I Am the President of the University

Vol 3 Chapter 538: The mission of the first generation

"Dad, Mom, it's okay, I can take these things by myself."


   Xu Chenyang yelled, but the suitcase was still pulled up by his father Xu Jianzhang.


   As for Xu's mother, he and his wife He Ying are holding Xu Minghao. Cauchy is probably suffocated in the flight case. If it weren't for the rope, he might have gone crazy in the terminal building.


Xu Jianzhang walked sternly, pretending to glance at Xu Chenyang's place inadvertently, his tone seemed a little unpleasant, "I'm getting fat again? Do you eat hamburgers and fried chicken every day in the United States? What's so good about the United States? When it comes to food, a mountain town alone is enough to despise the United States, let alone the whole of China."


   "There are always zero-dollar purchases in the news. A country can't even manage public security in its cities, let alone a huge country?"


   Hearing his father's contempt for the United States, Xu Chenyang just smiled, and was about to echo it a few times, but suddenly from the corner of his eyes he noticed that his father's sideburns had more white hair than last year.


   Father’s age... seems to be getting older.


   The laughter of the eight-year-old son in his ears made Xu Chenyang's consciousness gradually blurred, and some dusty memories from deep in his heart flooded into his heart, and in a daze, he remembered what he had done when he was a child.


  As a well-known young mathematician in the world of mathematics, he was born in a family of intellectuals in Shancheng. His father was a university teacher and his mother was a doctor.


   The 4-year-old Xu Chenyang is already very different from other children. When other children's children were still playing with toys and watching cartoons, Xu Chenyang started learning under the arrangement of his parents.


   At this time, the talent for mathematics gradually began to show up. When children of the same age were still doing addition and subtraction within ten, Xu Chenyang was already able to perform four arithmetic operations.


   After that, he was admitted to the provincial key middle school, and he began to be crowned as a genius mathematics boy and started his journey of opening and hanging.


   But in the process, the guidance and encouragement of his parents to his studies is indispensable and cannot be replaced.


   Thinking of this, Xu Chenyang glanced at his father again.


   Father is still so strict, only when he has a child himself, he really understands his father.


   The man stood upright, carrying a family on his shoulders.


   Stern, sometimes a silent fatherly love.


   wait until after getting in the car.


   Xu Jianzhang looked at Xu Chenyang who was still wandering in the co-pilot, his face turned dark.


   "Aren't you going to teach in Ludao in the next year?"


   "Yes, I will go in the next year." Xu Chenyang recovered, not understanding why his father asked nonsense.


   "Does the principal Chen of Guanghua know that you have returned to China?" Xu Jianzhang asked again.


   "I don't know, there is nothing to say about this." Xu Chenyang's head was a little confused.


Xu Jianzhang snorted coldly, and said angrily: "Hurry up and call you President Chen. You are all such a big person. Don't just do research. You should also pay attention to the world. You have to let the other party know when you return to your country. By the way Communicate about the work arrangements for the next year, at least let the other party still have the impression of you, this communication..."


   Listening to Xu Jianzhang’s nagging, Xu Chenyang asked cautiously, “Dad, are you really okay if I go to Guanghua?”


   I confirmed with Chen Hao before. Xu Chenyang hesitated for several days before he made up his mind to call Xu Jianzhang to inform him that he originally thought he would welcome his father's objection, but the little old man was silent for a long time, but he didn't object!


   Xu Jianzhang looked at the front, exhaled slowly, and laughed at himself, "I have also worked in the university system for most of my life. I have a clearer picture of what the atmosphere in domestic universities looks like than you!"


   said, he shook his head and said earnestly:


   "The domestic college system has developed to the present, and the shackles are getting older and older. Judging from the current national conditions, it is destined to not be able to create a world-class school! The limit of Qingbei has come to an end..."


  'S tone to the end is a sense of powerlessness towards reality.


   China is currently the world’s second largest country and the Asian hegemon, but such a country does not even have a top ten university in the world...

   The strongest Tsinghua University and Peking University have just reached the 20th, 20th to the top 10, and it seems that they are only 10 schools short.


   Which of these ten prestigious schools is far worse than Tsinghua North in terms of background, teachers, talents, and hardware?


   If it is said that it is a small place like Japan, there is a school ranked 20th or 30th in the world, that would be proud.


  泱泱 China is 9.6 million square kilometers, one of the only four ancient civilizations that continue to this day, but it does not even have a top10 school in the world.


   Is it not a shame!


   Xu Chenyang's face was moved, and he couldn't help sighing, "Beijing University is already the best university in China, but the atmosphere there is no soil for the natural growth of young scientists, otherwise I would not choose Guanghua University."


  Why is the more famous school in China, the higher the rate of studying abroad?


   Human life is limited, but knowledge is unlimited.


  The smarter the person, the more knowledge and the more confused, the more he needs to continue learning.


   But domestic knowledge is not at the forefront of the world. If you want to solve the puzzles and arm your own thinking, you must go to Europe and the United States for further study.


  Although many have come back, this has also led to the loss of talents.


   If you want to really retain talents, it is basically in domestic universities...


   At this point, Xu Chenyang was a little discouraged, but after thinking of Guanghua University and Chen Hao, the light in his eyes resurfaced.


   "Dad, do you think it is possible in Guanghua?" Xu Chenyang looked at Xu Jianzhang expectantly.


   Guanghua was his choice. Even without the support of his father, he would try it out, but with the support of his father, he was more confident.


   As the father of Xu Jianzhang, he knows Xu Chenyang's ambitions.


  The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.


   Xu Chenyang came along this way, and behind the title of mathematics genius, is the expectation of countless people.


   In mathematics, China's mathematics level is not even second-rate in the world, but anyone with some ability wants to change this environment.


   How difficult is it?


   I don't know when it will start, this burden fell on Xu Chenyang, and countless eyes were staring at him.


   just left China without becoming a citizen of the United States. Xu Chenyang was criticized and cursed a lot in China.


   Xu Jianzhang pondered for a while, and then said after a long time: "The people who govern the world are in talents, those who become the world's talents are in edification, and the roots of edification are in school."


   "If you want to change the Chinese mathematics world~www.readwn.com~ or even change the entire country, the root lies in schools. China does not lack basic education, and what is most lacking is college education!"


   The red light is on in front.


   Xu Jianzhang closed his eyes.


   "An era has a theme of an era, and a generation also has a generation's mission. The mission of our generation has been completed."


   said, he opened his eyes and stared at his proudest son.


   "I don't know if Guanghua University can carry this banner, but what I know is...this is the mission of your generation."


   "Whether Guanghua University can do it, the biggest variable lies with you."


   Xu Chenyang was lost in thought, and the matter of making a phone call was completely forgotten.




   Ludao, Guanghua University.


   Chen, who just walked out of the cafeteria, looked at the gorgeous sunset on the horizon, and couldn't help touching the back of his head.


   "Professor Xu hasn't heard from it for a long time, haven't you returned to China?"


  Ps: We don’t know who you are, but we know who you are for. We welcome the volunteers to return to China loyally, without any problems, and the soul is back!


   I saw tears in the news today. Behind today's peace is based on the selfless dedication of countless ancestors!


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