I Am the President of the University

Vol 3 Chapter 541: Let the other party come to Ludao to talk

Outside the Executive Yuan.


   "Dong Zhang..."


   Liu Deyin opened his mouth and was about to speak, but when he saw Zhang Zhongmou shook his head at him, he was shocked and closed his mouth.


   After the two got into the car, the driver who drove was a relative of Zhang Zhongmou, who was a completely reliable one.


   "Old Liu, there are many people outside, and some sensitive topics should be paid attention to." Zhang Zhongmou reminded.


   "You are right, I was reckless just now." After Liu Deyin apologized, his eyes were a little unwilling.


   "Dong Zhang, are we really going to Ludao to build a factory?"


   "Once you talk to the other party, it is impossible for the mainland to seize this opportunity. We are too passive!"


   "Passive?" Zhang Zhongmou sighed heavily.


   Zhang Zhongmou looked at Liu Deyin and asked, "Do you think we will be embarrassed?"


   Liu Deyin frowned, Zhang Zhongmou would naturally not say this for no reason, there must be a deeper meaning.


   But he thought about it and still didn't know what was the meaning in it.


   "Isn't it?" Liu Deyin asked inexplicably.


   "Old Liu, you are confused!" Zhang Zhongmou glanced at Liu Deyin disappointedly, his tone aggravated.


   "Don't you understand the current situation? It is not a question of whether we suffer or not, but a question of whether the other party agrees to cooperate with TSMC!"


   "If you don't cooperate with us, if their capacity is not as good as SMIC, how can they go to mass produce optical cores?" Liu Deyin didn't understand.


  The Optical Core Research Center is responsible for chip design, and Guanghua IC is responsible for chip manufacturing. The former is better to say, but the latter is not so easy to do.


   Even if there are industrial and technological advantages, if you don’t find a foundry, how much capacity can the factory built by Guanghua have?


   Among the chip foundries, TSMC is a well-deserved overlord. In addition, the distance between the two places is so close that they are only separated by a treasure island strait, and the transportation cost is not expensive.


   He really couldn't think of any reason the other party could reject TSMC.


   "According to common sense, your thinking is okay, but Guanghua's master is not the master who plays the cards according to common sense." Zhang Zhongmou laughed bitterly, rather helpless.


   "The photon screen is amazing, right? Samsung's screen technology is completely incompetent. As a result, Guanghua did not find a foundry to cooperate. It is reasonable to say that if the technology is authorized, the production capacity will not increase?"


   "As a result, Guanghua had to invest and build a factory by himself, research the technology by himself, and then produce and sell it by himself, or to get the technology license out later."


   "The character of the other party, why do you think you must find an foundry on Optical Core?"


   Listening to Zhang Zhongmou's words, Liu Deyin twitched at the corner of his mouth, showing a black line.


   A normal person will find a foundry, because although chip foundry costs a lot of money, it is not worth mentioning when compared to the selling price.


   You only need to pay a little benefit, and you can get more benefits.


   It is troublesome to build a factory by yourself, and there are also various labor costs, machine depreciation costs, and so on.


   But the other party is already doing it, so it's not impossible not to find an OEM for self-production.


   "You have to recognize our situation. Guanghua can reject us, but we can't reject Guanghua!" Zhang Zhongmou emphasized.


   "I see, I'm afraid that there will be problems with the Executive Yuan during the meeting." Liu Deyin thinks of this. After all, the Executive Yuan is the real power controller of TSMC, and it will be troublesome if the chain drops.


   Zhang Zhongmou shook his head, not worried about this at all.


   "Don't worry about this. Although President Jiang of the Executive Yuan is a mediocre person, Vice President Xie is still capable. They will not know the importance of TSMC. The Executive Yuan will be more active than us in this cooperation."


   "If this is the case, then I can rest assured." Liu Deyin breathed a sigh of relief.

   "By the way, when is our current production plan roughly scheduled?" Zhang Zhongmou suddenly thought of something and quickly asked.


   "It's already scheduled for February next year. As for the following orders, we are still discussing." Liu Deyin said, with some understanding, and then said, "Is the follow-up order temporarily not accepted?"


"February next year is almost the end. I expect that the optical core will come out at about this time at the latest. Later, the production capacity will be transferred to the optical core production. From now on, other orders will be temporarily stopped." Zhang Zhongmou closed his eyes for a while. Finally made this decision.


   "Okay, I'll make arrangements later when I go back." Liu Deyin nodded.


   With some of Zhang Zhongmou's words, he also knows something in his heart.


   The cooperation between TSMC and Guanghua should be facilitated as long as there are no accidents.


   The Executive Yuan does not want to see TSMC fall down;


   Guanghua can also increase production capacity through cooperation with TSMC;


   And their TSMC, although they cut a lot of meat, they at least survived.


   Sometimes running a business doesn't need to make much money, but it depends on whether you can sustain it. As long as you last long enough and kill your peers, then you win.


   Three days later.




   Ludao, Guanghua University.


   "This building is our main building, Guanghua Building, built in 1988..."


   Chen Hao personally explained to the people around him enthusiastically, just like a tour guide.


   "Director Liu, I will take you to visit the Xiaguangxin Research Center later."


   "Okay, it's too much trouble for Principal Chen." Director Liu, who did not want to be named, smiled and nodded.


   "It's not troublesome, Director Liu came from a long way from the capital, of course, as the host, he must treat him well." After finishing speaking, Chen Hao looked at this leader, and his appearance looked very easy-going.


   After strolling around, a group of people took three small white cars to the Optical Core Research Center.


   And Chen Hao and Director Liu got in a car alone.


  Blowing the wind, Chen Hao lowered his voice and asked Director Liu: "Director Liu, what did Baodao say?"


   "Treasure Island wants to invite us to the four-party talks." Director Liu said lightly, and then threw the question to Chen Hao.


   "How does Principal Chen think we should respond?"


   "How to respond?"


   Chen Hao laughed loudly~www.readwn.com~ said in a relaxed tone: "I think they made a mistake."


   "How do you say?" Director Liu curiously asked.


   "The initiative is in our hands. It is them who are passive. How come we pass? They should come here!" Chen Hao said rudely.


   "Let the two parties of Baodao come to Ludao for talks?" Director Liu's eyes widened, as if he was hesitant.


   Seeing the other party hesitate, Chen Hao smiled freely and freely, "You can rest assured, this and the talks on Ludao also show an attitude that the other party will not refuse."


   "That's true." Director Liu thought for a while and agreed to Chen Hao's plan.


  Although the above attaches great importance to the conversation with Treasure Island this time, it is through Guanghua's light after all, and before coming, the leader also instructed that all matters must be communicated with Guanghua.


   The most important thing is to facilitate this cooperation. As for what can be obtained, I would rather less than lead to failure of the cooperation.


  Treasure Island.


   There was a roar in a certain room.


  Ps: I was caught in the last chapter and the egg hurts. I hope it can be released tomorrow.


   The state is not good today, just one chapter, and the level of hard writing is not good. I will sort out the plot behind it, and hope I can write more tomorrow.


Feel sorry!


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