I Am the President of the University

Vol 3 Chapter 544: Education is the biggest face in a country

The tug-of-war of the four-party talks lasted for three days.


   Except for the first day, it was considered "harmonious". In the next two days, it was basically saliva splashing. Director Liu and Deputy Dean Xie fought each other and waited for 300 rounds of battle.


   As for Guanghua and TSMC, this is purely a background board.


   After all, as long as there is no accident, the two sides will cooperate. The reason why the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council and the Executive Yuan have such a big conflict is because it is here on Treasure Island that they want to cooperate.


  Since I want to cooperate, I naturally have to cut some meat out.


   This meeting lasted until the fourth day. After three days of wrangling, it came to an end.


   "If there is no objection, then this cooperation content shall be the final version." Director Liu said sternly.


   Xie's deputy dean shook his head.


   Director Liu was also relieved, a smile appeared on his face.


   stood up and reached out to the other party, "Happy cooperation!"


   "Happy cooperation." Vice President Xie Qiangyan shook hands with a smile, and sighed inwardly.


  I came to Ludao this time and signed so many terms. I am afraid that I will offend many people after I go back.


   As for Chen Hao, Liang Yiqing, Zhang Zhongmou, and Liu Deyin on the sidelines, it is considered that the mission has been completed. The past few days have been extremely tormented.


   It is obviously a business problem, but it got involved in zz, which was extremely troublesome.


   After talking about everything, a few people moved to the Guanghua Hotel, where a lecture hall had been arranged as the venue for the signing ceremony.


   Involving a total investment of 100 billion US dollars, it can be regarded as the number one thunder in the beginning of 2021.


  Sagishima city government team also rushed to the scene from the island, but this time there is only one media.


   Collaboration, bookmark the signature, shake hands and take pictures, etc. The process is over.


   The CCTV reporter held the microphone in his hand and asked Director Liu, "Director Liu, what impact will the cooperation with Baodao this time have on both sides of the Taiwan Strait?"


   Director Liu replied with a smile: "This time the cooperation will deepen the ties between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait in the fields of science and technology, culture, economy, etc., and..."


   Chen Hao stood aside with a dry smile, hoping to end early.


   This time the cooperation is very important, and there are not many hundreds of billions of dollars of investment in a year, let alone the high-tech level of chips.


   So this time the signing ceremony will be on the news network tonight.


   Zhou Hanqing looked at Chen Hao eagerly, very excited, and really wished to go up and give Chen Hao a kiss now.


   Ludao’s industry is already weak, and since Da Guanghua appeared, there have been too many surprises!


   After everything was over, Chen Hao rubbed his handsome cheeks, and the flesh on his face became stiff with a smile.


   At this time, a shout came from behind.


   "Principal Chen."


   Looking back, it was Zhang Zhongmou, the former chairman of TSMC, a legend known as the chip king.


   Gray-haired at the moment, walking with small steps.


   "Let's talk together?" Zhang Zhongmou smiled kindly.


   "Okay." Chen Hao was taken aback, but did not refuse.


   Zhang Zhongmou looked at Liang Yiqing again and smiled, "Also, Lao Liang, let's go together."


   Liang Yiqing fell silent, did not speak, just nodded.


   Four people walked out of Guanghua Hotel and walked on the campus of Guanghua University.


  In terms of academic qualifications, in fact, the closest person to Chen Hao among the four is Zhang Zhongmou.


   Zhang Zhongmou and Chen Hao are both from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Liu Deyin is a Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley, and Liang Mengsong is a Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley.


   All four are PhDs, but Zhang Zhongmou and Chen Hao have the highest gold content.


   Chen Hao's fourth degree Ph.D. is for the time being, but what about Zhang Zhongmou?


   This is a genius with 100% gold content!


   In 1949, 18-year-old Zhang Zhongmou was admitted to Harvard University and became the only Chinese among the more than 1,000 freshmen in the school.


   transferred to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology the following year, specializing in mechanical engineering.


   In 1954, he received a master's degree in mechanical engineering from Massachusetts Institute of Technology,


   In 1964, he received a Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Stanford University.

   moved to the top three prestigious universities in the United States, and became recognized by MIT, Stanford University, and Harvard University in that era. Zhang Zhongmou's IQ and talent are unique.


   "The environment of Guanghua University is really good."


  Zhang Zhongmou is a 90-year-old man after all. Although he is physically strong, he is the one who walks the slowest compared to the three people next to him.


   Looking at the scenery of Guanghua University, Zhang Zhongmou took a deep breath, his white eyebrows stretched out slowly.


   "I like it here, I like the air and environment here." Zhang Zhongmou said cheerfully.


   "Ludao here is much better than Hsinchu." When Ludao was mentioned, Liang Yiqing's stern face also began to loosen.


   "It's good, it's suitable for old-age care." Liu Deyin looked right and left, agreeing.


   "Ludao is one of the few livable cities, of course, except for summer." Chen Hao said jokingly.


   The temperature in Xiamen in January is a dozen or twenty degrees Celsius. Short-sleeved shorts can be worn during the day, but the sea breeze is relatively strong at night.


   Several people laughed, and Xiamen’s summer was indeed a headache.


   After chatting for a while, several people got acquainted with each other.


   Zhang Zhongmou glanced at Chen Hao, and stopped, "President Chen, I would take the liberty to ask, where is your school's optical core research?"


   Seeing that Chen Hao was lost in thought, Zhang Zhongmou thought it was a bit presumptuous, and said sincerely, "Now that we have become partners, we have to know in mind, otherwise it will be difficult to arrange future production plans."


   "Conquer the optical core technology by the end of the year at the latest, and realize mass production next year." Chen Hao let out a laugh. It is estimated that he was distracted by the scientific research project and was misunderstood by the other party.


   "Before the end of the year..."


   Zhang Zhongmou and Liu Deyin looked at each other, giving birth to a kind of fortunate escape.


   Fortunately, I have cooperated with Guanghua. Otherwise, when the results of Guangxin are released at the end of the year, I am afraid that the stock price will drop.


   "Your Guanghua University's scientific research capabilities are too strong." Zhang Zhongmou couldn't help but sigh.


   It is really rare for a private university to achieve such results in scientific research, and it is still in China.


"No, no, no, Dr. Zhang, you are wrong." Chen Hao shook his head and denied, and then explained seriously, "This is really not what our Guanghua can do, but it brings together the top group of scholars in the entire Chinese scientific research community. , Scientists, and engineers have achieved today's optical core."


   In the whole world, China and the United States can use the power of one country to conquer a huge scientific research project. If the Soviet Union is still there, the Soviet Union can be added.


   "This is also..." Zhang Zhongmou said complicatedly.


   Then, he looked at Chen Hao, and he had a question that had puzzled him for a long time and wanted an answer.


   "Principal Chen, I have a question. I don't know if it is convenient for you to answer it."


   "You said." Chen Hao replied ~www.readwn.com~ With your ability and financial resources, why should you be the president of a university? You could have become an outstanding entrepreneur. "


   Zhang Zhongmou’s remarks aroused the approval of Liu Deyin and Liang Yiqing, which is also what they did not understand.


   With Chen Hao's background, he can go directly to the business route without having to come to Guanghua University.


   As for scientific research, large groups also have their own research institutes and R&D departments.


   "I have seen Gustave Le Pen's "The Crowd", there is a sentence in it that I agree with, and it is what I have been practicing."


   Chen Hao raised his head to the sky, staring at the sun and couldn't help narrowing his eyes.


   "The education a country provides to young people can show us what the country will look like in the future."


  The century-old ups and downs of this country appeared in my mind, and I couldn't help but sigh.


   Only in an instant, Chen Hao's eyes became firm, and he clung to his words:


   "Education is the biggest feature of a country."


   "I will use my life's energy to prove that China's education is no worse than Europe and the United States! China can also have its own top universities in the world, and even the world's number one university!"


   "This is the ideal I pursue and pursue!"


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