I Am the President of the University

Vol 3 Chapter 547: 51 Anhai Road

February 1, 2021.


   Ludao International Airport.


   "The climate in Sagishima is better, and it's much more comfortable than it is in Boston."


   "Why don't you look at the sky and stare at other girls when the weather is good? Would you like to see them in front of them?"


   "Heaven and earth conscience, this is a subconscious reaction, there is a sweet wife in the family, what do I think of others? His...it hurts! Wife, I was wrong!"


At the exit of   , Chen Hao looked at the movements of the middle-aged man and woman in front of him. He really wanted to pretend not to know him.


   Dad is as persuaded as since!


  , Mother Chen glanced at Chen Hao, her eyes lit up, and she left Chen Wenxuan and walked up to hug her.


   "Oh, your mother wants to kill you!"


Then I scanned my gaze from top to bottom, and said proudly: "It seems that I haven't suffered much after returning to China for more than half a year. By the way, I have also heard your tossing in the United States. It is much better than your father, no My mother was in vain and I was born in October."


   "It's mainly because of my good genes that played a role, okay?" Dad's spit was heard from the side.


   Mother Chen squinted at Chen Wenxuan, "Did it come out of your stomach or my stomach?"


   Chen Hao, Chen Wenxuan: "..."


   "Sure enough, women are unreasonable!" Chen Wenxuan said in a desperate manner.


   "Well? You say it again?" Chen Muhu stared.


   "Ahem, I just said that I'm all reunited with my son, then go home first." Chen Wenxuan confided, pushing the suitcase and walking forward consciously.




  Chen Hao suddenly sympathized with his father, and it was not easy to live under his mother's **** for so many years.


   When I think of getting married in the future, in case you encounter someone as powerful as your mother...Don’t be too scary, okay!


   "Son, you don't understand." Mother Chen looked at Chen Wenxuan's back and shook her head.


   "Your father is different from you. If you don't care about him, it will be easy to learn badly."


   Chen Hao scratched his head, there is still some truth to this.


   Although Grandpa Chen Qingxing made the name of a Southeast Asian sugar king and founded Guanghua University on Ludao, he still failed in the education of his children.


   Aunt Chen Libing, don't mention that guy, success is more than failure.


   Uncle Chen Wenshi is not bad, he is just a playboy, married and still messing around outside, walking around on the mines every day.


   As for the old man, after meeting his mother, he was in charge of sticking to the clothes, although sometimes it is still not reliable, but compared to the aunt and uncle, it is already much better!


   All of this is naturally due to my mother.


   "It seems to be the same, but I think my dad also enjoys it..." Chen Hao noticed that his father was already humming, and he was obviously in a good mood.


   "Don't talk about us, you are 26 and not too young, do you have to consider starting a family? I heard that you and Qian Lao's granddaughter..."


   "Mom, it's so hot outside, let's get in the car quickly!"


   Before Chen's mother had finished speaking, Chen Hao had already slipped away.


   "This kid, I want to see when you can hide." Mother Chen snorted and followed.


   In the car.


   Chen Hao started the car and drove south.


   Both Chen's father and Chen's mother were sitting in the back row.


   "Xiao Hao, where are we going?" Chen Wenxuan asked.


"Go to Huaxin Road. There are still a few old villas in the legacy that my grandfather left to me. The location on Huaxin Road is quite good. I have asked someone to clean the house two days ago." Chen Hao glanced in the rearview mirror. , I'm afraid that the old man will do something else.


  The old villas on Huaxin Road are located in the central city of Ludao, near the ferry, with rich historical and cultural heritage.


   As for the construction time, it can be traced back to the early 1960s.

   At that time, in order to develop Ludao's industry, the municipal government allocated land specifically for the construction of villas for the return of overseas Chinese to live in.


There have been many overseas Chinese who have returned from Indonesia, Singapore and other Southeast Asian countries. They sold their cars and houses abroad, and returned here with foreign exchange, family members and passion, which contributed a lot to the current prosperity of Ludao. Li is one of the most concentrated residences of returned overseas Chinese in Lulu at the end of the last century.


   There are a total of 47 old villas, with a unit price of more than 200,000 yuan. The cheapest one is 50 to 60 million, and the expensive one is hundreds of millions. It can be regarded as one of the richest areas in Ludao today.


   "The old man left you an old house on Huaxin Road?"


   Chen Wenxuan moved his butt, and his tone became sour, "The old man is really partial. I don't have a house on Huaxin Road."


The old houses on Huaxin Road are priceless. Most of them are privately owned. A small number of them are operated by businesses and become Internet celebrity bookstores or cafes. They are called "Little Gulangyu" and many of them take wedding photos. Will come here too.


   "Don't go to the old house on Huaxin Road, let's go to the ferry." Chen Wenxuan shook his head.


   "Huh? Isn't Huaxin Road just by the ferry?" Chen Hao didn't understand.


   "Go to the ferry and take a ferry to the island!"


   "Why are you going to the island? When I went to the United States eight years ago, didn't you sell all your properties?"


   My grandfather passed away eight years ago. My father was split up by his aunt and uncle, and his family relationship broke down. In angrily, he dumped all the domestic industries and then took over the family's overseas industries.


   How come there are houses in China?


   "Hey, do you think your father is a pig? Guitu Sanku, our family still has an old villa on Gulangyu Island." The old man said with some pride.


   "Oh, where is it?" Chen Hao asked.


   "51 Anhai Road."


   "51 Anhai Road???"


   Hearing this number, Chen Hao's expression was a little weird, and there seemed to be something wrong.


   "It covers an area of ​​1,600 square meters. When I was leaving eight years ago, someone offered 110 million yuan and I didn't sell it. I thought that maybe I would come back later, so I just kept it." Chen Wenxuan's brows danced, as if he was so witty.


   "Fortunately, I have the foresight, Ludao now houses prices have risen a lot compared to eight years ago."


   The mother Chen on the side couldn't stand it anymore, and she took down the stage directly.


   "Are you still bragging about with your son? I wasn't stopping you at that time, you sold it a long time ago!"




The corner of Chen Hao’s mouth twitched, and his mother was right. His father is really unreliable~www.readwn.com~ Many people who don’t understand think that the old villas on Gulangyu Island are cultural preservation units and belong to the state protected buildings. Trading is allowed.


   This is farting. There are 1024 old villas belonging to municipal cultural relics on Gulangyu Island (the serious 1024, not the 1024), and some old villas are auctioned or resold every year.


   For example, in 2011, the Ronggu Villa, which was funded by the famous patriotic overseas Chinese leader Li Qingquan in the Philippines, covered an area of ​​3,600 square meters and started auctioning at a high price of 200 million yuan, which was a sensation.


   Mainly, many old houses cannot be registered due to too many owners or unclear ownership.


  As long as the property rights are clear, even if it is a cultural preservation unit, it is actually allowed to buy and sell.


   As for the price, it is basically over 100 million today, and the cheapest starts at 40 to 50 million.


   more than an hour later.


  Lu Island, Gulangyu Island, 51 Anhai Road.




   With a slightly harsh noise, the door of this old villa built in 1920 slowly opened.


   Under the envy of several tourists, Chen Hao's family of three walked in with suitcases.


  Ps: Water is a chapter of daily... Tomorrow, try to push the progress forward...


   Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly pass!


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