I Am the President of the University

Vol 3 Chapter 526: Dad, you are the captain of China!

Eight-year-old Xu Minghao tilted his head and blinked at Xu Chenyang with a natural look.


   "Dad, what are you asking?"


   Because Xu Chenyang and his wife He Ying have been teaching, and because they have spent a few years in the country before, Xu Minghao's Chinese is quite fluent, not like the Chinese children who have been growing up in the United States.


   Alaska was still slapping Xu Minghao, Xu Chenyang snorted.


   "Cauchy, stop making trouble."


   The Alaskan dog who called Cauchy "Wow" twice, and then he ran to the lawn outside the house.


   Looking at her baby son, Xu Chenyang leaned forward.


   "Minghao, if we are going back to China this time, we may not come back again in the future."


   "Baba, it means, then I can't play with Jesse, Dai Linna and others in the future?" Xu Minghao said with a bit of reluctance on his face.


   "Yes." Xu Chenyang scratched his head, a little helpless on his face.


   I am a mathematician, how come my children don’t like mathematics, but play with girls instead?


   After hearing Xu Chenyang's affirmation, Xu Minghao's mouth collapsed and his eyes began to appear misty.


   "Nam Minghao thinks Dad should go back to China?" Seeing this scene, Xu Chenyang sighed inwardly, did he just not care about the family for everyone?


   Xu Minghao nodded without even thinking, "Of course Baba has to return to China!"


   Xu Chenyang was surprised, and asked: "If Dad returns to China, then Minghao will go back with him, but isn't Minghao reluctant to leave those little friends?"


   Xu Minghao's pink face wrinkled, and he said seriously like an adult: "Baba is the captain of China, just like the United States can't lack a captain, and China can't live without Baba."


   "Huh?" Xu Chengyang touched the back of his head.


   "What Chinese captain?"


   "Mama said, Baba is the Chinese captain in mathematics, and China needs Baba, just like the American team in Marvel." Xu Minghao's eyes flashed with stars, and he looked at Xu Chenyang with admiration.


   "Baba is so powerful, isn't Baba also as superpowered as the captain?"


   Xu Chenyang was stunned for a while.


   At this moment, listening to the 8-year-old son's child, he was a little moved in his heart.


   He knew that He Ying probably said all this in order to comfort the child. If Xu Minghao had grown up in China, he might have seen Ultraman, a brain-dead sheep, and the like.


   But here in the United States, children all see Marvel and DC.


   picked up Xu Minghao, Xu Chenyang showed a bright smile on his face.


   "Yes, Dad also has super powers. Dad's super powers are used in mathematics. Just like Stephen, he can solve one problem after another."


   "Wow, Baba is amazing!"


   Gradually, the earth was shrouded in darkness, and stars were faintly visible on the stars of Boston.


   At the moment when everything was silent, Xu Chenyang opened the door and walked in.


   He Ying, with a delicate wool and gentle personality, was sitting on the bed in her pajamas and reading a book. Seeing Xu Chenyang coming in, she asked gently, "Is Minghao asleep?"


   "You can sleep well." Xu Chenyang responded with a smile, then walked to the bed and hugged He Ying.


   "Wife, did you tell Minghao the Chinese captain?"


   He Ying didn't lift her head, just rolled her eyes, "Otherwise? The child is still young, so I can only comfort him."


   "Wife, you have worked hard with the child, follow me around." Xu Chenyang was so touched, he hugged He Ying and kissed hard.


   "Virtue!" He Ying disgusted her mouth and betrayed her with her bent eyes.


   "My wife, I've wronged you, and your career will be affected when you return to China with me." Xu Chenyang sighed as he said this.

   He Ying is a doctor of medicine from Harvard University, and she is also well-known in the industry. Doctors, lawyers, and judges are three high-paying and high-status occupations in the United States.


   Although He Ying can go to a tertiary hospital at will when she returns to China, her social influence and salary are far inferior to those in the United States.


   "If you don't feel wronged, it's all about saving the dying and healing the wounded, just moving a place and not getting in the way." He Ying said nonchalantly.


   At this time, she seemed to have thought of something. She covered the book and looked at Xu Chenyang with Chun Shui.


   "What you said reminds me that Qian Xuesen, Qian Lao before returning to China, said this to his wife, Ms. Jiang Ying, husband, do you know how Ms. Jiang Ying answered?"


   "How did you answer?" Xu Chenyang asked cooperatively.


"Ms. Jiang Ying told a story about British Prime Minister Churchill, and then she said: This country can have no singers like Jiang Ying, but scientists like Qian Xuesen cannot be lacking. I am willing to make sacrifices for this. This is not Unfortunately, this is called glory."


  He Ying put her arms around Xu Chenyang's neck, and smiled crookedly: "The United States can lack a doctor, but China cannot lack a mathematician like Xu Chenyang."


   "My husband, your stage should be in China. The Chinese mathematics community needs you, and I am willing to follow you."


   "I am not wronged, on the contrary I feel very honored!"


   "Wife..." Xu Chenyang's eyes were moist.


   got his good wife, if he doesn't work hard for a career, how can he be worthy of He Ying's dedication.




   The news that Xu Chenyang will return to China seems to have grown wings, drifting from the United States to China.


   This is the second time Xu Chenyang has returned to China. When he returned to China for the first time and when he left, he made a lot of noise.


   What’s even more exciting is that Xu Chenyang is returning to China, not his alma mater, Peking University, or neighboring universities, Tsinghua University, Nankai University, or Fudan University.


   but... Guanghua University!


   This is more than that. At the same time, there are two Chinese professors Deng Xia and Huang Xu who are working in the Department of Mathematics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.


   The domestic press rushed to report first, for fear that it was a step slower.


   In less than half a day, many domestic netizens knew about this.


  Cu News: "Shock! Two years ago, Professor Xu Chenyang from Peking University returned! And this time, the other party's choice turned out to be..."


   The Paper: "The famous Chinese mathematician Professor Xu Chenyang will join Guanghua University. According to this newspaper's gossip, Professor Xu Chenyang will serve as the dean of the School of Mathematical Sciences at Guanghua University!"


The Beijing News: "Professor Xu Chenyang, a famous mathematician in China, will resign from MIT ~www.readwn.com~ and join Guanghua University. At the same time, Professor Deng Xia and Professor Huang Xu of MIT will return home! Click below Link to understand the reason why Professor Xu Chenyang left Peking University and left the United States three years ago---------"


   The news that Professor Yu Dong joined has not been revealed yet, and many people don't know it.


   The media took turns bombing, and all major online bbs, QQ groups, and WeChat groups also exploded.


   This is really big news!


   Xu Chenyang's status in the international mathematics circle is not small. If it weren't for a little older, the Fields Medal would be entirely possible.


   The achievements and awards of Professor Deng Xia and Professor Huang Xu who returned to China during the same period are not simple.


   As a result, these three famous mathematicians all have to return to China to teach, and they went to Guanghua University? ? ! !


  Of course the most happy students are the students of Guanghua University, and the most depressed...


   is none other than Peking University.


   special, these three returned scholars are all from Peking University!


  Ps: Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly pass!


   It's Guilin, I'm a little nervous...


  Thank you for the reward of 1500 starting coins!

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