebrows moved.


"That's the case. This society holds a conference in the field of materials every year, and some awards are issued, etc., as you know the domestic situation, there are people in Chaoli who are good at doing things, and they can only sacrifice for the students." Professor Qiu Yong sighed. road.


  Sometimes this is done not to seek profit, but to prevent it from being embezzled.


  Fairness should exist, but now I have to fight for it by myself, which is ridiculous.


   Chen Hao understands, what is all this.


   "Principal Qiu, please tell me about this society." Chen Hao said helplessly.


   Seeing Chen Hao loosened, Qiu Yong was overjoyed, and slowly preached, "Well, the Chinese Society for Materials Research is..."


  Ps: Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly pass!


   One more chapter will be late, before 12 o'clock...


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